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TEA. I TEA. C. A. LEiTER & CQ, OF No. IGKKÍiOIiY BliOCK, bolO the Solé igency of the Great United States Tea Co. OÍ N'ew Yi.rk, for Ihe City of Ana Arbor Tlila Coropanj deal ixdueively in TICA nnfOF Fi.K, aii'l urc!nih('t!Kr IV by til l'irg'i. Tncir . i'. i Knowledga of tliis ditaa ol Gooáa, a.od onu' du porobteing Taai, glva thcm A GREí.T ADVANTAGS cvt smaller dealers. TI íes Teas aro put up in Poun 1 Pac ka gas, (don n elgh lt) a nú ilie price anrt kin-3 uiHi-fcct ;i pialo p hit and it orea by thc Coinli'iity on eaeh pckiige, tu tluit sliüll bo KO PABTAUTY IS P8IC1 HJALJTV. ANY TEAS PURCHASF.D OF US NOT MEETIMQ liECOMMENDATIOKS MAY BE KETURNED AND TKE MOÏiEY EEFUNDED, i ■ w Bh all nol sel! ftOJ aiiulterateJ nr-ick'- i.uow tngty . Wo fot-l oonfldont that 25 ío 3%H Por Cent, can be Saved lïj Parob&sing ThcB Teas. ■3? i 3T t ïï e im: i Aan Arbor, June 24tli. 1S70. C A. LEITER & CO. ■ rstf í F YOD i A SÜMMEK HAT, ÏF YOU WANT A STYL1SH HAT, TF YOU AVANT The Eat of the Season, JF YOU WANT A " Hat as is a Hat," jli1 YOU WANT Hats Cheap - for Cash. [F YOU WANT A Straw, Palm or Panama, G-O TO A.. A.. TEEEY'8, X3 Bouth Tvlain Street. Wlifro joo irlll iU liad & full line oí Gent's Furniahing Goo'l. Ann Arbor, Muy, UTO. 'lUtjl Cyersus Bitter. j FoAbie foUowing BEASON3 SweeB QuinirS obouUl roplaco tlio Ul ionjor f. JiUUr (uhtiíiC. tuinlnc ia WiiiiUNTKi) mWtetnaüjf tu'ti.'ü in cilccí with JJiítcr u iiic. ;ivoc-t Biií-iino none of thc inte se and iicrsittent biíícrncss uí' eoiumou Qi' niuo. Sweetf (ïitninc i.y mmlo froia 1' raviaa UaJ' ouly, li.u sourco.o Bitter Ci iráuo. In Sivitt (tuinine the bittorness is yríoctly (Anceaiéd, lj'.n. may bo iuatantVr dovul(Ai:(l,ií clesii'cil. I C Soeí nninlue Tvill not síckon, aMTOry bilííf 8Ub8t0aC6l often do. Swetlliiliiiiie is readüj taken, aid withovil tiieluutíí. hcbiuuion, by oíd anc woung. 8wceluii!ie cntircly obvlates tmt uncoinuerabloisliko whicli childx'oAhuvo to ut;r Quiuíne. 1 Swdt Qiiininc roquires no elaborata proliui-atjou to takc, 18 icady for iustai. uso. Sweet lEbíiuc, 5 its iifírcoabilit and proxipt eflleacy, cUsabuscs tho 'public miud ofmuoh prJudlce uK''"st Qiíinino, nuil aUls tho cfforts of tho intclVgent Plmician Ín ita ad:uinistration. Srof t luininc costs no moro tnanl tho BitttV Quiniiie. 1 Síveet Aulniiio can bc had ttt tilo J)mg Stor'ls in two forms, viz : Jlttirf, l'oil convenjpncc of families and ti QincvüJaiijm Uclwinri aflcder, for uso CTrhysiai3 Stü&kns, Farr & Öfe., MflWif ACTURING CHEMIST f ew iork, m x. Kor Sale by Eliorbauli &Co., druggiste. 1264jl Thuuthe molt tnoroagb blond purifier vet dtl covered, and a-rês all humor s Trom the worst Scroj' ulo. to aconimon Ervption. Pimples and Blotches on the face, and tcaly or rough Uu, which are fiuch annaying blemif-hes 1o many young person', yield to the Qeoof a few bottle&of this wonderful medicine. Kram oe to eight bttles cure Halt Kheura, Krysipchit,L'i Bea, Riog Wonus, BoiU. Scaly Éruptions of ihe Skin, ?crofiila Sorea, Ulcer and ' Cankcr" in the Moutn and Stoma-h. It is a pure modicinal extract of nativo roots and pbiuta, combininj; in harmonv Natuif'fl nrist Novorc-in curativo properlies, which God Ims instillod nto the veitetable king dom for