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We Were Up At Kalatmazoo

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-Quceu Yiilagc of the State - last week, a ml wlth oi:r brethren of the press took occasion to do the Ilolly Water Works, just now the trtnnp card ofthat thriving and beautlful town. We have heretofore given an artlcle descriptivo of the Holly system, bat never before saw it in operation. The works at Ealamazoo are owned entlrely by tlie village, and baye cosí so far, - about six miles of .streel pipe belnglaldand 50 fire Irydranis put ïip, - Borne $60,000. Tlie waterls procnred from ;i well suuk to the depth of 2ö or :!0 feet, near tlie banks o! Oooper Cn ■'.■., about a mlle south of tlie umin business Btreet, Wben tlie well was Bunk, it was expected tbat It would be necessary to use Ibe water of the creek, filtering It In throogb the layer of gravel, but at the deptb nained such a copions spring of pure water was struck, tlirtt but once has the creek been drawn-opon, and then alz (re bydrants were open. The water is raised '.. Uolly Rotary Pomp, wltb the ald of a 120 horse power eugine, and by the same motor : throtiitb the net-work ofstreet matas supplylng the villagc. When j; l'.re hydrant is opened - anynhere in the vlllage- the flow starts the engino, increases the steam blows a whistle iu the engiue room in 27 seconds, wakes up the enginecr if asleep, and puts him on ictivc duty, so that by tiie time hose can be coupled on everythlng i readyforan active oámpalgn. Throwlng a two-lnch stream as no steam firc engine can throw onc - and a half dozen streams may be thrown at once in tlio business partol the town - a Ore has ouly to imítate David Crockett's coon - coma down. Besides being useíl íor lire purposes, and aíTürtling perfect protectiou, the water is being largely introduced iuto hotels, shops, and private dwellings, and sparkllng foontatna are secn pluying iu the beautlful grounds of niany a Citizen. As to the expense. Itcosts, as President Potteb of the VUlage Trustees, told us, $7,000 a ycar íbr Superintendent, Engineer, iucl, &C , to whk'ïi must be added tho interest on the cost as stated abovc. Last Satbrday a loan oí x2ö,0ü0 was aathorlzed, by a vote of 8 to 1. with the proceeda of whlch about flve miles more pipe Is to be laiil. Thls new pipe Is to be-pat down in such streets only as will guarantee watertakersenough to pay the interest on tho cost. It is confldeutiy assertcd tliat when Chis extensión is made the receipts for water sold to consuméis will pay the cutiré interest on tho cost of the works, tlien aggregatlng $85,000, wlth the rannlng expenses, and leave a surplus as the i egg of a siliking iund ior the extinguishruent of the debt, - the village getting proU'cüon against flre free, orat the siuall expense of keepinjj up three liose companles. For these facts, as for courtesies extended, we are Indebted to President PoTTKE' Supt. Phblps, and our good friend Dr' Postee Pratt. - Our city readers are at überty to medítate on tuis brief statement of what Kalamazoo has done and enjoys. It is officially annoiinccd tbat the Fourlh of July will visit our city "on time" thie seasou, wlth the following programme: A salute at sunrise by the Portcr Zouaves, a procession, oration, n of the declara tion, target shooting, picnic at.thc park, &c. The offleers of the day are : President - Gov. Felcii. Orator - Judge Lawrence. Reader - Hou. Jolin J. Kouisox. Cuiplaiu - Bey. L. IÍ. Fisk. iiarshnl- ilaj. II. S. Dean. Asewtanti-E. N. Gilbcrt, Ed. Vandawarker, Ed. Sumntr. Come all aud have a good time. m tn Owing to the large i:umbers of alumni and gnests expected from abroad to attend tlic coming commencement exCTdses, the Univer.sity authorit-es feel compelled to issue a mucli smaller nninbcr of tickets than heretofore. All the tickets will be glven to the members of the graduating class for distribution. No chlldreu wlll be adinittedon any account. Thcre Wlll be 300 tickets glvlng admissiontothegallerics only, to which the holden eau have access at 9 a. m., but hoklers of tickets for the maln Hoor cannot be admitted until aftcr the arrlval of the jirocession at 10 a. m. Wool does DOt come u vcry freely, growerg not liking the prices, and besldea bclng engaged on thelr farms, Bach & Abel bariug taken in about 15,000 lbs., and tod ajare paylug for iinc wool, o5@3Sc. for Cotswold 4jJ@45c. Measrs ."VIack & Scjimid are also bnylng, and have taken in al)out 15,000 Ibs., at the same range ol prices. We are without any report from other purchasera. At tho Commencemerit of Kalainazoo College, on Wednesday of last week, the degree of LL. D. wasconferred upon actlng President Fhiezb of the University. At the same time, IIekuy A. Fokd, r.ow Superintendent of Schools in Berrien Couaty, and the proposed Republlcan caudidate for State Superinteiideut, was made an M. A. 'Therc was a sound of revelry hy ir Not in Belgtuin's capital, but in Aun ArIjor's dining halls and .streets. The several University classes, Junior, Sophomore, Freshnien, and Pharmacy, have had reuuions and suppers this week, wlth spcaking, music. eating, etc. After uext week all will be quiet on the Huron. It is an amuíing if not a creditable performance, the continued denunciation oí theSupremc Courtby theYpsllantl Senttnel, tbat jounial liaving always lield the aid law unconstitutional. . ♦ - in The Studente' Locturo Aesoc'aüon lias approprlated -Y50 in aid of the University Keading Room, loaned the board of Chronicle editors 400 to invest In paper, and has money 1eft. A moueyed institution that Lecture Assoclatlon. Our tLanks are due to Dr. Fostkk Piiatt, of Kalamazoo, and Messrs. Bimoham, Stoïje, Wasbbk and Bakeiï, of the Michigan Publishers' Association.for favors and kindnesses when up at Kalarnazoo last week. lf elther of them ever get as suddenly laid out as we did, may ha Cali lato as good hands. The erossiog from the Qregory Houso corner to the Court House square is being taken up and put down for the - we were going to say the twtmUeth, but perhaps it ia only the- nlneteenth time. We hope that it will be well done this time, and thcn that It wilTnot be immediately coyercd up willi gravel. Our city is aiready fillmg up with visitors, parents and friends of the next week's graduating class at the Univcrshy. The Indlcatloni are that the alumni will gather home in large nambers, and that there will be a good time on commencement dtiy. Tho examinations iu tho publicschools of thi city closed yesterday. This day, at 10 a. IC, the exhibition of the grad uating class of the High School takes ])lace, and we are quite sure Ihat nothtog bul this ainiouuceiueut is ucccsïary to secure a full Hall.


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