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Butler's General Amnesty Bill

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Washington, June 21. The bilí reporlod to-day hy Mr. Butrr, from the Comtnittee ni Uecoostruo;ion, próvidos f ra foil anJ general race, amnoBty and obüvinn of certain wrongful acts, iioins or oinissiont of all lersons engaged in t'.e war of tho lale obelli'n, ncurred or forfeitei betweon the llth of April, 1801, umi the 20th of AufeUBt, 1866, witb tbo full restoratinn of all rights &nd priilegea lost or injur'ed therthv ond tkercio. The rollowing olaesfsof persons and theirrigbts and causes aro excepted from al! the provisions of fhis .vt. mul none others : 1. ïhosc educa ted at the Military Acadetnv at West Point, or tho Nava! Aeademy at Annapolis 2. M-embtra of either II use of Congress or of the so-oallod Confedérate con [jress. 3. Wboever. held the ofiioa of lir-ad of one of one of tho Exeoutive Dcpartnients of tho United States, munster plenipotentiary, or minister resident, or judge of any court under tlie United otates, whoever held any like office iu t'iij Confedérate Siatrs. 4. W hoever voted for or signed nny ordinntico ol eeeession, or htliJ the office of Governor of a Stato whilo the same was in rebellion. b. Whoever, whilo in tho Ferviee of the 80 called CoDfoderate States, trented with cruelty or othcrwise thnn aouordiuf to tbc usages of Mar, any prisouer of war. G. Whoever, baving charge of publio monoys of llic United otate?, híis not accounted for and paid over the same, and whoever embezzled or sucreted public s'.orcs, public goods, chattle?, provisions, er military siores or naval property of the United St:ites. 7. All desertara from the army or navy and bounty-jnnipers. 8. All property nnd righta of property acifaired by any law, judgment or oxtent made and cxecuted upon any lands or tenements, goods, chattles, or other valuable things wbatever, or any sale or forfeiture by conüication or taxatiou whtreby nny rights or titlcsliavc bflcome vested either iu the Uuited States or in tbird pf rsocs. 9. Every picce and parcel of land, however it may be described and bouud ed, which now is or has been ued as a national eemetery, in which the bodies of soldiers of the United States are interrcd, or which is in occupation of the United States for the pui pose of a cernetery, which pareéis of laad aro hereby deehircd tho property of the United States iu feo by capiurc in war, and forevor dediented to the uses and purposes of cemeteries for soldiers of the United States, nnd to be under the sule jurisdiotion of thu United Statep, inalienable forever. Frovided, ïhat notbiug berein eontained shall affect or impair the validity of any act of Congress removing tbe political disabiüiies of any person neroin exempied from the effects of the provisions of this act. This act shall extend to all actsor omissions by any officer or soldior or other agent of the Uuited States in carrying out tho laws of tho United States known as the Ileconstruction, acts and other acts for the government of the rebellious States.


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