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Uta j&fotúwwwBto. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OP MICHIGAN, County ofWiwhtenaw, ís. ln t he matter of Ihc estáte" of Benjamín Colé, deceased. Kotice la hereby given that iu jmrsuance of an order granted to the undersigeed, AdininúHratorof theestate of eaid deceased, by the lien. Jndgc of Probate for the Connty of Washtenaw, on the twonty-soventfa dar of June, A. I). 1870, thora wlll be eold at Public; Vemhur, to the. hlgnest bulder, ut tbc dwelling house on the premiues herelnafter deBCTlbed, in the Connty of Washteuaw, In caiil Blatft, on Wedncfcday. the scventeeuth day of August, A. J), 1870, at one O'clock in the afternoon of that riay, fsubject to all e ncumb ranees by mortgage or other vin axftting at the time of the, deatn of said deceRsed, and also subject to the riht of dower of his widnw thereln), the followlng descrlbed real estáte, to-wit : Thfl Mat half of the gouihcast quartcr aud tliE oast three-quarters of the BOUthweet quarter of the southeait quailerot seciion thirty-fivc. in tomiBhlp fotu' BOOth of range fivc cast, containingone haodred and teu acres moreor less, in auid Ktate. Dultíd, June TtU, A. 1). - HSNBT P. HAKMOND, 1276 AdmlnJstiator. Drain CommissioDer'a Notice. N0T1CÏÏ is hereby given, that the Urain CommisBioner oi Wiinhtcnaw County will be at the Of Win. Clark, in tho townabip of Superior, on the lGthday of Jnly, 1870, at 2 odock p. X., to meet paules to contract for the excAvaliou and construction of :i Draiu, kcowu as Clark Lako bruin, on Sections U aud 12. I v.ï'.l alio be at the house of Wm. Clark, on tho ltth day of July, lTO, at 4 o'clock p. m. at which time I will exhfbft map of theabove proposed draiu, and d(ifciipiionö of tbe sereral pareéis of Inud deemed by me beneflted thereby, and the amouut juhI descriptions by divisions and sulxlivisions of the above dewribüd propoHuddrniu, by mo apportioned to tin; owners of each dencrlptton to construct, ndtothe townhip of Superior to construct on account of Kuch drafn ncnefltlnghlghway, and to hear reanone, if any areoffcred, why such apportionmeutshculd bo reviewcd and corrected. Aun Arbor, June -9th, lR7f. JAMES J. PABSHALL, 127G County Draiu Coinuii$ioucr. bMMGBWtI i i 13Umiiww ffjyiï i ) iaWfMffMrT'j J Thiaiaihe most thorough il parifltl J dll envore'l,nrt roa(( humor fnim tli o wortt irroTí'i to a cumroon Knplion. PbDplaa aml Motetes on tüefaco, Binl sealy or roogJi kin, whtoh are aneh annoyintf blemlahea lo muuy young perdón, ;'U to tbe uso of feu bottlof thu ronderful medicine. Krom 0110 te, eignt bottlu euro Balt Rhenm, Erya'pelae,8cald De ui. Ring Worm, Bolla. Soaly Eraptioal of the Skin, Porofnla Sorea, Oleen nl "Oanker' In tin Mouth nd Stomaoh. It 11 pur medicinal extract of nilirt roota and plant, eombhling m barmony Natnraa moat avnrtign oaratlT propertie whloh God has InatUtod in'.n the rexetabla linprimlinKthosick. I' reëtonitta tb trcDgtb and vigor of tlio aatom. Thoaewho ari' langU'd, Sleeplea, hT icrro