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A itiiHtion as Bock-kcL'per or as Clerk in the Groct'ty Trade. Addrefü. DKAWER 90, Ann Arbor. OTRAYED OR STOLEN. On thr Sist of .Tune, from the premises ol the sub acriber, a Spar of Horsc. One a sorrel with llht t.-iil and mane, ringbom; scara on both bind feet. TIn1 Other ;in iron ur.ty v,)h br, !ieach on loft ide and boLh hiud feot spavinetï. Any pcr?on rctaniiBg Hdd honea r givlog Infon&fttioa wliere theymay bo fouitd, wilt bü lilwrnllvrcwardftfi. MARK itrKHP.S. Korthneïd, JtilyMh, %8fa UTTvl TATEMENT SnOWING THE OONDITION OF THB L kM ABBOR SAVINQS BANK ti, IfiTO, na r :ñi oJ by tbs bankiug lawa uf ihc Stalc of Mithali : BE8OORCKS. oana irad DUoonnta $100, ■ uii. .11 State Bond at market v.iKui 1 ,111.00 a 'uriiiluri: and Kixiuro 2, ... . . . t .po )iii:rromIJauks!lua BankorB 1r' 'iSl 4S Mh iB,45I.S.J :51.10T.US UABIL1TIES. Japltnl Í50.' iivideud(pajobte JulYl.187O) ,W8S8 'roflt and Lis !,SO9.67 1151,107.98 I, Srhiitii'i c.r -.ut Caableroftb un Arbor Savus; Bnuk. of Aun Ar.iur. Michigan, do sotamnly H nrtr tbat ii. 1; aboi e 'uIcii;lui :; ti na, t" bt'Bi of ny kuuwlcdge and belief. SCHUYLBR GilANT, Citóhiir. Siibscribed and aworn to bufore me, tïiis Bistb day of July, 1ST0. , K. s SMIT1Í, I 1Í7T Notary Public fur Wiibbteunw, Co. rR. KELOQG'a i LIVER INVIGORATOH, Th :i liivtr faUing oom f'-r l;ei-i( { 11 .!ih;i:-,ï fttUlOg fn,m ludlgOSli..ii oi T"i pi iv of 1 iv r. FF Y OU FEEL WEAK OR LANGUID, liillun'i I . uso Dr. Kellogg 'a LWlIWtig orator anfl regain your bealth. ■Qíf. KËlXOKG'S Livor Invigorator i a Standard Hediojoo, nl m componed oí mo'ïiein:il propeiUu ex, ryct t?l Iron sosfS of the isost ct'in I [00 1 coníbiiied -m-ílIi the oonceatra-b J of fnnious Boots ;iïl'l Ui-rbs. irVliT K.Ë LLOGtt'S Indian Hemcdy, N v o r f a. i Li t o c u i COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, anl othei aíftetions of tlie Throat and Ludr. ASA LINIMENT DR. KELLOGG'S IINDIAN KEMEDY. Btavds ti ni i wi led su a cure for rII distases atteftded wlth iii' sn&fl e'iually gt-ü'l fot 07 lii;i-.t. TUIE (JATHAK PROPERTIES of Dr. KKXXOGG'S ! IU.S are extractad frona ;m articïe f (bod, whlefa makei .5pi ile hi iiy uthr, 'llu'V care Consti] ■ [tena, &ad shouldbo employed ín mil cunta vi blliou Tll"kinds of l. D18BASBS OF TI1K SKIS" A.ecure.l !.y Dr. Ki-llogg's CHAMl'lO.V 0INTM KXT. iyi. KELLOGG'S STANDAED MEDICINES, Are sold lv Druggisln tvv-rywlicre. Mortjjigo Falo, DEPATJLT havlng been made in the comlHio of :i córtalo Daortffaffe mule and execatod byJame Ivory and ua Ivory, Oflhfl towosbJp of Dextcr, Waantenaw Connty, Michigan, t) James Clark, of the town, Otnmty and Stt ufoft-saici, beArínff date the eleruuih day of December, A. D. lvi'ï, itnd reeorded n the office of tin; Register of Doods for u-].i.'iinw ('oi!ui i a the tv:nty-iixfh (Uiy af December, A. l. Lê oc( r. M . in líber No :i5 uf mon ■ 51 ;. hy liich ttic pawei uf mie on(alned Lherelu became operativa the amount cUimud to be due ou i?!iid mortac and , loyiDg oote, ■ ■ of thla bo toe ia the Mini of one handred and twenty Beven dollara nd thirteen cent.-:, and the further razn uf twenty tiTc dollars provitU'il Lu satd mortgajte a an Attoracy fee in caec miy proceedinga snoiud bc. taken to forecluee the eame, and no tuit ur procecdlnt; bavlng been id at law fr in cQuity to recover the dbt secnred by eafd mortgage - or any pari ihereof ; Noereby gtven, tbat on Frlaay, the seventh day ofOctober, A D.18T0,at 10 o'clock A.M. ofthat iiriv, at the front door ofth ■ 8, luthe City of Ann Arbor, In sald Connty of VPaahtenaw, taere wlll be sold at public anctlpn, to the bidder, the pre ed In Bafd mortjeageas al] i of land tttuated In tlin townshlp of Dezterf Gountj ol Washtcuaw, and 8tat.e uf Utchlgani known, bounded and descrlbed as follows, to wit ï belnjz a part ol" pection No. 'i , thirteen. In townshlp one tuutli of range fOB begiimiiif' at a sinkc in the north bonnd of the highLoa running north -H) g. tL two chuñe, thfüce öoutli S'i dei:. 20 min. cast seventy ftve links, theiice siiuth 40 Ceg. west two cbilns, tnence norih 80 20 m. weit alonj; the liighway evfüty live io tl)'.' place of befrinning. Düttrd. Aun Arbor, Julv fith, 1ST0. 1277 V4 ChABS, Mortgagee. Lawkhnok kt Yr.7?.r, Att'y. fur UortgagOS. Mortgage Sale. DÏÏFAVLT hftving been made In the conditiou of a eertaln mortgaffeTnade by Jennio M. JnmeH to Abram 8ager, dated Harch SOtn, 1800, and recorded April 9th. 18Ó9, In the office of the Register of Oeetls for 7ahtènaw Couuty, BUchlgani fn liber 40 of mortgaLöe, on pac WB, upon Wnlch mortoage thers is iiow clauncd to be due at the date of this uotice the puna of one tliousaiitl and tweuty-seven dollars and .