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The House Having Killed The

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tiontnent bilí as amoiided by the ate - by referring it to the Coremitlee on Judioiary, Senator ITaklan, of Iowa, iinmediately - on Fiiday lost - iü trocí u eed a new bill, givÏDg eaeh Statu in additional Representativo in the ncxt Congrcss for each 150,000 of [lop&ia tion in exss of that ehpwn by the census oí 18G0, or for a fráctional excess of 125,000, tho additional inernbers to be elected by general ticket unless othorwiso provided by State legislation. - It is bo oxpected that the bill of Senator Harlan will aliare a fute nny different froni ita predecessor. Tlie old States are not disposod to let the least bit of polilical power slip froin their greedy grnsp until eompelled so to do. And this compulsión will uot come until the census has beon completcd and ita results announced. That will be too late to secure any additional representation in the LXII. Congrefs, and 60 the dozen or two liadioal aspirauts for the threo or four expected places "at lsrge" may hang their barps on the willow. Tuk Republicana of tliis Congressional district have been rclievcd of one aspirant, and tho candidates for a nominalion to succeed "Our Blair" narrowed by the samo humber, Hon. Ciias. ï. Goriiam, of MareLaü, havicg bffen appoiuteil Minister to the llague, the piuco, until reeen tl y, filled by the presideutial brother-in-law Kramer. Mr. Goriiam has been known os an active poütjcian and successful banker, but we Uou't kni)w that he can talk Dutrh or possesses any other special qualificatione for the position to wbiofa ho bus been ass'gned. - At present it is not known that Gallioun has more than two caudidates for a CoDgretoidaa] nomination, but iu the multitude oP her Radical sons anOther two miiy bc developed before the convention símil be held, The removal of Minister Motley is seriously threatenod, - at loast by tho newspaper correspondent at Washington. No ppociul reasons are assigned, -b it ns it is intimated that Fish can have bis place, it ia highly probable that a more active politician, one of more pronounced Radical proclivitics and tendencies wants and is to havc_ the Cabinet seat now oeoupied by Fish, somo man in sympathy with Cubans and rebels evorywhero - oxoeptat home. The City Council oí Toledo, on Tuesday evening, by a vote of 11 to 2, approved the contract made with J. Ei_ w-in Conakt for the contruction of a railroad from LexingtoD, Ohio, through Toledo to Ann Arbor. Now let the railroad men of this city - if any such there be - take hold of the matter as if they meant work. Playing at subsoribing stock jvill fill the bill no loDger. Tjikise daughters of Thos. Swikyard, ex-managing director of the Great Western Rnilway, were drowned by tho capsizing of a boat in Burlington Bay, Hiimilton, Canada, on Tuesday raorniog. Their father, two brother3, and another gentleman were in tho boat with thom, bul were saved. The cable announces that Queen Isahiilla - late of Spain, but for somo time rusticating in Paris - has finally gone through tho motions and formally abdicated her throne in favor of the Prinoe Asturias. She was permitid to mako her will beforo signing tho writ of abdicatiou, that it niight be "tho act of a sovereign." Alonzo E. CoitNiin, has been appointed Assistant United States Treas urer at New York, tice Judge Folgee resigned, but ia reported - declines. Tiie Republican State Convention has been called to be held at Detroit, ou Thursday, Sept. Ist. Tui-; IIouío dtifeated tLe Conference currency bill on Weduesday, and anothör conferenco committeo was ordered.


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