ajin-ehenstons er far, or nj oT the nltections aymptomatie of totalenes, wlll fin'd convino I f i' restorative powerupnn trtal. lf yn Ctel rf'-'i, , A''Ufniand dapondent, have frequent herdaebe, mouth ily i i tl1 murning. Irrejular appetlte and i-oatod, ;oü ai-fi niiT From Torpid LlTr or bi'ovisncBa. In irony oaea of Ller Complalut orlya part of theee svmptoma or experisneeo. Aa arcmclyfor tlurhcnarp. lr. 1' enlleaIcalDiiooTerrbaano eqoal.aa Ita ffecti perfoctly cures lfavn tbe livor utrentlheneil ml hwlihy. F..I tbc cure of Haliüuul Constlp itlon '! tb Bowel lt is a mi ver faitingremi ■ , nd tlmso wliolinre ea It for thla purpose are lond in In profte. In Broncbial, Tbroat anrt Lung DiueB. Il baa pr manr remarkablc cnri , her medicine liad i raJJed, .- iit at M 00 pt buttlu. I'ieparedatthe Cbcmi-nl l.aboraimy of B. V. PIEBOE.M.W., Bnlfclo.N.Y. TEA. I TEA. C. A. LEITER & CO. OF No. 1 GUEGORY BtOCK, boU the Sole Agoncy of lbo Great United States Tea Go. Oí N'cw Vork, fur the City of Ann Arbor. Thin Cnropany deal cxtlusivply in TfA andCOF FEK, ndpurcliasctlicir Toa by tbe Cargo. Tbelr Superior Knnvledge of thla Ctaaa of (Joods, and unnsual facilitica for purcliasing Tcae.givctliem A GREAT ADVANTAGE over smaller dealers. These Teas are put up in Pouml Packages, (down weight,) ana tlio price an.l kind marked in plaln plint and flgnrea by the Company on each package, so theresliall be NO PARTALITY IN PRICE OR QUALITY. ANY TEAS PURCHASED OF US NOT MEETING RECOMMENDATIONS MAY BE RETUENED AND THE MONEY REFUNDED, As we sballnotscll any ajultorateil nrticle - know ingly. Wo faal conGdent that 25 to 3314 Per Cent, can be Saved By Turcbasing Tbcse Tean. Ann Arbor, Jurre 24th, 1870. C. A. LEIDER & CO. !2T8tf TF YOU WANT A SUMMEE, HAT, IF YOU WANT A STYLISH HAT, TF YOU WANT The Hat of the Season, TF YOU WANT A " Hat as is a Hat," TF YOU WANT Hats Cheap - for Cash. TF YOÜ WANT A Straw, Palm or Panama, G-O TO A.. A.. TEREY'S, 15 South jVIain. Street. Wherc you crill also flnd a full line of Gcnt'f Furnisbing Goodf. AnnArbor, May, 1870. 1249}1 npHE RICHEST FARMING LANDS 1,300,000 ACRES FOR SALE TO ACTUAL 8ETTLEBS. NEOSHO VALLEY, KANSAS, Unicn Pacific Eailroad Co., Southern Brancb The Lan is now offeied by tliis Companny are situated m h iiil y within twiniv nal loa on tsuli m lo o f the roaa, extomiintr on hundred and Reventy miles al.vní the NEOSHO VAlJ.EY - therichest, finest,and moai invitirg valley for pettlemc-nt lo tlie west. One-third o( the labo t raquíred t the Kast n the culture of f;t rtns wíl 1 iimire bere doublé the amount ofJcropB. For orchard, gr'ie culture, and Bmall f r u ík iii L'nral, it i e unrjualed. BflI.DIXG MATERIAL AND FF.NXING of eTcry I nl d -reat abunda nce. TiOCK RAlálNG.- The nch native graj ses of thc prairies and boítom-!. with the lai-go rea ofunoconptod laiiriSjin eonoection wlth tho dry, tni!d,and bpen wlotere, present nnequated idvantages for the raí e i ng o f shef p and horses, H.MUYINC- ín auob eountry, with ranfs for ptock unrwítrktoi! aml pastore llmltles?t tíie itroductii'ii of iiuitr ar.d cheese mavi be proHtable. FEU1T-QR0WLNG is oni of tho sptcialtitt, dcnion.tratcd hy Qold Meda] awaroed i tlic Stateof Kansas by tbe Pttniuylraiila Htaie Horticultura! 