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WM. M. SINCLAIR, OOMMISSION MEÏÏGHANT IN GFAtN AND FLOÜR, ROOM 16, 184 L.iSAT.T.E STREKT, CHlrAGO. 1270yl O. M. MARTIN", DBALKII IN ITTCNITi'HK Of all kinils. Pnriornml Be l Küum Sets, 5lirrors, &c. 33 South Maiu Slreft. "farmers1 stö r e , Sonth M:Im stri-ct. Kverythlng kopt in a flrstM A CK&SCHMID DEíLTÍR i" niy 0'ni1s, Groccrics, Crockcry, 4c. 5-1 Smith Main .k (' A. LEITRU& (10., DEAI.KIiS IN' DlirGS and Mfldlcines, Pure Wlnea mul LÏquors for Medicinal Parposea, Cinars Ac, Ko.1 Grgory ISlock. A. WIDEÑm'aÑ N . P0REI(lNEiclingeBrolcr. R"'1 Btate andFirc Insurance Agent. N'o. 25Soath Main Streat. TRAOT W. ROOT, CONPBNRKn Kecords of Wuhtenaw Oonríy. and Real Estáte Kxihniicc. No. 1 Grírory Block. I)R. KIíLLOGO, PBACnCINQ PhyIdan. and I.. B. K.'llocc Proprl.tur of nr Killogg's Cek'brnttd Hcmedies, Anu Arbr,M.-h. MORRIS HALE, M. D. 'CE and Ofllcc No IS. Corner Williams a:ul TJiompson treeta Resalar office honra 1 to 3 p. M AdviCti añil Prescrlptlona from 0 to T 1'. M. j, free gratis to the poor. 1Í04 " C. E. FROTHÏN.GHAM, M. D., PIIYSICIAN AND 8URGE0N. Ofilre over Drng . N;t. 7 Hurón sn" t. Residence, No. 35 Thompson street. Ofiicc hours, S to 11 A. M , and HULL, R0BIN80N & CO 8R0CKES, Produce andCommisslon Merchante, No. 43 Sunth Main ' ELLIS & KISSELL, DRDOGISTS and dealpr in Patato, OUt, etc So. : Utin Street, Anu Arbor. JOHN KECK & CO DEALERS In Parnltnre ufa'.! kinds. No. 33 South Muí Street, Auu Arbor. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, ATTORNF.Y and Connsrilor at Law, Rea] Estáte and Jnsnrtiticü A_'i nt. Coi cerflDClngand Collectlon of CUime promptly attenced to on liberal terms. Oíflee one door bou tb of Piral National Bauk, up lUÜrB,80Dth Main Street. Aun Arbor. W.' H. JACKSON, DEN'TIST, Süccessor to 0. 13. Porter. Office, comer MtlatDd Hurón Streets, ovr me store oí E.W. Kllis & Co , Anr. Arljor, Mlch. Anwstiictio: admloIfroqnlrcd. W F. BHEAKKY, M. D. PHTSICIAN AND SDKOEON. Oiüce at resiflencc, corner of Hurón miel División Streots, lint lioor Hastof Prcsbyterlan Clmrch Aim ArbOr, Mlch. e. jTjohnson, 3F.ALER IN HATS and Caps Fuvs, Straw Goodfi Furniíhlng Goods. fcc , Nu. 7 South Main Siraü. Anu Arbor. 8DTHERLAND & WHEDON, UPE and Piro Insurance Asouts and dealers in Rea] Estáte. Office on Hurón Street. Aio rell ílrttclassSüwiiiií M;ii W. D. HOLMES, LfiEXT forthe Florence Sewinr Machine, and dealer iu Picturct, Pramea, fcc. No. East Hurón Street M5WI8 0. RT8DON ÏEALKR in Hurdware Stoven. Ilonsft Fiin.ishlüg Goods. Tin Warc Jfcc. No. 31 South Muiu Street. BACH & ABEL, lEAr.ERSin DryC.imlB Grorcrics. &c, &c. No. 26 Souta Main Street, Ann Arbor. c.1Tmlllen, JEAI.ER In Dry Ooods, Grocerlee, &., &e. No Sonto Main