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The Aggregation A Combination Of Zoological And Equestrian Excellencies

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What llie Loulsvillc JourtuA says of them : FOKKrAUCil's MENAGERIE A.i ( IIKXS. Oa the beautlful spring raorning of yes] the arrlvaland ; 10I .dam Forepaughs aggruguti 1 exh'bltlons ol circus and menagerie, and, after passluï tbrough the [y populttU d part of the city, proceeded to the teuts, corner of Bast and Walnot. i and imi osing uce. btretching out more than a inlle lu length, wlth its U;i muera fluug to the brceze, thirty elugaatly oruanjentod cages, a missive golden uhariot, coutaiuing u full and i orshestra. OM Romeo, and ;i uumber of droaiediuies, small elepbauts, cc , lilud up thu Une o!' the Buest 6treet par.icte In tiiu way uf show material ever neen in Louisville. A large concourse ■ , more thau usaally at tend exhibltiona the fira afteruto , vlaited the tenti ,nud at ntght sach u erowd hus seldoin, 11 ever, been scen ander canvas. .Miiny being aaable to obtalu aduilsslou luto th I themsclvea by tening in t:ie menagerie rtepartiuent. The animáis are placed lu a clrcle exteudlDg aroaud the eutln vvhlch the visitar Brut enters, whlle the ornlthologlcal department is coutalned In ■ placed ilireoïly In ïïont of ihe circus ice. The etc , are grouped In tho center. By tha Interest taken In this pari of tbc show wearrlveal the conclusión tliat the patrous) wou ld be periectly s cd If they v. re depri ved ol seelng tïie circus In r. Certaln It Is tnat do onc ever saw so ii'.ncii before or aucb a Que eollcctlouoiai a forthe sinoll luvostmeiit of Hl g. Tho' circus, yivon in n separate teut without extra charge, is ;..:■ abovc the average ;lass of areuic entcrtalunients. The I are Qne and well trained. Tho menibera of the ooinpan ml p r'ormers, Ing ia tlic '. - rs wlth taste and ueatiicis. Tho clowns are wltty, without being vnlgar(ft greut uiproven ■ is tvorthy of tiou. The rlding of Piiulinu iliudly and Morgan - ii;j ii:. of El '■■ i wouclerful athletlc sports of Frank Bol I the per nces of tlie fjowand Brothers rteserve special notie, ■, sn hile the pei Romeo, the pony hurdla rldlnj of Master Adilii : ... and a nuaiber of other features introduced in the ring nro sx Belle Tiic whole establlsliment is Btted np likt: a parlor, wlth iuniimrc, tvappings, and hing to corre8pond, and during thelr ptay we expeel tosee Itvlsited by the elite rcity. The rule9of the establishment bïo perAct, au 1 Mr. Forepaugh looks carelully to the comfort of bis patrons. Sucb u show as tlii.s luis never before been amoug us, and wheu tliis leaves we probably shall jot iook n po n ilü Uke again. We wdirld snggest tliat families make a special eflbrt to get out In the afternoon ivith thelr chlldreu - theanlmala show to noch better advantage. The exhlbltlon remalns but tlirce days onger, and theö góej North and East through lndia:iii; Michigan, and the State of New York, takiug lu probbly a portiou OfOhl v, ■ ■ :i :ui edorseinent as this, comng i-om one of the Leadlng joarnals of the country, and wlth what we already know if Mr. Forepaugh and his shows, we nnlesltatingly pronöunce this the best s!iow that ever isiii.l us. Exhlbltlon will be fiven In this city Friday, July löth. - - - .. m.ii- Síhoo our last report ;ill sorts of veallier luis boen iudulgcci ii:, except the ery liot before rqcorded. Tliursday eveilng Jone went out lu a heavy rain storm, ind Ju'y made a wet entrance. Another ■ery heavy rain carne Wednesday eventng night - July fiiii, - and the intervenlng lays have been cool and dellghtflll. - The weather this - Thursduy r. m. - does not promlse the most favorable for iaylDL and harvest. Farmers are already it work In t!ie wheat flelA, aii'l sieady dry veather is uoeded. Vv'itïi soch, an average vheiii erop v,i!l bjB gatbered, wlth theberry of an cxci'lloat quality, Elrov M. Avkky, a newly-ficdged Juiverslty JuniOï and whilom nevvspaper temizer, has taken to iiimsclf a ivife, a ■Miss Cate Tilden, ol Battle Creck. "We loa't kr.o'.v whelher Avkuy lias marri-4 out of the Universi'tyor the lady married in, The Ann Arbor Savings Bank hl e declare 1 a dividend of 10 per cent., c!o!ng veil for a short year's business. Tlie Anors ofRco is indebtud to Bkabdock & Keecu for sevcial bottles of root beer, which bíu't a bad thiug to takc on a warm day. The Ovtrhnd Mor.thly, for July, comfl chiiiniiig a welcomc. Though the initlul inrnber of the nth volume, it Is the flrst which has found the way to our table. :ore we knew it only througli the icvvspipers, DOW we kuow that in paper, jrint, typographical make np, and contents t ranke high in Uie worldofmagazinedom. We note a freshness, vividness, forcé and real ife In Hs pages not found in those of some older magazines we might name. Therels ess of philosophy, less of trauscendentalism, less of the essay about something that tlie reader certainly and the writer, perhaps, knows nothiisg, but more which will Interest the readers. To name the following papers, Joe of Lnhaina, An Evening anti a morning in Colima, Through the Lower Coast Conntles, The Spectrc Huil of Salinas, Sacramento Etchings, Yosemite on Foot, and Lumbering In Washington Territory is t"O gi-ve one an ida of its Western flavor. We hope to sec inore of the Overland. $4 a ycar ; two copies $7 John II. üahmany & Co., Publishers, 409 Washington Street, San Francisco. From Littell & Gay, Boston, we have " The Portrait In My Uncle's Dining Roortn and other tales." To say that they have appeared iu the Living Aye is commendation cnough of their merits. Paper covers 38 cents. One siügle artiole in the July number of the American AgricuUurisl, " Poisong and thcir Antidotes," is worth the price of that excellent monthly for the year. It should be iu every famüy. The Argvs and the AfrkuUnrist, $3 a year. What is Hiü oe Malakia lt is a 8abt1e,lnvlsibls iutaDiriblc something, risinp; np wherever decay lrg vefrotublo matter, moi(í uro.and a certain degree of hcatiinv::ils. v.hicli, ilüating anpercelvcd in the air we breathe, is absorbed into tbo lungs, poisons us, and produces fever- in lts protean iorm of aguo and fcver, clti'l fever, dumb ague,etc. SwectQuiuine is the oue yreat potiitive cure for theso fevors. Sold by Ëbcrbath & Co . Eureka : Küekkaü Eüueka 1 ! I "hat ? NiUure's suvereiu remedy for healiu the eick. ïh Pierce'a AU. Kxt. or Golden Medical Diacovcry combine lü harmony more of Naturel most valuablc medica proporties thuu was ever beforo comblned in one medicino. For the cure of all coughs whothcr i.cuki ur lhic-ring. U has proven its superíoríty over every thinjelse. For Torpld Llvei ot Billtousnostt and f or CocsUpatton oC tb bowets, it i n oever rt-mcdy. Ah b Blood Puniler for the cure o f Pimples, HlotclHïn, liraptiouïj, and all humors, it iü nnequaled. Sold bj aiugaiste.


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Michigan Argus