healing the sick. It is a great reatorer for th Rtxngth and vigor of tho Ny.stera. Those who ure languid, Hleepless, have nervous apprehtnaion or l'earfl, or uj of the affections Bymptomatic of wcakKam, will ñiul conviociüg evMenee of its rstorative pover opon trial. If you feel duit, drov?yt th-lüittitctl ;ind despimdent hae frotjiient lierdache, roouth testes badl y in thp moruinp, irregular appetíte and tongue coated, you are Puffering f mm Torpid Liver or bilouttncetf. In many cjkcs ( IJver Cuniplaint nnly a part of thoge symptoma ar expericucea. Aa a rvmedy for all fcuch'cuaCB , Dr. Pierce'.-? Qoldeo Bftd ical Diacovpry hasno equal, as its effect jiorfoctly cures, leaving the liver utrengthened pnd hoaliliv. Kol the cure of Habitual Constipatioa of the BowelR it ík a never faiUug remedy, and thoss who have usec t for tlii.-i purpofle ftro loud in ita proise. In Bron oblal, Throat and Lu eg Disoasen, it ha produce : ■ inarkablí cures, wliero o her medicines ha fuilt'd. Bold by druggists at SI 0Ü per bottle. Pre pared at the Chemicwl Iaboratorv of B. V. PlHBCfi,U.D.f BufTalo.N.Y. pOR CASH YOD CAN BUY Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BAR6AIN, AT THE YARD OF C SUTKERLAND & CO, Ann Ailjor,.;ununry ,1870. 1253 PÜY8IÓIAKS TiÜGRIPtÏ0RS ACCUEATELY AND ', CAREFULLY PREPABED BY II. ir. ELLI8 A C0.,DBU0GJ81S. fflmgLmm i WAStjTENAW COUMTY.IJ REAL ESTÁTE EXCHANGE ! ! Tbc ti tidfrsijfnfd liaTiny perfect Record history of atl of Rel tíntate Title in thiw 'üty, and in'the Countj of Wii sii ti i nr, take plenaurfl In ai nonncinjf to tlie public that fiE v,iü exümirm litlc.i )T butractsot Eeal látate tillo, makt o eed mortgavs, contract a ml otter logal pajiorn 011 the nhortMt DOÜMi Wlll Uu ma kit ïe of CiJ properly and farm , rent hcvioes, and forAolOH inortKSga. Persons wíuitiii.c a hisirirv if lU-al Eitata title, wilI reeolleet tliat his Books Uk in Tm Tltlea tnd all cqlIjiteral nialteis whlch touch each particular decriptiuo ; uikI all inortgaes, ftBOlmit 01 modern, which &ppm u be Htill nubKisting of record at the present time. I uif'T tlio followiog Real Enlate for sale : Xo.lQO Tlio llulony House and Lot ou Divisicn fc-treet. Mo. 101 . Honra and Lot in Hlaoock?s addltlon. Fi ice $9.000. Xo. 102. Two Storj Drick House on Spring Strof t. Xo.103. Two Story Woolllou?e on Spring Street. N'u.JOL Nico House, Lol and Barn juat weat of Law Coïlege, Xo. 105. Fine House, Out-lious, Bnrn amlöacrnK of I.and.Watur Fuuut, :o.- vry desirable Froperty. Nq.106. House aud 3 acres of Laad nsíde corpora tion. No. 107. Houso and Lot just goutb of tUeUuirerilt? building. Xo. 108. 15,'i acres of Land east of the t"nTerty (iiounds. S'o. 109. City Lo( oearlj oi.ponito Tr. Chase'it l'rintiug Establiffhiownt. Xo. 110. One Two Stoiy Wood Dwcllins on State Street. Xo. 111. One elegant Two Story Brlck House near Unireraity Square. Nü.112. 30 acreB -oith buildings just north of the City. No.113. Ooe Th-o b'tory House jast Borth Ccmetry Groonda Xo. 114. Two Brick Houge& west Bide of Unlversitr Square. Xo. 115. 6 acres ju et west of the City. Xo. 116. 5 acres witii building just west of the City. No. 1J7. 100 acres with buildincrs and inproremonts 5 mile north- gutid situation. Xo. 118. 320 ar.rtis - fino f;irm in ahiawansce. Xo. 119. 