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iH.TüoiT, Jane 2-tl '70. TÍIF. -W00L MARKET. Since onr last report wool bu reccivcd a new impulso, bilt flccms yet not very cncouraging The woolen trado east ie no botter, but buyers in this Stato seem to pay little attention tn 1%, Agent! have commenced to paj 4Cc for all good deun wou!, mul transuctioofl hare bees made In maoy instances at ihat figure. K;itcrn bnyers havo been been out ure, and aftcr looking about liave generally retarned diacoaraged, eayiug tht the highpziceswa have t pay are not srarronted by the present condltlon of the woolen goodfl tntde. Their representa' tioufi must be taken for wliat Ihey re worth cnly a they are doubtleu laboriug fur thcir uwn Interest re" yardless of ours. PRomrcB. During the last part o! the last week the fiour and wheat markets in pympmhy with the exdttmont in New York grew li vely , hut thcy h.ive tabslded yaïn and left ua without anythlcg of m n b Imporl note. Moncy is plenty and Ddrefaantfl are cloing a good deAl of advertisiut,' in conacipince. Tbere ie a pretty fair (Iemand for wbeaton the board tliis mom' ing, but there aro plenlT of scllers at ruling rates and the markot ia weaker and eomewhat lowi durinc the few prdrtona days. Lxtia is in vn dcraand at 1 .01. Nu. 1 white i not (uite so good at 1.51. RelUar, in moderate demand at 1 -ííS. Amber iowcr than at th opening of the weck, and ulea ar. 1.3Q, H wlll be noticed however that prlces are higbei than quoted in onr last report. In flonn thcro a a fair eutem demand bdth For of white wheat and low grades. ïhe eupply i and only trnnsactions of broken lot are made Wc quote fancy white whtat braiids at7.50(á," T5 ; dioico do. 6.75(7 26 ; medium do. A.25&6.76 ; amber. 5.C0. Low graden to raperfln ■ 4 2 . 5 00 Slncc our last letter potatocs have advanced still further, and now are now mueh inqnired after at 60c. Tho rap Ily is Cïhauïtcd almost entirely. - fow new potatoes sold iu our markt t ycsterdny for lfic perqaart which would be S4 SO per Lutshtl Barley is active and DOiulderabla hlgher. óne cbolce lot - ■ 19.00, bat t}.8Q 3 1.88 Ls the ruling figure. ROIT PRODTH B MAÜKÏÏT.- The followlDg qaotatl ■ ■ tht' corren t net pricer by commiston dealer. and are carefully fevtsedeVery week. ftir the Aitt.i k. by our Detroit coitroenondenfc. Deductlons fi-"m thnee prlcefl (br c mmisswua and charges , wlll Bhow the net ratea to fint banda : Appics, - Drled, 7@8c; Green, 40 Barley- per cwt.. }1.80i $l.èé forJío 1 Beeswaz - per i'1. '■." Ba t ter- Rol 1 andcrock 2228. Firkln, L'"0l. Dairj, 14'öjlO. Oorn- porba., 90. . r -wbiíe eapcrlor, Ö.7SiS7.T5. i ; amber 14 low grados. 4.5U@5.00. " rye .4 M) 9 llides- drv Oalf Bklns- Green, I3l6c; ary, 22 - ■: . Bheep Bklns- ÍOS 1.60 íanib Bkl& 40 Hopa -New. pur Ib.. Sgíllc. Lani- perlb.. I7c Rye- 1.06Ü 1 10. Oats- perba. - Onlone - perbbl.2 50 -'."■" Potatoee - (ïijc. Tallow Tiiiktjys - dre8sed,perlb., 19@20c, WlMai - extra wlute, 1.67 ; No, i. $1.47. -


Old News
Michigan Argus