■-(■venteen cunts, bestdes iwcnly-üve dullara Attoiney'a feca provided fur iu sald mortgage, aud no snit or prQoeedlng haring been Instltated t luw to recover the suui DOW i cf i ;uid sscmvd ly uaid mortgflge, or any part thereuf ; Now, theref ret by virtue of the power ofsalecontalned in said mortgage, and by vinue of the St&tQte In snch cíiso made and pnvided. notice i hertby pivun. tbfit on Saturdaj, tho flrstday of October nest, at 12 o'clock noon. Of that duy, at'thu south door of the Court Bonse,inthe City of Ann Arbor, Ctmnty of Washtenaw, 'ind Htateof Mlchiitn, I shall geil at public auoiimi. t the blghest bidder, the premiuee desciibt-d in eaid morigage or io mnch th reof ai may be neceesary to satiafy tho amoutit due ou eáid mortgage, with interest aud custs, iucluding the Attoiney fee aforesaid, which prrmises are de-cribed as follows: All tiiat cerjiiin trac i or parecí o laad. sittiated in the townshlp of Am: Arbor, Mkhipm. and OU sectïou B0, known, bounded and described as followe. tus: commenctngtwo chaina and elghty-two links weet ol the northeast corner of the west half of the northeast quarter of eection thirty, in townëhip two south of raBgfl six onst. aud ranntng thenc south parallel with ilie east line of aid weet half of northeaet quarter of said eection tweuty-one obains and nine'v links to the center "f the Iexter ruad, thence north T4de'. west along the center of sald road leven cliüiiui mul ilva tlnjES to the ftoutheat corner of a plece of land sold by V. B. Ktng to A. DeForest, Ehence north 15 öeg. eat at rlgot angles with said road and along said DeForest's cast line etgbt chains and fifty links to the northeast corner of lus ]i:d. thenco north T4 des. weet parallel with the Dcx tor rond four chains aup seventy links to Uki northwest corner of aid DeForest's land. thence Dorth parallel with the first mentioned line ten chains and tliirtyeíyht links to tiií north lim; of the section, thence cast aloiiL said line slght chains and ntnety-flve links to the i)1hc-' of beginning, containlng flfteen aereo nnd forty-seven hundredths. be the same moro r less, reservlnif and exccptlng tho right pranted to A. DcForeet of drawint; water by pipe from the ■prlng as erpressed and limited in deed from ". Ii. Kiutr and wifc to said DeKon-st. Alo another piece of land in the samo township of Ann Arbor, deecribed as follows: liejjinning at the northeast conu-r of tho weet half of the northeaat qnarter of section number thirty, rnnnlng thenoe west on the dorth line of eaid sectlou, two chains nnd eishty two links to the land hcreinbeforc deecilbed, thence pouth alonp the eaet line of siiid land sevcn chains and ten links , thence east parallel with eaid north line of the sectfon two chaina and eighty-two Unkfl to the east line of the lot, thence north on said east line of the lot seven chains and ten link to the place of beginnlog. contaiuim; two acres, more or loss. Dated, July 5tb, 1ST0. ABRAM SAGER, Mortgacpo; & Gbast, Att'ys. for Mortgugee. l'TT Chancery Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Snit pending in the Circuit Court for the Couuty of Washteiiaw. In Chanccry. Samamlia Síeísacar, Complainant, et, Arthnr ar, Dfuudiint. It BatUíhctorily appearín to the uodersfgned by affldavlt that Üw defendanf in ibis cause remides out of IMb State, and is a resident of the State of California, ou niotion of Norria & UhJ, Solicitors for onijihiinaut, it is ordered that th saldi defendant cause his appearance in thU cause to be entcred withln thrce moutlip from tho date of thla order; And it U furlher ordered tl' ai within twenty dnys the complainant cause this ordnr to be puhlished in the Michigan Argu.% a newspapep publishcd in said Connty, and that puch publication be conti nuod In auch newspaper at least once in sach week for six weeks In ÉpcoeSSion or that shs cauo il COpj of thlS order to be 1 y servsd ou snld dofondant, at least twenty days before tho time preecribed for his appearance. l)atd. June 2Tth,18T0. líTTwfl J. W1LLARD BAlïIUT, Circuit CoutComiriiijiiioner, Wanhtenaw Connty. Michigan. pAMILIES AND PARTlEs" CAN GET THEIR ICE CREAM AT WHOLE SALE Ál ! !' City Arcaili-. tin(! i!. is ftdmi' [ml by ííuod j U(li_'the host in tho market. Aíso that ÍC12 CIÍEAS1 SUIA i'oes with a KI slt. i;lL & CEOPSEY. 1 UTTElt "VANTEd7 1 WANT AI.L TnE C100D BUTTER Ofltíred duriug; the eeason, for goods or mooey. 1'. JÜIS.V H. 1M1NANO. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for 3trictly Pure Drugs and Medicines .Paints, Oils, &c.


Old News
Michigan Argus