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Second Hand And New Organs

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And MelodeoTis for sale vcry chap at lVof. IillB mnsic room, N'o.43 Main Street. (Over IIiill 4 RotiüBOn's.) 12ÏCtf ALVIN WILSEY. Ton can bny Nottinjrlmm Lace for Curtnins at the New Mllllnery Store, for 16 cents a yard, worih 60 cents, Nnttingham Lace at SO cents, worth 65 cents, at the New Mlllinery Store. Nottlngham Lace Curtains at the New Mlllinejy Store, $1.50 a pa)r, worth $3.50. Xotünstiain Lace Cnrtains from anciion at haU their pricu at the New MUlinry Store, 4T South llaiu Street. Frcnch CorBet T3 cents a pair, 'wnrrantcd whalebone. The rpsult of the influencc of Swket Quinine is that it is exorted primarily on the blood ftnd non the uerves. It is includcd in the restorative or blood medicinPB, po that its action difl'tis verv w'-.Cx ly from the antiperiodics or fever and ague remedies of anothfr class,uch as argente etc. Sweet Quinine prodnees no marked effect npon the system in perfect lioalth. It nctke acts as poison. Sold by Eberbach & Co. Address R. V. Pierce, M. D., 183 Séneca street, Buffalo, N. Y., and get a pamphlet on Catarrh Rcmedy. ÍC00 reward is offered by the proprictor lor a caso of Catan h in the hcad which he caimot cure. Sold by drnggists. Look ont for counterfeita and worlhless imitationa. The gennine has Dr. PIcrcc's privuii! Goverument Stamp on it. Cnt this out, as yon may ncver see it again.


Old News
Michigan Argus