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The July Magazines

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Ere Jane was half done the July maga zinc commer.ccd lo ;itier upon our tabla íind now imite In clalmlng brief mcntion. - Puinam opens wlth a vigoróos pocm by R. H. Stoddard.The Klng's öentlnel ; followed by a racy sketch, Öalmon-Flshlng on tlie Nlppisslgult, by Thaddeus Norris ; At the Asssclated Press Office, both readable and instructl ve ; Lovc In Fiji, by T. M. , M. D. Wíld Heos, by John Bnr: A Woman'a Kight, vn., byMrs. II. O. Ames;To francés , byT. Bochanan Iíniíi ; lis IIonor'iDaughter, a well-told story, by O. M. Ellsworth Plctures in the Private Galleries of New York, by Eugene as a Statesman and Novelist, by J. 31. Bundy ; A Dlsenchanted Rcpablicaa, by a Germán Traveler, Editorial Noten, literatura at home and abroad, etc. The nnmber inltlates the vi. volume. G, 1'. PuthAM & Soss, New York. - The Qátaxy has : A Leap In the Dar!;, by Edward H. JSouse Aimncan Women and EoglUh Women, b}' Justin McCartby, coinplimentary to the former; GleanlDgS from the Sea, by John G. Draper ; Museums of Art, ArtlstS, and Amateurs In America, by J. J. Jarves ; the last chapters oí Put lelfln Hls Place, by Chas. Reade; Jlr. Welles in answertoMr. Weed, In wliich the Ex-Seerctary provea himself awake and cuough for Tlinrlow ; ivitli other stories, poems, drift-wood, art notes, and not the leaet, Mark Twatn's side splitting "Memoranda." A spicy numljer, and the llrst of volume x. BBXUDON & Co , New York. - Lippincott is fresh and sparkilng, wlth : The Pettlcoat in the Politics of Englanti, by Justin McOarthy ; Tvvo Letters, a tale, by Vt'. A. Thompson; On the Hypotlic) of Evolutlon, Physical and Metaphyglcal, i., by Edward D. Cope ; A Week Among the Mormona ; Shall we Despair of the Kepublie ; Lake Superior and the Sault St. Marie, by Isaac Aiken; Sir Harry Hotspur of Hnmblethwaite, in , by Anthony Trollope Rnssla In Central America ; A Ghost as a Modern Convenience, lesser artlcles, poems, uotcs, &a. J. B. LiPPTSOOTT & Co., Philadelphia. The Ailintic opens wlth, The Alarm Bell of Atri, a gem of a poon by Lougfellow; followed by : A Bhadow, by T. W. Higginson; A womau's Pulpit, by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps ; Drives from a Frenen Farra, n., by P. G. Hamerton Equal yet Diverse, by Burt G. Wilder ; Josuph and His Frieud, vu., by Baystd Taylor, growlng in iuterest ; Au Ex-Southerner in South Carolina, by N. S. bhaler ; another of the Old Town Fireside Stories, by Mrs. Stowe ; Criminal Law at Home and Abroad, by Francis Wharton ; The shipping of the United States, by E. II. Derby ; A Day's Pleasure, by W. D. Ilowells, etc. It is the initial uuuiber of the xxvith volume. Fields, Osqood & Co., Boston. From the samo, Our Toung Folies, as full of good things for young America, asan egg is of meat, and uot to be sneezed at by older readers either. Mrs. Whitney, J. T. Trowbridge, Mrs. Diaz, and other Toung 'ivorites are among the contributors to this July nuniber. - The Eclectic Magazine opens with : Ilistory of tba Euglish Bible, frora the Quarterly Review ; and among the papers worthy of note, has, Prof. Iluxley on Des" cartes', from Mucmühtn't Magazine ; Lectures on the Science of Religión, u., by Max Muller, from Fraser'x Magazine ; A Fortnight in Kerry, by J. A. Froude, etc. The uumber is embelli.shed wlth a superb-steel plate, "James Watt, 1733-1819. E. R., New York. - The Calluilic Worldhtts ,'ourteen papers, including: The Catholic of the Ninetecnth Century, Dion and the Sibyis, The Ancient Iiïsh Churches, Pliases of English Prolestantism, The Pope and the Council by Janus, ii., Ten years in Rome, Lothair, and The First Ecumenical Council of the Vatican, vi. Address LawbekCE Kehoe, New York. - GdiUy'a Lady's Book enters pon its volume with the July number, but will be found as yonthfnl and attractlvo a8 ever. The fashiou, work, and domestic departments are strong points, the illustraíions belng profuso and directions ful!. The stcTlcs are readable. Goiley Is the nuigazlne i'or the lady's bouidolr or work-room. Address I. A. GoDET,'Philadelpbla. Avüiur's Magatine has its usual varled tabla of couWnts, story and verse, by popular authors, witU fashiou plates, domestic raatters, etc. The number brgins the xxxvi. volume. $3 a ycar. T. S. Artiiur & Son;s Phlladelphla. Tli Ohildrerí Bóur, fro:n t!ie same publlshera has attractlve pictu.res and good stories, Jast such as will amust' and instruct thellttle folks. It is the lirst jiumber of volume vin. ?1.25ayear. - Wlth the current number, July, TM Nursery enters upon its vm. volume, erery onc of its 33 pages sparkling with point.s. The Nunery pietures, stories, poeins, anecdotes are a mine that the little ones don't k-ave unworked an liour after lt gels hrto a house. $1.50 a ycar. John L. SnonEY, Boston, Mass. - The J uly Liltic Corporal opens a new volume in an iinproved form and enlarged. It is now, in print, illustrations and matter, a model magazine ior the f 00 Dg, a credit to its" publishers anti the great weit. "Chlld-llke but not chlld-wft, it rejolces tbc hearta of both parents and chlldren alike." $1 a year BsWSLL & Mii.i,er, Chicago, 111. - The June Manufaclurer and Jluilder'jH au excellent number, both in illustratious and coutents. THis periodical commends itself to every mechante of whatever trade. CERN & OOMPANT, N. Y. - Tlic June ïnonlhly part of Oliver Optic's Magazine concludes that popuiar story "Field and Forest," and has a capital list ol articles besides. Oliver Optie is now abroad, and ia coming nambera will deifcrlbe his travels. In weekly and monthly paris. $2.50 a year. Address Lee & Suei-ard, Boston. Gorman Bcginning and Grammar School, daling vacation only, in tho muraing from 0 to 12 o'clock, commencing the üth of July, la the basement of tneUnltarlan Church by EKULBAÜB, Teacher of Germán in Union School. S'ïkit Ql-inink, Acrosá the continent.- Thlí new and lmpoitaat lmprovemest upou tho familiar and lntensely Bittür Quininc, hns. in one short year, 1869 como largcly into nee In every State In the Cuion, from Mainc tet California. It i put up- Jluid, for cotvenience of th,e k1-'111'1'! [public, and in powder for lMiyslciaua nnd Drnggists, to use in prescriptionsIf any Ifr:ifri,'ist or Doctor cries ' Ilumbu," you may reply- "It is nnuill to do ui] that the )!itter Quluino will do" STBAEN8, FARR & CO-, Manufacturlng Cbemlatt, New Vork. Sold by überbach H Oo.