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Editorial Chips And Splinters

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- Disraeli nr.rt Iilackwood are haviug a ".mili" over Lothaie. - Woinan lias acqulred another of her rights iu Massachnsetts. A separate priso, -The eetate of Dickeris is cstimatciUkt L80,000, or $240,000. - A doeree was issucrl at Lisbon, on tlic 20th, abollshing the death penalty in Portugal. - The Archbishop of Canterbury discourages a counter movement to tlie Ecumcnical Council. - Again comes a gosslpy report across the ocean tliat Qaeen Victoria is about to - niarry agaln. - "Loafers and Loaflng" Iswbat E. P. Whlpple proposes totalk about during the next lectureseagon. - Wilkie Collloa isto unravel "The Myslery of Edwin Drood," Dickens bavlng left the material u such condition he eau sec throogh. f - Qáil Hamllton is said to be "fresh, fair, and about twenty-flve, a cbarmlng pereon to have in a house," and this despite her tart arücles. - J. H. Beadle, once a studenj; in ths Michigan University, has Cougressioual asplrations 88 delégate from Utah. He is a Gentile. - Grandfatlier Welles goes for Thurlow Weed in the July &iüai-y, in quite a refreshing style. The ex-Secretary evidentlv sleeps withonc eye uud oue ear open. - It took the people a long time to drop thee olT the end of Hoac's name, and it will be jast as tongh a job to get that cout Of Afcjkerman's name. - The Cincinnati Observatory is out of fonds, and the saie of its gíass, one of the best 11 the country, is tlinaieacd. What wil! it bc without the giass? - Fisli say.s that " the utmost harmony exista bet ween liltnsclf and President Grant on nll qnestions," and so no one need walt for his of-iish al old clothes. - A iian who oiight never to have been born of womati commends n woman as postmist'ress, because she knows wlien tliere is a letter for hini without looking, and, also, wliat is In it. - Josli Billlngs Srtys : " I had rather be a widdower once ju tivo years, reglar, than tew 1)l' a griinibling ohl halr dyed bachelor only ainety days." An Indiana "widdower" we presume Josh means. The telegraph anuounces that Congresslonal committees left Washington a few days ao to attend the commencement exerclsea of liincoln College - culored. White colleges are for topately exempt froin such raids. - A Cougressional committee has alrcady commenced investigatingthe claims of contesting piaces to be made the scène of celcbrating the coming centnnnial annivor sary ol the Declaration of Independence. Anti for six years will the treasury be tlius preyed npon. - The Al'iany Journal say.s that "the Repnblican party was not organized as a freetrttde party, any mere than as a protectiouioclatlon." That's so, if it has fulfllled lts mlsslon, for it has been a "protectionist asso#ation" all the time, protecting "loil" manufacturers and "loil" plnnderers - the lattersometimes called ofücrsand patriota The Advance suggests that the one vote in the Vermout Constltutlonal Convention for the woman sutfrage amendment, may be attributed, perhaps, to "puru contrariness.'1 The abused women - male and female - who canvassed the State ivith sncii a rieh fruitage, may be iuduced to charge the íi.'il no votes to "poor kussedtiess." f? - The Woman's Jvvrnal opens an artlcle on thedcfeat of the suflVaga amendment in the Vermont Constitutional Convention ; " Xoone cognlzant of the bigotry, narrowness, and general ignorance that prevails In'Vermont will be siirprised at this rosult." And Vermont loyal aud Radical to the core. That's accounted for.


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