2,00(Jacres of WlM Lauds in the Countien of Wayn, Slonroe, Sagina w and dhia irassöe. My Abstract Iiookt are postvd to date. Xo. 120. One elegant Tbree Story Building on Huron Street, west. No. 121. 175 acres on Middlo Road to Tpsilanii. Xo. 122. 40 acres on Bontfa Road with Buildiugn and intprovf uientü . Xo. 123. '40 acres on North rexter Road. 2}{ miles out, with iniproveineutH. Xo. 124. And much olher Real Estáte not heroin lncluded. Therf are m-iny oíd tnorigagu in Washtenaw Coaa. tv un'liscbarjfed of Hecord , und the laws of Limita" ti-iüsas to Mortgflgos is diffureiit trom thtt apptica" bleto Real Kstate. 'ferms of Commfesinn on flales of Real Estáte, one pr : i'iit . if Ka te made. Rates for searoh of Real Estte THloöcenta per year for Deedn and xcent a y var fr Mortgageu until clianije of Dot ie1. No ch'irgfh wi 11 ba made IVr examiuatioo of litle, makiiiff papert or reoordlag, to partiws leuding moucy throueli in h. Monoy want ml to loan on uniucumbered iteal Eaiait frota on to five jears, at 10 jier c-nt. Natdrest m t to the lender. Atin Arbur, Maicii -0. ltjTO TRACY W. ROOT. CHAS. A. LETTER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITELi & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., No. 1 Giejory Black, No. 1 Gregory Block, Na 1 Gregory Bloeit No. 1 Giegoiy Block, E Sign of the Gilt Mortar "3 tW Sign of the Gilt Mortar C Sign of the Gilt Mortar "3 E3T Sign of the Gilt Mortar "C3 IUVK JUST OPENED HAVE JUST OPKNED HAVE JUST Ol'EXED HáVI JlVr OPKNK1) a'h ininest Stoolc oí Ilie ïfineet ötook of The Fircest.Stoolc of Tho ininest Stoolt oí DRUGS AM) MEDICINES OHMS AND MEDICINES DRUtiS AND MEDICINES! DRUGS AND MEDICIEXS IN TUE CITY. IN THE CITT. IN THE CITY. IN THE CITY. PURE WINES AND LIÖU0RS Kor Medicina] Purposea. The Popular Patent Medicine of the day , and everything kept in a firstclasa Drug Store. An EXCELLENT BRAND OP CIGARS. TRY TÜKM:, Solo Agenta in the City for Otto & Reynder't celSURG1CAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS. !W ESPECIAL ArrENTION GIVEN' TO THE COMPOUNIHNO OF PHYS1CIANS' PRKSORIPIIONS aod FAMILY MEDICINES. 126S rnm BICHK8T FARMING LANDS JIN THE WORLD. 1,300,000 ACRES FOR SALE TÜ ACTUAL SETTLER3.1 NEOSHO VALLEY, KANSAS, Union Pacific Railroad Co., Southern BranchTho Lanrls now offeied by thi Cnmpanny aro eituatcd mainly within twpnty miles on each Ide of the rum! . r t fiii'it' L' on 6 I: u )i';ri'i! fcnd Reven ty niiles along tho NEOSHO VALLEY- tbc nchest, fincRttauó mOHt invitinf? val ley for settlemcnt In the west. One-third of the labor reriviired at theEast in the Qulture f farms will insure here doublé the amount offfcrops. For orchard, grpe culture, and small f rn it in general, it is uncijualed. BUILDING MATEHTAL AND KEXCING of erery varietv and ia t:reat ahuuda nc. T30CKKAI3IXO- The nCh natire graases of the prairies nd buttoniK. with the larga área of unoc ciipict landSjin conncction with the dry, mild , and open winters, present nnequaled advantages for the raÏBinpfof Hheep anü horxes. DAlRYINiï. - In such a country, with ranges for ptock unretricted and pasture Ifmitlee, the production of butter and cheese must be protltable. FRUIT-GROWING is ono of the specialtics, ah demnntrnt'il by the (iold McJal awardcd to the State oí K.:iusas by the Pennsylvania State Horticultura! Sootety for ' A Collkctionop Fbcits Unsuri-assed roa Sl2K, HRAtTTV, ANÜ PLAVOR." THE CLIMATE AND HEA1.TH of Kansas are unequaled. These, ndeed, are among its chiei excel lenbfêfl, nad aw r'RninmRndutiin8 for flfttle.nent. PRJCJESOF LAND.