6ocioty f-ir " A Collectiox of FnriTS L.vsUKl'As&EU KOB SZK. HKAUTT, ANI1 F1.AVOU." THE CUM ATE AND HEALTH of Kansas are unequaled. ThMladeed, are amone i ta chief excellcncíes, aad are recommen i'Hlcment. PRICES OF I.AXO Frora 2 to $8 per acre ; credit of ten (10) vcars' time. TKRMS OF BALE.- One-tenth down at time of purcliftse. No payme&t tbe second yenr. Ono-tenth eve-y year after unti 1 complettou of layracnl, with vniii'ifil ntprost. THE HKAD LAND OFFICE íilocatea at JUNCTION CITY. To all purchaeers of lanilfi free tickets irorü are gtven om tho roa d. Yur further informtion , addftlfl ISAAC T GOODN0W Land Commisaioner. 1275 m3 JDNCT1OH CÍTY, KANGAS. 7OR CASH YOU CAN BUY Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARGAIN, AT THE YARD OF C. SUTHERLAND & GO. AnnArbor,January,1870. 1252 lyOTICE. A!l ]irrpoiin nrf inTcby forliuidon lo tm.ct nny one on accotmi withont a wríttcn ord r from me. td. Aun Arbor, Juuu Lst, i fO. L278w4 RICHARD (iLASIER. FENCE POSTS 1 A Qnantity of White Oak Ploortng, aud 1,000 Cords of VVood, for sale by IMátf N. B. COLÉ. Finest Assortment of Toilet Gooda in the City, by r SHTENCOUNTY. fcllBi ffl]3SiïfflBB SS 1 ":■ . . " . 1 REAL ESTATEJXCHANGE ! ! The d aderatgned haring a perfect Reoord hlifory of UI of the Real Estáte Tille in thia City, and i i.'ountv of Wii.Mi-.i-in w, taken pleaaure in arnonnnlog to the public tlüt tu wiil ex&mtae titlc.ive tbil Eettl Entate titte,make oda uiortgaos, I contract and other logal papers on the Bh ootlooi Wiil alBO mnke naieofCitJ property and farma , rent lií'uscs, a ml forecloM mortgsge. l'ersonR wanting n history of Real Estáte t i t le, irifl reoolleotthathia Boofcfl Ukeld'TftxTitlw and all collateral matten wbloh touch cach partiou ; tion; mil all in nel ent or modern, ippear to be still bubsistiug of record atthepreaent time. I offer tbe following Uoal Estáte for sale : No.100 Tlifl Mftlony Honse and Lot oü DivUion Ktreot. Mo. 101 . Honfè .iTi'l Lot in Iliscock's puldition. ..-J-ÜOO. No. 102. Two Story Urick House on Spring ftreet. Xo. 103. Two Story Wood House on Spring Street. N'o.,10l. Kice Ilouse, Lot aud Barn just wt-et of Law Collejfe. Xo. 105. Fine House, Out-hnupo. Barn and aerrs of I.aml, W;i tr Ponnttoo. - rerj deslrable l'n perty. No.lOG. HfliiBO and Sacres of Land insïUe corpora tion. No.107. IToue nnd Lot just soulh of tlieUiiivereity building. Xo.108. l!)1 acres of Land east of the Univereity Qroanda Xo. 109, City I.ots nearly opposite Dr. Chase's Printing Establishment. N'o. 110. One Two Stoiy Wood Dwelling on State Pireet. N'o. 111. Ono elegant Two Story Brlck House near limversity Sqaare, Xo.112. !ï0 acres with buildings just northof tho City. No.118. On Two t'tory Houae jast nortli Cemetory (Irounds, No. 114. Two Brlck House west eideof University Square. No. 115. C aerea just west of tbe City. No. 116. 