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Mark Twain

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In a memoir of 15. r ranlcltn, m tlio Qalaxy, Murk Twain says : "Wht au ndrnit ld avcnturer, the subject of tliis meinnir v,t.-i ! In order tu jet a chanco to fly his kite on Sunday, lio ued tu bang a kcy on the Htri'ig nud let on to be fiïi ng fur lightiiing. "He invented a stove tbat would Bmi ke ynur head off in four bours by the clotsk. One can see the aimnst d'evUwb satisfaction Le took o t, by giving it bis name. "Ho was alvvaya proud of tolliug how lie entered Phiiadelphia, for the firt timo, witli r.otVmg ia llie world but twn shilling in bis posket and four rolla of bread uuder his arm. Uut really, wi.cii you come to examino it critically, it wa notbivg. Anybody could havo dona it. "FraokÜD aaid onco, in ons of his iuspired flghtg of tnalignity - irly to bed mul early to rlse, Makes :i man UealtUy, weakhy and wisc.' As if it wcro and object to a boy to be healthy snd wealtby aod wiso on buc.1i teruis. The sorrow tbat that maxirn has cost rat', tliroigli rny parents' experiineoting o:i Me witb it, tongue caunot teil. The Idgitiiuate rcsnlt is my present itate of general debilitv, iudigenco and mental aberra! ju. My pareuts iised to have me up beiore oin o'oiock iu the tnorning, sometiuits, when I wtis a boy. If they had let mo tcke my natural rost, where would I have boen tiow ? Keeping fitore, no doubt, aud respectad by all." Wbb&b Do Hbh Fikb TiiEiii Witxs. - Where do men disoover the A-oni-o who afterward beenno theír Yves? is a quesiion tliat we hemd . frequently and fuüj discussed, and tbe result come at ia wi'll worth the aMention of o;ir ynung lady readurs. Chance has mu cb to dv with it, but tliere aro invariably importsut gövurüing circumstancea. It is pertain that few uian wnrth having, inako theii' elections from ball rooms, 01 any other places of public gayely, and neaily is fow are íaught by etrect show, or the al'.urements of dress. Ouv convictinn 8 that nine-tenths of all the ñnory with wliich women decórate, or thfir persons, ea far as lmicerned, goes for npibinft In fiict a lndy friend of ours, witii inünitc ra:.kues Dformed ü. that the inajonty of womeo dre8 eteheT io n:iko wouion eoviovts, or from their own vw iy ■:.'i ta.-ic of cpiiïuuline huuiiinity is oever eon-ulted in ú: matter. }'o ihat a il may, it is at iliu fireside, in tlio tl -niD-tio graees and feeüns that woman is gonglvt f.r. Io the year 177:;. Petur Bu; . ,-.t n Kent, wagadviscd by bis phytoiaos to go to Sp (or the recowery oí his deeiiuing heahh. His daughters feared iha( rucrcei:aiy Risis'aDce wnuld tivail but lit;le, an i kuowii tbat tl eir p needi d -!i iP.. ii tastes and accompaniod biin. ; bat it was uol a spirit of dhfipation bh I g'iyety that led them to tliüt roDowoed watering place, fdr thsy kept luenisülyos to tbc mcIueíhi oí' owd quarteís, uhhotigb the pluce was througed tu overfiowiüif with !1 the w-ealth, rennwn ari ! i' Éurope Tl;o iS'iup!ary atteution oí these threa .'isters to ibe wants of thfiir 6uC' father attracted iiuch no:ico from ihe ,rïe(]ueu!erH, a!:d afterward was tbc b nfejevatiog them to wealth, digi;ity and station. They tvere all (ilar'ried to do bietsen. One to tho E-ivl rf Beverly, unothor to the Duke of Hamütoi), ;jfld tha younger Io tha Duke of Xorthumberlnnd. And it is but simplo jutitioe to them to say that they reHected honoi on, ralbar thaa deiived it froin their nfquirod n.nk.


Old News
Michigan Argus