Street, Ann Albor. SLAWSÜN & SON, ÍROCERS, Provikiiin and Couimisílon MerchantB nd dealers in Water time, I.anrl llnatr, and Piaster Paris, No. 14 Kast lir.ron Street. S. SONDHEIM, UTIOLESALE and retail donier In Ready Made ClóthInp, Ooths, Casslmeres. VestlnL'e. and Gents FurTaUhing Good. No. 9 South Main Street. WM. WAGNK1!, fKALKR in Ready Made Clothlng. Cloth, Casslramn aod Watin;s, Hats. Caps, Trnnka, Carpet Bgn,&c., "l Bouth Main Street. GILMORE & FISKE, IOOK9EI,LERS and Statlonern, Medical, Law and College Text Books. School and Miscellaneous Books. No. 3 North Main Street, Grcgory Block, Ano Arbor. FINLEY & LEWItí, EALF.RS in Bootf, 8hoee, Qalters, Slippen &c., o. 2 East Hurón Streot. R. TARRANT, UniES1 FMhionable Shoe House, No, 34 South Haln Street. QR00KERY, &LASSWARE & GFOCERIES. J. & P. DONNELLY ?,TMn torea lar(retock of , iUware, '"VVare,Cutlory , Grocenen, &c, &c.,ll te, be """tunuaually low pricei1. . No,12EiBt llur nStiect.ADn Arbor. ll28'f J.feP. OONNBLLT. JOHN G. GALL, FB.ESH AND SALT MEATS, URD, SAU9AGES, Etc., „„"nllcitod ndpromptly ITIIkJ with the best "u m themarkot. ai Eat Washington street . A"alTbor,Sept. lOtli.lSoQ. 1235tf LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. AXtrli, Se BAMAfïB, non'?,?,?1"',",'1'1'1 OathxrincBtreets. HorseíboaraCdta "''1e"-m. Second hand butrrfas, caf "a Mniest for salo. 12S2yi Manufacturpr of íulXtJ CAaNrr)aSö3' Buggies, Wagons, tnuíí.?1 "■'■'■y tyl, máde o( (1 ■ ll( , ' "U"""(llL ' nniS i Detroit Stweí, ...;., ■ JP' Ann Arbor, Mich Í27ojl QOFPINS AND CASES! ' A PULL STOCK AT MARTIN'S 1I. CAI.LS rR0MPTI,7 ATTENDED TO. nnHE i . MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. C9MPANY OF DETROIT, MECE (ESTABI.ISUKD IH ltíCV .IOIIN .1. BAGUtT, Prkíioxkt, JACOBS PARRAN D, Vlce PregiiUnt. JNO. T.IJflnETT, SeoreUwr. JAMES 0. WATSOH, U-lnan. I). O.FARRAND.M. 1) , Mediaal Exlnr. A Surresiful Hlohlgll Iníurance Company, organizad Cor th purppM c-r furuiahiug luunaee apon uves at THE LOWEST COST COMPATIBLE WITH Absolute Seeurity, and for tbe further purpose oí KEEPIJVG MONEY AT HOME, which heretofore has been ent K;int, RATES AS 10W AS BAFBTY VERMITS. EJNT1RE MUTAL1TY AND STRICT EQUITY Mark the systptr and prevalí in tl. e distribution oí MNUAL DÏYIDENDS TO THE IKSÜRED Whi),by 1 rovlaloaa of the Ftnle La, and by t la ir owii terrae, ALL POLICIES ARE NON-FORFEITABLEIJWCRANCK PUKNISHED LUX ALL DESIRABLE PLANS. All the KEST FÏ TDKES of the OM Computa ADÓPTED.allthelr KRROKS AVO1DED. SECÜRÏTY. EGONGMYj EQülTY AND THE WEST, ITS MOTTO. L3L" For Agencies api'ly ni the HOME OFFICE, Bank Block, Giiswold Street. L% I. íí. THAYEH.Gcn'l Knt. FKE?. L. HAHN, -íg.nt. lí '-'. I A. WiDENPfiANÑT REAL ESTÁTE AGENT, ÁNN ARDOR, MICH. S3 seres of land . wit '.in öOe hali nrfte frem tbc city, tobe lóld in whole,or parcela, aa r. ■ 1 1 c w- : U4 íicroí on spctiin 1!t, In tlte town of Ai:n Arbo"1 bordarlo y on tbe bm on tlit roajfl Cor o wol It' papftr milis, and on the bou h on 1SK cte sitúate! in the northwefit corner oi tbe Qorhun rond tod t! e laJ 1 CorWëll Factory roid ■ (This la n of the hunrisomest situatioos in the ntghhorhofid of Ann Arbor.) 