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Curiosities Of Breathing

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The taller men are, other things being equal, the moro lungs they have, anc the greater number of cubio inches of air they can takc ia or deliver at a single breath. It is thought that a man's lungs are sound and well developed, in proportion to hisgirth around tho chest; yet observation shows that slim men as a rule will run fast6r aud farther, with less fatigue, haviug "more wind," than stout men. If two persons are taken ia uil respeets alike, exeept that ona nieasureR twelve inehes more around the cheat tban the other, the one having the excoss will not deliver more air at one full breath, by mathematical measure111 ut, than the other. The more air a man reoeives into his iungs in ordinary bieathing, the more healthy he is likely to be ; because an important object in breathing is to remove impurities from the blood. Eaoh breath is drawn puro into tho lunga ; on ít8 outgoing the uext instant, it is so impuro, so perfectly destitute of nourishment, that, if rebreathed without any ad mixture of pure atmosphere, the rnaa would die. Henee, one of the eonditiocs neoeesary lo secure a high Btate of koalth is, thnt the roonis in which we sleep should be oonstantly reeeiving new Bupplies of fresh air through open door?, windows, or fire-places. If a person's lungs are not well developed, tho health wiïl be imperfect, but the developtuent may be inoreased several inches in a few months, by daily out-door runnings with the mouth closod, beginning with twenty yards and back, at a time, incn:asing ten yards tsvery week until a hundred are gone over, thrice a day. A substitute for ladies and persons in cities, is running tip stairs with the inoath olosed, which compela very deep inspirations, in a natural way, at tho end of the journoy. As consumptivo people are decliuing, each week is a witness to their inability to deliver as much air at a single outbreathing as the week beforo ; henee the best way to keep tho feil diseas9 at bay is to maintain hing developraent. It is known that in large towns, ten thousand feet above tho level of the sea, the deaths by consumption are ten times lesa than in places nearly on a level with the sea. Twenty-five persons die of consumption in tbe city of New York where only two die of that dsease in the city of Mexico. All know that eonBumption does not prevail in hilly countries aod in high situations. One reaaon of this is, because there is more asoending exercise, increasing deep breathing ; besides, the air being more rarified, largor quantities are iostinctivcly taken into the lungs to answer the requirements of the pystem, thus at every breath keeping up a high developmeut. ilence the hills should bo soHght by consumptives, and not low flat eituations.


Old News
Michigan Argus