- From $2 to $8 pr acre; credit of ten (10) yeiirs' time. TERM9 UF SÁLK- One-tentb down at tirae of pu reliase. Ho pit y in ent thO secnd y aar. Ono tenth pvo-y ycar aftr uní i 1 cüiuplftuni of puytnent, with umiuttl Int ei ü! Afi LAND OFFICE UVoatd atJÜWCTION To alt purchaeers of landK ree ticktt frow arpjiivon over tha ro&d. For further inlitrinatioQ, fcddfMl ISAAC T CJOODNOW Iad Commissioner. 1275 m3 JÜNCT10N ( 1TY, KANSAS. lygARTIN'S ld tho placo to get anytblng ;ou want in th FURNITURE LINE ! HE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. PflYSICIANS' Prescrip j tions Accurately and Care, fully Preparedby Ji. W.ELUS&CO. 3ooo PENCE POST8 ! A QuanilW of White 0k Flooriug, and l.OCO Cords „„Vood, foalc by N. B. CO! K. - " Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by POR SALE CHEAP FOK RFADY PAY. Th6 west half of the Routliwcst qunrtcr of sectio t vo c ), town et S: !;iii twiMity acres um!er Improv 11 ut. the rood timbrr. luquire at L. C {mIoiiV H;u'ihvai yiure,31 South Muiu Street, Au Vrbor, Mlch. L. C. RISDON. ■! ■' ■■■ t8,1S"D. lüTOmStf EOPÏ.E'8 DHÜG STOiCr. P.. W. ELLIS & CO' SPRING Al SUMIR. S. SONDHEIM HAS JUST KErüRN'EIl FROM ISTEW YORK "WITKC A. LARGE STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTEETC B0Y3' AND YOUTHS' CLOT0INÍ?, ALSO THE FINESTÍSTOCK OF CL O TH S, CASS1MERES, VESTINQa, GENTS' FÜRNISHING GOODS, CLOTHS OP ALL COLOKS, EUCP AS BLACK, BROWN, OLIVE, DAHLIA, AND OTHER COI.ORS TOO KLMEROUS TO MENTION. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, ON SHORT NOTICE. 1J THE BEST STYJLE, AND FIT WARRANTED. Cali and Examine for Yourself N. B.-CLOTHING FIFTY PER CENT. CUE APE R TIIAN AT ANY OT HER HOUSE. ALL PERSONS INDEBTEO TO I.ATE K1RM OF II. GUITERMAM i CO., WII,L l'LEASE CALI. AND SETT1.E AN0 SAVE COSTS. s. . 12M A un Ar'uor Agricultura! Co. FAKMER'S AITEKTIOH. Read tlio fuilawiog, wliich is of the greatest nilorunce tu }uu : Ano Arbor, Sept. 1, Igfi9. J'-liuston, Iluntly íc Co : - (ients -I purchaked ou ' your Reapern of FÍDH6g%i ft Howard lastseason, ui have giveu it a thurough tiiul, and can truly ay íat tt workl 'ikt' a thiog oí lit'e, cuttíng hidged and anieil grahi, añil picking it up wih thoce ulmost ;nm üUiiv, Ín nmcli better nhupe tbancouldbe by huiuJ, k-avíng not a ypear belund. I think s lightness of draft, width of cut,(6 feet) stmpliciy and adaptability to alï kimis v 1 ruin, combi re tu ftke it the best Roaper extant, L. M . LYON. We, the undersigned, )urchaeed JoliüKton Reapva, ;inl fully cnturin the abo ve Hair meut i ohn ( . Kocb, Plttefleld. Timutbej Fohey, Webster ohn Kregel, ' John Coyle, a vid Vaugeaon, " Klifiha Oan&OD, ' . C. Huntttr, South Lyon. Tiiomne O'Briea. cory Caoliii, Northlield. KoWoa Osboru, Sclo. ones iï:t rhh , Solo. Au..ivv Mead, Aon Arbur. - baríes Stotsteimer, Le wis Kritz, tícío. These omchioes are iieaproved lor llie ytar 1S-70, lavo a binding attacbinent , aid are fo sale by the nii Arbor Aicricu)tur&l Company, ueceBorn to I.. oure & un ai;d f" i anegan 5c llowarri . We a Is o keep large upply of the following macbiues nith drop lDg att.tch mcíit.