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Democratic Congressional Address

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Washington, Juno 2-t. The Democratie Senators and members of Congress, at t caucus held iaat uight, agreed upon an adórese, wliich was to-day sigoed by cloven Senators and sixty-thi'eo Ripresentatives. Ti our Fil'oiï Citizens of the United Stalet, of Comíitutional, Economical, and JIonest Qovernnwd : 'íbo undorsigued beg leave to cali your sttention to tbo peculiar importance of the elections whiota take plaou thia ycar, ■nd respectfully to submit eomc sugfsstioDS for your consideraron. By the late Legislaturas to bo elected nearly ODe-third c-f the United States Sonate wrll'be cbosen. Nearly all tho mcinbers of"tbenest Houso of Kepresentalives are to be elected next fall. Upon the coming elections, then, dependa the qaesiánn whether tho Democratie and Uonservaüve element in trie Sonate shall be increased, and whether that clement ehall have a mnjority iu tho House of Representativo?, and, &a aonsequence, whether wo ehall lave a constitutiooal, economicnl, and honest goverument, or a continuance of revolutionary, extravagant, and wasteful and parlisan rule; wbether wo fcliall have genoral, uoiform, jast, and eoDStitutioual legislation, with reasooaíble taxation and frugal exponditore, or uncoustitutional, partial, j}as legislation, with oppressivo and uaequal taxatiou aud wasteful expenditure. That wo have strong reasons to hopo flbr a favorable result ia plainly appareut. The elections alrcady held cleaily show that the tide of reform has set in with power that cannot be resisted if no blunders be committed by the friendo of reform. If they do their duty and aot wisely ; if lliey throw oiï all apathy and act with vigor and steadfís'.nci-R, tbere is evory reatos to hopo that their Offort3 wHl be rewarded by success. Let tíxere be no dissonsions about minor matterB, no time lost in the discussion of dead issues, no manifest ation of narrow or proscriptive feeling, no sacrifico of the cause to gratify personal ambition or reBentment, and !et tho best men be chosen ior enndidates ; and we may hope to Bee our country ledeemcd from misrulo. Aud inthis connection we beg leave to say a Trord to our felIov-sitiBeoa of tbe Soathern States. Do not risk the Toss of Senators or Representativea by electing men who cannot take the test oath, or who are under the disability imposed by the fourteenth nmendment, whatever may be said as to the validity of that amendment or tho test act, you may rest assured that Senators elected by the vote of members of the Legislatures who are held by the lladicals to be thus disqualified will also be excluded. It is the plainest diutate of practical wisdom nor to incur any such risks. We hope soon to see the day when all disabilitieB will be removed ; hut in the meantime do not, wo entreat you, lowo the opportunity to strengthen tho .Democratie and Oor.servative fnree in Congress, and the possibiiity, nay, probabiiity of obtaininfr a majority in the next House of Representativos, by putting it in the poer ofour adversa riesto overthrowor disregard your electiODS.


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