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The High School Exhibition

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The exliibition of the gradnatlng clasB 'theL'nionHigUSclioolin Ui is city WL Kf'd on the forcnuon of Friday last, the hall Utagvery well fllied despite tlic exccssré beat. " Tlie followlng programrao was observed: - ihc pce.l of egtruction, Thomas W. Bond. i Jewels, I.yúiK; l i'SKinünSw ofPralse. fharle8 S. CurcU. ï litara, Mary E. McMauon. , T. Ekments of National Powr, Jeromo C. KnowlW'Ti,c Tlcad and tae neart, Edna E. Corawe'.l. ha --Tlie Crystal llunters." s Tbe Politica! Weappn, Lorenzo Davls, Jr. ia rssilef in Spain. Francia I. P'agff. n The p"op)e 'l " Mound; Jqhn WU. ■."Softly. Ugntly, Sweetlj Slng." i AmcrianÜtcrsture, Patrkk Uuiman. Beaotv, MarianSmitli. }J;oppOi1tion asa Dsveloplns Power, Fred A. ïai?-"Tlie Tnrfehall hoi3' (ïagrant shrh:c." The nicmbers of the class acqultted themelves creditably to themselves, their inftroctors, and the school, commandlng the jdrairation of frieuds aud the commenda(MOfTlrilrOW. At tha close of M9 speak. Jjg, Sapcrintendent JOBXS, in beluili of tho Boird, preseuted to each of the graduales o! tbe several couraes a certiücale of iollows: ■,if- Tiiomoa IV. Bond, O. Preston i„to Charle 8. Barch, Lorenzo Devie, Jr.,.u-mmeC.KDOwlion.Fn-d A. Maynnrd, .lolin Wnll. uoM.lVaicrman, WllUam II. Wells. Georgo Mttk Cour- Edna E. Cornwell, Francts I. Ljdla E Ide. JoephlneL. Jewett, Margaretta iMj'resdy. Ha Monnt, Zoe Pennlngton, tda 8. aian Smltn, lila Uüjohu, Alta E. Wilmot, ffheeler. iaun Cmirsf- FrcdolU-k L. Forman, Patríele Coi' mn.EnseiieK Hutchins, Jolm N. Wheatley . ,, Germán- Helen E. Arkaej. Sarah G. Bmriqnei, Mary E. McMahon. id Lalm - Myra Jom f. iaiitt, Qemon and French - -ïalia M. Bfirry. Anu üni Frenck- Likv M. Carpenter. Gimin- Katio J Ro;irs, Lcvi 1). Wiucs. Sopciiutendent Jokes tuen addressed theclassa lew fitting and feeling wortls, commendiug them for thcir good conduct ts 6cholars, for the attalnment thej' had made, and adrislng them to be true men md modest, virtuovis -vomeu wherover their future lot may le cast, svlicther In the y or iu BOme Beid of more practical labor, tic also announced liis resigmtionol the poslslon be liad held ior three amiouiiccmciit wfeich, though not onexpected, was beard with regret b_jr p&rents, piipils, the school board, anu all triends of tlie school. Mr. Jones has been svery saccessful teacher and superintendent, and iii liis charge the schools of our city have advancni from thcir previons prond position. lic leaves the schools wlth the good Wil of all connected with them, and with the best of wishes for liis eqnal success in liis new splierc Of labor - the Univcrsity. Col. Gbakt, in bdialf of tlie Board, Èwmadea few appropWate reraarks to the class, after wbtcb the benedlctlon was ptonounced by the Rev. O. D. Gillespie, uitmothcr prospei'ous school ycar was tlosed. - The music for tlic occasion was ndcr the directiou of A. Wilsey, and was cxllent, The last week has beau tho hottest er experiencedhereabouts, and will long ieknowuiis" theheated term." OuSaturJ last the merenry went on a hender and fecorded 98 in the sluule, and cach day ilnce it bas ranged araong the 90s. It has used uo effort to sweat, and the fact is tl more one tried to keep cool the more he weat. Several thunder showers liave threatcned, and Taesday afternoon a little rainfell.but without coolingtlicatmosphere !rptibly. The heat still perseveres. Tlut's all.except thatas misery lovescomJo.r it is a pleasurc to say that other fKts faT and uear are enjoyieg the same kiesing. Gen Geo. D. Hill has cleared away tkembbish at thc oíd Excliange corner, 'id cominenced the excivatlon prepara'wytothc erection of a hcw block. We ttttat he contcmplatcs building a large nlfiüe hall, the very thlng our city needs. foltbejoomj, wlth wide halls, and well "■tíikUd. "M Railroad meeting on Saturday Ding last was very well attended, and ■Ecgexe Pbinolb, of Jackson, made a '{fy interesting speech. Thosc who heard "-and those vrho didn't- ought now to "Acribe more Uberally. JnBt as we expected. The new sing from the Gregory Ilouse comer to Square is belng bedded in gravel, sh the street at that point was already When shall we have any system "Sradng and workiug our streets. Ht Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesrevenings. Prof. J.M. Macaixister, the lan.wlllgive some of his entertainet"s at Hangsterfcr's Hall. His illusions Ddergwin doubücss be entertalnlng StlíÍ5tercBtingtoall. c 'e are indebted to Hon. O D. Conj fr a copyof his speech on Hartar ana Sma11 íavors than}íoteadeCeiVeCl' ■N rcflection ou tUc speech J Tluable horse bclocging to MïOHkill' . 1QUK' of Bhaeron, was Instantly foot OnC lUy 'ast week by rallin" illt0 a 40 "Wfsc th TllewoU was fllIe(l UP wilh thc Situ !Umber of Paies wero arrested on res VMt 'r 1)athiI'íí 'm thc race, be"MiDance k '"' '" viollltíoa of the cii? rWtS Werö n S'8day ,,u, r' but aiJouruc(l on AVcanesWttonteiecöng a Preldent. SiSftiS? has While tbe ladies of other towns aro content ivilli talkins about " Womtn's Rlghts," those of Coldwater have already lied unto tlicin, and espccially to tb ixdep&ndeni rlghttö celébrate tlie Fonrth of July on their own book. We append thelr programme, list ofofficers, etc: dtnt -Mr. Mms T.ewis. Tiet PrenUmt-Vn. Blla OhBdlr. : Aitflïno ïïont, rrs. rn lïobinsnn, Mr. Harrlet Qllbert, Mrs Curoline Nancj Herrington and Mre. Emeline Birber. Kin'-iii" of lio'li and N;i!ion;ü salnte nt siinnso, the cuns "f tlio fur-fameJ Loomis Bitter; beinii hroneht ont to rr"r'i" ('1: dami ol ftcedom'a Wrthday. AtSlo'dock . ., teexercies proper of the fiay will takc place In tbo Court House Square as follow8 : Praftr-Jin. Sarah Marsh. st..,r Spangled Banner Chorus : Mlsaes Prntt nii'l Masón. JUading-VKlaraHrn "f Indepmimce- Miss Hattie Boot aOoddeeof Llbertr. -Miss .loscphln Tnrner. jUmiif- Misscs Vratt ml Mason. Oration - Miss Pniden. Betudlaion-Vn. Sarah Marsh. Aftcr whlch is to bc a diuncr, toasts wlth responses by the ladies, and a ball in the evening.


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