-i íni Jnhoston slf rake. Tlieo nacUineK have no equalin thc xaaiKcl. They haro iken uil the prizcs at the different tria. Is In the State ie i'iMtw o vfKrj-, aad in uo case have they failcd! o come otT victorious : 'he World, The Kxcolsior, he Champio Tbe üuMi&rd, lie Ru8'll, Ihe Bal!. Taf-ie inachioes have nevt'r fniled to give ,"[iNfeoq to the pincha ser, aid ara lig h ter dra ft i bun any ther machi ng. We aUu ■]{ the loilowing Thtesh tg Machine t hGeDUue Pitïs, Tbe Tornado. he Iiirdüil, The Mhssüoc, ba (ílonn k Hall, The Vibrator. CRaIN DUII.LS - Ve manufacture thc celebrntfd üeyfitooe Dnll,which for simplicity. accuracy acd u rabil ity , have no superior. We warrant every 'rill to perform aa rep:esented or no sale, ft e alio ct'p DriÜH inanulnetiirod bv other partifs. and ar irt(ari;d to furiiish any derh'fd artiele rn the lioitst not ice. We aro pn.'pa red to do all kind of rtai ring cf farm machïnory, uth as Rtprs, Mowrs. lüifsii'Ts, Horse Powern, o. We keep contant ly od ba iil a large tock of Agricultura) Implïents, plow , harrows, wheel ciiUivtr, feedcut urw. coru shelters, coHron kettts, power jacks ai.d nwincr m tcliiiH'fi, all olour own nianufctir-,and w UI Keil at ilit West pOMlbl tiiure. We woull espeotfuli; invite all partie wUhlog to iurcl.-it tiy tu t i c ! in ni, i 1 frcni I plow polol t ■ lbreihig machine to cali aul fee uu bi-fore purchasing, for o wlll give them bttttor gOOda, bttter terms, and iwer prioea than can be. obtained lolitre, M.B. - Remember we uianulin'ture none liut firstlaet goods, mul il uudersell all competitors . 3a U an'l s'f ua and save f rr ÍÍ t ) 0 per cenl. . and et goodx that a re warre ntrd to he up to the standin. A fu II stock of extras kept cuiftaittly on hand r thp Buffalo Pitt'n Tbreher. IATÍ1K 8CRKW ÜTIIXG of 11 kinds done OB short notice. Oflico od sHlesrorin , jtmetien of Detroit and PouriliSt. oundry and Micliine Shop, Kifth W-ird, opposlt DO lal' Milis. ]'6em3 VTONEY CAN NOT BUY IT. rOK SIGHT IPTBICELESS TUF. 1MAMOND OLASSKS, Maniifnctured br J. E Spencer & , R. Y vhlcb ure now offered t= tb public, ure proiiounce'ï by all tb ceh braifl OiticianHof tlu Woililto bcthe Most rfecl. Natural, Arüüeil help to tbe l'uiuaneje evtrltoown. Tliy are groiut-í unior tbeir own supe rvi.iloa , f rom in!nuteCryital Pebble, ïiVti-l toetbcr, rui derive lUeii ■nmiu', " Díhmh-mI ." oa cconnt of líicir liarrt upss n brlHiatKiy. Th S-it-ntifc prlnolple on whicb they are construtitt'il briog Ihe r're orccutre of hft lens dlreotlj in front oí tl e cye, produo tng a clear and dlfttii'Ct vUinii, r d tbo natural, bealthy si;H t, and privi-utinií rli ujiiltaw;int Rerwi, tioiis, sucb as pliinmerinj: and w&vorfog of gight, dfadnesBt .'" ■, peculiar lo all otherMa They ar mmmtel in the KIVE8T MANNKR, in f jame b of thfrboat imility, of all aëftd tot that purpow. Thrir tinub and 'larnMUt y carn t b íuipasíed. CAUTION.- Noae gDu1ne unte L'i.iii. tier trade mark stampt'! on ivcy frame, J. 0. WATTS &B Rn , Jowrifrr' snleaafiit lor ANN A.RB tboy eau ouly bo obtained. These gOOÖi nrc not lupplifid to Pedir m ataoy price. i2'''.1 i


Old News
Michigan Argus