5 acres witb building Just west of tbe City. No. 1J7. 160 arres vrHh builñin? and Inprovemculs 6 miles nortb - good situation. Xo. 119. 320 acres - fine farm in Sbiawaitsce. Xo. 119. 2,000 acres of Wild Lands in the CoontlM of Wayne, M on roo, Haginaw and Sliia wassee. My Abstract Booka are postcd to dato. N'o. 120. One elegant Three Story Building on Huron Btreet, n-est. Xo. 121, Í75 aerea oii Vïiddlo Roadto YpMlanti. Xo. l'J2. 40 acntfl on South Hond with Buildings and lmprOTemeDta Xo. 123. SlOncreRon Xortb rexter Road, 2; miles out, witb improvcnient. N'ü. 124 . Anii much other Resl Eslato not hercin included, There are ir.iny oíd mortíaes in Wasbtenw Conn. ty undisebarg! of Record, and tbe laws of Limita, tioiiü is to Hortgagtt ia dilfercui frora thtt applicu bleto Bl Estáte. Termt of Cofnmisston on sal-'1? of lïoal Estáte, one [".r cent. il siilo ramle. H tl tos (or seivrch of Keal Esta to ïit ■■■- ■ r yonr for Jïeeds and six cents a yearforMortgagee unttl chang ol ooi N charges, wiil be made for examlnatlon of 1 itle, Apera oí recording, to parifea Lndlo througn me. Money wantecT to lean on animam Leal Eatfttfl hrom one to Iivo jears, at 10 jier cent, tñteresl mtto tho lendejc, Ann Aruor, Maicli 20, 1ÖT0 TRA.CY W. ROOT. CHAS. A. LINTER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITBR & CO , CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LÉÍTER & CO., No. 1 Gregory Block, Ne. 1 Gregory Block, No. 1 Gregory Block No. 1 Giegciy Block, E"" Sign of the Gilt Mortar LW Sign öï the Gilt Mortar I" Sign of the Gilt Mortar E3 tW Sign of the Gilt Mortar 3 iiAvr: JüBT opexed HAVE JL'riT OPENEO BAVE JUST OPEÑED HAVE JÜST OPENED The yinost Stoolc of The IFinest Stock oí The XPinest Htoolt of Thef Finest Stoclc of DRUGS AND MEDICINES DRUGS AP MEDICINES DRUGS AND MEDICINES! DRUGS AND MEDICIENS IN THE CITY. IN THE CITY. I!f THE CITY. .V THE CITY. PTJB.E WINES AND LIQUORS Kor Medicinal Purposes. The Popular Patent Iftdieinea r the 'lay , uud everjthïng kejt in a (ïrstclass Drug Istoro. An EXCELLE3STT BRAND OP CIGARS. TEY THEM. Fole Agents in the City for Otto & Reynder's celSURGICAL AND JDENTAL INSTRUMENTS. nSPKOl.M. ATTEMTION RITEN TO TUK COMPOUNDING OF PHYSICIANS' PBESCRIPTIONS ana FAMII.Y MEDK "pAR EXCELLENC3Ï." THE IDOL OF PIAKISTS IS TDE WEBER PIANO WHITTEMüBE, 8WAN & STKl'IIENS, 17U JEFFFRSON AVENUE, DBTEOIT. W We don't cmploy any snb-agentai Don't lnllieve Pcdölers if thoy aesert thal tluy can funiioli thcm. 13T We givc all the diecount thnt can be alloweil to actiinl purebaaero. VW ïïp wonld rofor wlth pleasure to the elegant " WBBBB" puiohaied by Trof. Winchell, of the T'nivrrMiy, and in fact 10 all "Weber'a11 sold iu your öcctiou. tícnd for Circular. 12T3ml Y AMILIES AND PARTIES CAN OKT TIIEIIl ICE CREAM AT WHOLE SALE At the City Arrnilu, :im! it itadsiltUd by :■ '".1 J ud aros to be (na bett 1d the market. Abo that ICE CKEAIlüüUA gocBwitll n Hl BH. ILAKK & CROPSEY. THJTTER WANTED. 