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Canada For Independence

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New York, June 27. The World's Montreal special says a great independence niass meeting took place d Montreal on Saturday night - In the couree of a stirring speech, Hon. John Young said that ihc timo had now come when Canada should Bever the connection with Ureat Britain and bacome au independent natioc. At this announcement tho gronter part of the vast assembly cheered lustily. La Flaniroe 6aid that au appeal toEngland for support ia case of tho invasión of the Dominion would be futilc; the present imperial administration has deserted her ooionios, and proved herself a stepmother to those who bad evinced the deepe&t affee:ion for her. It was thereforo folly to thinic or. anything but independenee. Other speakers followed in the sanie stiaiu and the meeting adjourned toTueeday. Tho independence movtment may bo regardud as fully staited in the Dominion. Tho Freuch Monetary Commission to defino currency valuta bas d' eided that gold is the ouly legal stan'dard tender. It recomraends that the new gold ooin tweuty-five francos pieces of France be assimilated in valuo to the British gold sovereign and American half eagle. Ono Ephraim Williams bas brooght suit agaitist the Kansas PauiËc Railroad Company for $2,000,000 damages. It is alloged that tho cornpany def'rauded Lira of bis ïights as a stockholdtr. A fellow by tlia name of Thorn, ia cm .- sidtration of $10,000, is to leap in tli Niágara, from tho Suspcusion Bridge at the Falls, August 15tb, lieiorts to the agvicultuial journals from the southwestern counties represent tli at tiie potato erop Las uot suileroil from the drouth aud promisea an abuudaut iold. The New York Express says the English mission bas been ofl'ored to exSonator Morgan, oí Ï9W York. Tbo wbeat erop in Southern Illinois is about completed, aud it is pronounced t'io best erop for many yeare. Corn als looks promiBing. Four cases of eunstroke "occurred in New York Monday, althougb tho heat was niuck less opprcEsive thaa oneveral preocdiug days.


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