133-á acre Emprored land jofolng the above 15K Kcre.o aud froutiníí Qorh.-.m Koad. Forty tcrM OÍ r rt. CU Parmlng Lftnd, witn good Oroliard uid Itarñ, 2 mi lea f rom the Court HíniRt , on tlie upper Dixboro road. I ere of latid with a new to utory frame house oo Thompson, bpor & Thüinphon'b addition (u the City of Aun Arbor . Motsof % acreeach.on Thompson, Spoor k Tbompson's Additioi}. II acres of land, witti a nplendid grpvo, Jüiuinp tlie Kir:inens l'ark on the Wegt. 1 ITouso and % lots of land, with Barn, WashKitchtn, Crtrnajic House, and a uumber of modern In prove menta, ou Uie notthwest comí r .t í'ourth aud l'ackard Street1 House and Lot in the 2d Ward, on South Libertj Street. 1 Honne and 3 Lots iu the 2d Ward, rear íd Ward School Hija.-.'. 1 Houaeand 4 LotR,narthe M.C.R.R. Depot. Vid acres oflasd in thf souih of the Siate of Missouri , near the Ilannitml Vt. Jost-ph Hailroud. 2 Citjr Tota near 2d Wrd Bcbool House. A, WIDENMANN, FOREIGN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANN ARBOR, MICH. SELLS A1ÏD BUYS DRAFTS, ISSUES LETTERS OF CREDIT ON' ALL I'RINCH'AL PLACES TnGRFATBRITAIN'.ííl ■'.KMAXY.FRANCE.SfflTZRRLAND, etc. My dirt-ct conoections wtth imope enablemeto offer as fnir rates ananv Nkw Vort Houfte. Remembfir. I arn not an agent of aiiy ht DS6 r this count r , but I atn ha vi ng direct coniunuiiciitfOD with the bent houeesin Europe. COLLEOTIONS IN EUROPE BY POWEK OF ATTORNEY OR OTHKRWISE, WÍLL UK PROMl'TI.Y ATTENLKD TO . PASSAGE TICKETS per Slcamer to and frnm New Yoik to all principal i'.' 1 uf Bnrope 1-will sell aK lollows : From New York to Soutbamptön, Havre, Londoa, Brcmeu or üamburg, lstt'lHf. 2lCltis. Stee-niro. $120. $72. $25 in Gold. Return tickets, 2j!. 135 61 ' " Prora abovc placeR to New York, lst ClniB. 2.1C!asa. 8t] Clana. iliO 179. $40 in Gold. I'rom New York to Liverpool, OMn, $80 to $100Cunency. Sl-t-crage, $30 ín Curiency From I.ivirpool to New York, Cabin, $1(10. B(era(, Í37 FIRE INSURANCE AGENT A3STISI A.KBOR, For tha II o ward lnaornncc Co. , n New York , on e of the oldescand bet Conipanieisin the country. The Teutonia Insurnnce Compnny in Cleveland. The honorable aud ti&fe nianafrement il Itiis in-titution hjis made it on o of the most re lia Mc I'ire Insurance Compnnicutn the Weat. 1357 y 1


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