1 WANT AI.L TUK GOOD BUTTER OfTcrcd (1 u ring the soason, for goadfi r monrv. Ijtr4m3 JOHH H. 31 At NAAD. jyjARTlN'S Is tlie place to get anythlnc yon want in the FURNITURE LINE! IU: WOl NOT BE ÜNDERSOI.D. PHYSICIANS' Prescripl tions Accurately Care fully Preparodby B. W.ELJL18& CO. T UMBER YARD! C. KEAPF Tf:i i n. large aii'! wfll stocked 1. i . 'm .TpTfi'rsnn Pír-M't , i il t li P HOU tb part of the ' il , :nn! Wll keopcotiKtantly on hand an exct'ilr ut ra riet oi LUMBJ3R, SHINGLES, LATH, &G. which will be soul rh lnw as can be alTorded in i his mutket. Qua I ty aud p rices sncli Huil üo ono nood tf go to Detroit. OONTlAD KKAÏM', Anu Arbor,Oct .Ut ,1860. WOtf pOll SAI. E (JHEAP FOK READY PAY. Th" wout half nt the funithwmt qnarler of sectlon two c), fcown of Salino, twentj irrtif mider improvem Dti tbe halanoe l:imc1 timbcr. Inqnire at L.C. Kladoa'a Hardware Siwe,31 South Maiu Street, Ann Ailior, Micli. L. C. KTSDON. Aun Arbor, Muy '.S, 1370. moniatf GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicines, Pamts,0ils,&c. SPRING AND S11MËR. S. SONDHEIM HAS JÜST RETÜRXED FROM NEW YORK WITH A. LARGE STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, ALSO THE FINEST STOCK O.T CL O TH S, CASS1MERES, FEST1NGS, GENTS' FURNISHING OOODS, CLOTHS 0Y ALL COLORS, SUCH A3 BLACK, BROWN, OLIVE, DAHLIA, AND OTI1ER COI.ORS TOO NUMEROUS TO MEMTIQN. DLOTHING MADE TO 0RM1R, - ON SHORT NOTICE. IN THE BEST STYLE, S AND FIT WARRANTED. Cali and Examine for Yourself N. B.- CLOTHIN'G FIFTY PER c CENT. CHEAPER TIIAN AT ANY OTHER HOUSE. ] ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO LATE FIRÏI OF M. GUITERMAN' & CO., WILL PLEASE CALI, ANP 8ETTLE AND SAVE COSTS. S. 8, A un Arbor Agrícultural Co. FARMKR'S ArTENTIOX. Read th foll-jwiiig, whieh is uf the greatest impor lance to jou i Ann Arbor, Sept. 1,1863. Johnstin, H iint] y & Co : - Gents -I purchased oue of your Reapers of Finnegm Je HowarO lastseason, and have given lt a thormigh trial, and can truly say tbat it works like a thiog o Ufe, cutting lodged and tangled grain, and picking it up wtth those almost liuiii: natms in much better hape iluncouMbt done by hand, leaving not arpear bebind. J tliink its lightnesa of draft, width ot cutt(6feet) siinplicitv and adaptability to all kind of grain, combi neto make it tbe best Reaper extant, L. M , LV()N . We, the umlereiíím-d , f-nrchased John-stcn Reapers, and fully coDcur ia tbe above tatTineut: John G, Kocb, PitufieW. Tnnotbey Fohey, Webster John Krege), ■ John Coyle, l David Vangeeon, Ktifilia Cranson, " R. C. Hantur,Soath Ljon. ThotnagO'Bricn. '4 Henry Canlin, Northndd. KeUon (Jsborn, Scio. Jones Marsh, Scio. Andrew Mead, AnnArbor. Charles Stolsteimer, S:io. LewU Fritz, Sclo. These mschines aro improved tor the year 1S70, have a Dindiug attacliment, atd are fo Rale by the Ann Arbor Agrictiltural Conijmny, puccpssots to L. Moore t Son and Finncgan ft iluward. We a Is o keep a. large upply of the following machines, with dropping attacbinents and Johnston selfrakes. The.