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-T-íiü uíual ceremonies endant upon a Orst-classcer. bratlOD of the "ourlli weye gonc through with here oji louclay last. The small boys were au iffic in the inornlug wiih thelr pistola, firerackers, and olher artlcles of au explosive ïature, awakening .the Lcss ciithuuastic ivho wcre eudeavoring to sleep I astead of hoiving their respect to the blrthday of American Indepëndence. At al)out ten o'clock . m. tlio proecssion was formeel on lalti stroet, beaded by the Dexter Cornel {nel, lbllCft'ed by a Wagon load of lacles, epi'Csent'.Eg the different titateS, and 11 ooipany u;.iju hoiseback in costumes typial of the dlffereut nationalities oow realdng in Uiicle Sam's dominions. Aftcr raverslng through the principal Btrects a iue oí raarch was taken lor the grove just; outside tlie village, jVhcre an oration was lellverjsd i3y ö. l. Bigbam,oI the Laiuslng ïepublican - which nited ?oine, and othera t (idnt. In the af'ternöon A game Of base );.]1 As playee) between tlx: Athl-etics o: Vnu Arbov mul the Dexter Clulj, which reulted i tlie defeat of the lonnur by a score of 21 lo 2U. At six o'clock p. m. ao excitins boat race took place ou Mili Creck Jnl. and the day's jolirtcatioa .closed Wnli u ery line display of pyretechnicg, and a dance at Costello's Hall. TJUe entire celejration Was characterized by the harmouy with which evcrythiug passed off, and the almost cutiré absence of "spiritooal enthooziazm " wíiich is generally the curse of such occasions. - The harvest In this section has comnienced, and with good weather the cereal erop wlll be a largo one. - Tlie entertainment of the season is to be given WeJnesday eveolng next, nader the management of W. J. Jekkins, at Costello's Hall. Judge KixasLEY has returncd from a soinewhat prolonged visit to Southeastern Kansas, and is looking iwusually well. He reporte a fine season with good crops. The wheat was all harvcsted when lic left and yields llcely with a nood berry, oats and coni promised well, though the lattcr erop was not so much ahead of Mlcblgag as he expeeted to sec it. The Judge says that imiuigration is poorlag Into Kansas rapldly, that large sales of lands are being made, that railroads are brfng pushed in every directiou, and that progresa la the watctnvord. He thinks Kanas a great State, and the West a big country. Georoe W. Moore, the census enuinorator lor this district, has about completed the count in this city, and we suspect that his figures will hardly satisiy our frlends who have harbored great cxpectuüons. Tlicy will not vary 25 lrom 7,250. We shall give the returns by wards as soou as reviscd aud corrected. - Indicatious are that the other and more ambitious cities ol the State will show a correspondlng or greatcr lettlog down from "directory eettmates." Lager beer or sofneotber fluid sloppod over a little at the Park - perhaps it was an excess of patriot ism - on the alternoon of the Fourth, causini; several flghts. Report prcvailed at one time that one man bad Iktii kuit-d, batwheD time had workei off the cfrects of the llqaora lic had pot hlm self outsidc of, the damage was not founc so serlons. The fray, however, resalted ii giviug Justlce JIcKhuxas several assaul aud battery salta The grounrts at tlio con trui eclioo building are iu very beautiful condition and attracted much notice and commendatiou from the many strangers who visited our city last week,


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