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Look To Your Grapes

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Burningof the oiids and ends of tobaeeo, to lie obiained ut some stores find at all tobaoconista for two or threi cents pr pnund, is tlie b;st thing lo nmoko out a!i t Jio eorlj vermin from tlio grapery ; and just DOW ia a delicate timo to watoh the vin es to seo tliat they aro free from these enc-mies. Tho smoking, howjver, íkould be done without rogrd t o their presen oe. It is a proteo ion. N ontj w!io tyiows unytbiDg about raising grnpes undor glass will water the vinos wiiilö they are bloosoming. I3ut when this is i'vUy over, the largo syringo should thorouhly sprinkle cverything iuside, includiüg vines, soil, glass etc, twiet' or thrice :i day Tliis maal be acciiinpau ed ith piwilerod fiulphur, placed in the vicinity ol every vine as a pro ection agaioSt müdew ; and slio.uld uiildevv un'fortunatcly uiake its apjtearanot-, tho vines tlierasblvc3 should be sprinkleiJ witb it. Just uow the out door grapes aro liable to suffer from the stoei blue bug, I vvhich feods upon the blossom, aud lea?es beland itg progidy the gniall brown aiaggot that ïaeas raveoou-ly ipon the leuves, asd serioualy damiiging wliatever ot tho erop is left by the bug. A solution of wlialo oil soap and water is sudden death to them ; but the lavso are diflioult to get at, and the beft way to de&troy them ia to go over the vines and use the tbumb ;md finger. Lnst ycar they were very few and they did but little damiige, and tliere may be no dainage from thom this year, but the vines should bo onrcfullv gone over - and iiot au hour should be lost to doing 10.


Old News
Michigan Argus