-;c machines have no equalin the raarket. Th ey have taken al i tbe prizs at the different trials r the ?tate the pasttw o yearn, and in no case have they tailed to ciimi' off victyriuua : The World, Tbe Kxjplaiir, The Champion, The ilubbardt Tbe Ruftsell, The Ba 11. These inacbinea have nover failed to pive satisfaction to the pui cha ser, and are lig h ter draft t han any other machi nee. We a!so sell the iuilowing Tlnesh ing Machines t The Genuine Pitts, The Tornado. TbeBirdsiJ, Tbr Mafuilon, TbeGlenn& Hall, The Vibrator. GRA1NT DRILLS -We manufacture the celebrated Keystonn Drill, which for eimplicity, aceviracy and durability, have no fuperiir. We warrant cvery Drill to perform as repiesente! or no ale. ÍVe also keep Drills manufacturad by other partios, and art? prepared to fnrnish any dcsirpd artiele on the shortest notice. We aro prepa red to do all kinds of repklring cf (arm machinery, Ruch as Rffiperfi, UüfWer, Tlireslu-rs, Powera, &c. We kerp constantly on band a large tok of Agrícultural Implementí, plowa, har rows, vheel onltlvston, fetdooi ters. corn shellers, coldron kettlee, power jacUs and sawing macliiues, uil olour own injinufcture,and we wiUsellattbe lovst poi1bl6 fleare. We would respectfully invite all parties wiabing to purebase any article in our line f rom a plow point to a tlircsbing machine to culi and see us bef ore purcbasinir, fot we will givo tbem better goods, botter tftriDSf and lower prieel than can bo obtamed olsewhcre. N. B.- Remember we manufacture nono bot fint claKs goods, and vrill underscll all competitors. Calí and spe us and iuve fnxr 5 to 10 Pf cent. , fclld got goods tbat a re wnrri nted tn bo up to thi st.unlard. A fu II stoctí of aZtjrM kopt con í anti v on band for tbe Bufïalo Pitt's Th ■ her. IATMÍ; SCREW CUTTINGof all kinds done on thort notioe. Office and salesroom, junction of Dtmitand Pourtli Sts. Fmi mlrv ftnl Micbine Shop, Kift h Wurd, oppOlltfl .SiuclairK1 Mills. 126êni3 TiTONEÏ CAN NOT BUY Iï. IFOK. SIGHT IPPRICELESS THE DIAMOND GLA8SE8, Manufacture hj J. K. Spenor & Co., N . YM wbJch ;iro now offered lo tin1 intblic, firc pronounccd by a II the celebrated ();ticiantiot' thti World to bo the Most Perfrét, Natural, Artificial help to the liuman ej'e evvr known. They h ti' ROnDd unnor thei r own supe rvta&Oii . f rom iiiíüuteCrypta.1 Pebblea, nfltfl togetíicr, un! derive theirVame, " Diftuiond," n ■.oroaotof tlieir haninesH ml brlllianrjr Tm BoUntiflfl frlnol which triey are eon(tnifttl bvings the core or centre of he leo direotly in front f tin ■, poduo ng ii cïear atid distinct vi.-iun, ns in the nntura), bealthy teht, aml prrventing 11 unplenniint 6eDM tiopfft such fi Rlimmerln and vvaveriiif? of sigbt, (liz7lnosR, kc ., peculiar to all "tlirs u bm, They ftremounted In tho KINBBT MANNKK, in f.ianif8 ot tho best quality, of all inatorials usl for thüt jMirpose. Their tiniah nd lrabllity eannot bi (rar CAÜTION. - None genutnu unlws braiiïig thelr trade mark stamped on eveij frauic. J. C. WATTS fi BRO., .Tewwlern aii1 Opti'cianft.arn note agent for AKN AKBOR, MUH., frora whom they can oniy be obtaintii. TlieaO goodi te "t rapplid to Ffdlprit at. anv pricr. V-Üïyl E. J. JOHNSON, At No. 7 South Main Street. STILL HAS A HAT OE, 2 LEPT, LATEST STYLES, AXD Just the thing for the Season, Whlch will be sold LOWEE TXÏ-OiT EVER 1 ALSO A LARGESTOCK OF GLOVEH, COM,AKS, NECK TIF.S, IÏAXDKERCIIIEI'S, SATCHF.r.S, CAKE, Umbrellas, Parasols, &c. Pipase cali and examine my goodabcfore purch9 ng elsotfhere. May, 1STOT ADIES' FASHIONABLE SHOE HOUSE. 24 Sonth Main Street, Dcalei in LADIE'S BOOTS: AND SHOES, THE NEWEST STYLES EEid, Oalf, and Cloth, Alwayson hand, and Stock and Work Guaranteed. IF YOL" WANT A. 33OOT, .A. GAITER, A. BTTSKHST, OXt .A. SLIPPEH, 3ALL AND EXAMINE HIS STOCK BEFORE TUK CHASIXG. PEICES LOWER than the LOWESTR. TARRANT. Ann ArboriNfay I8T0. A NÑAEBOBTAGAINSr THE STATEIN TÏÏE FURNITURE TRADE, And O. M. Martin against Ann Arbor. Don't Foiget his Old Stand. ARE YOUiiOING TO BXJILÜ P We wil-1 furnish Large Bills of Lumber as Low as any dealer in Michigan. We solicit do patronage exccpt sucb as your interest will give us. Let us malee figures on your lilis lef ore you go away f rom lióme to yyurchase. !Bl!t. E. BLOOD & CO. QOME AGAIN MARTIN, V1TH A FUI.I, FTOCK OK CABINET-WARE, TO BE SOLD CHEAPER THAN ANYWHF.HK FTsr IN' TOE STATE. AT HIS OU) STORE, MAIN TRI' ET, ASNAKBOR. ■QR. C.B. PORTER, DENTIST. Office in the NEW BAKK BLOCK, ANN AEBOR. &11 Operations on the Natural Teeth PERFORMED W1TH CARE. ÜNSURPASSED FACILITIES AND EXFERIENCE SETTING ARTÏFIÏIAL TEETB, TO GIVF. EACII INDIVIDUAL, Dentura of the proper ice, kapl, color. Jirmnctt tnd netural erprtttian. 3244 JSyéet Quitoïte f lS A RECENT IMTKOVEMEnV k Rcplicea tho use of the Hitter Sw-PnATB (Ltinine, wi:h whicH all ate fiiuiilii-r l)ose for Uoso, it ia Wja.HRLNTBp FULLYiJQUAL IN EVERY WAY TO BITTEfqUININE, A?(D UKi: ir U the! GRfAt, JPOSITIVE and IXMILDIO CURE ÏOBfell DISE4SES of MALABIOUS MUG1N. Fovlr nikd Agucf Untcrinlttciit Fcvcr, Chili Fcvcr, Kcmlticnt FeverJ 1 JitlioiLs I'oJr, DuiiUj AfttCy nnd tl lone train of dlaorders fS:owlng these when jiolcctod. 1 sweet vcansis 1 is mde olrly Hom IVrnviaii Rnlk, (so ia Bner (juininr.) Uierefore la of vclromljlw orl};ti, and nol i Minera] polsoii hnfon th oonihn-v Isprovedtobe oneoftlw iji'inouta fouun iii the Ijlood oí OU ln.uUiiy p.f-owa sweet QnririE I ncti V nn nnthtote to, (a-i TreU :i H eTa for.) linlnrinl ■ miasmntic ]ol.)nii, I lio nlisoi-ifciou of %vhi(-h by tho lungacnusea inicTiijntrut revers, etc. ïuo onJyladvantatsv cliiiucd for I QrnsDrB I OTor 1.1P iso of old Bii'.ov QulnlneliB tho pntinl absence of that Intense, perllatent Mttvni'M. wliicl! In the latter Is tiniiurlm ,table obEtacle lo lta use wlth nut persons andalwaj i witn chlllren. I sweet arixirvr, ks ii (wo forma- In Povrder for the lio of Jüiy Iclans ivinl DrugglvU, anrt Finif, for uit i tV ïiiiuily and for tlie ,'fiH.Til-UblA. S eWns, Farr &6j7 HUFSCU'RING CHEMISR, y . m;w yoiik. X V ForSnIa Bbrboh & Co., drujgi!. J264jl PHT82G1AÑS' Preteriptims Accuratehj and Prc" pared by R. FT ÍZZ5 { (7


Old News
Michigan Argus