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E. 'J. JOHNSON, At JVo. .7 South Main Street STILL II AS A HAT OR 2 LEPT, LATEST STYLES, AND Just the thing for the Season, i Which will beo!d XjO-WEK. T-A-TSJ" EVER 1 ALSO A LARGK3T0CK OF GLiOVKS, (.OLItns, NECK Tl ES, HANDKERCHIEFS, S.VTCHELS, CANES, Umbrellas. Parasols, &c. Pleflpe cali and examine roy goüds before purchas ing elsewhro . Miv, 1STO r ADIES'FASHIÜNABLE S HOUSE. 2-1 Sonth Main Street , DcaWr in LADIE'S BOOTS. AND SHGES, THE NEWEST STYLES I3NT Kid9 Oali, and Cloth, Alwayson band, and Stock and Work Guaranteed. IF VOU WANT A. BOOT, jl gaiter, a. bxjskikt, or -a. s3l.if3pkr, ;all and examine hts stock before pir CHASIN'Q. 1 1 PRICES LOWER than the LOWESTi R. TARRANT. Ann Arbor.May 18Í0. pÖÏÏE AGAIN IsL. MARTIN", WITH A FUI.I. STOCK OF CABINE W AR E , TO BK SOLD CIIEAl'ER THAN' ANYWHERE ELi-F. IN THJJ STVTK. AT H1S OUJ STOI'.K, JlAIX TRI ET, AXN' AKB'li: Jlt. 0. K. PORTKrT" DE2STTIST. Office in the NEW BARK BLOCK, AUN AEB0R Ml Operations on the Natural Teeth PERFORMEI) W1TH CARB. TJNSURPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPBRIENCE SETTING ARTIFICIAL TEETH, TO GIVE E ACH INDIVIDUAL, öenturtê of the proper gire, thape, color. Jirmntsttand natural erprasion. 1244 IJK. KELLOGG'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, Wil 1 strengthen the a ppe i te clean se tbentomtch, and renovnto the b lood, o Uat ooe need have no tear of AGÜE, B1LIOUS KEVER, SUMMER COMPLAlNT, or any MALARIOL'S DISEASE, during the bot moDths of iumraer, 11 employed duriog the ear ly wArm days of Spring. Hemember an ounce of preventitive is wortti a pouad of cure. Üoe bottle ma.v eavea heavy bill of expense. rll. KELLÜGGS Indian Remedy, Cftn be employed as ft Linament. and is equally good foi mnnor I will warrant it to cure íil'KN'S,SCA[.DS,CUT8,BRUISES,anl all kind of frefih wounds, with speed and certainty. AKÜ, SCRATCHES, UALLS,wuuna8,&o.,onhorei. HPHE CATHARTIC PROPERT1ES OF Dr. KELLOGQ'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, Are extractpi from Rimple Art icios of food, by lOvel and scíentific iirocrss. They oeither gripe ;onatipatp, or sicken, but leave digostion vigorous, hc appetite ?ood, and the bowelR free and regular. Phey liould be employed in cases of BillimsneR8. revor, Agüe, Costivene, Ho wel Ccmplaint, Dyspep ia, Diarrhea, Liver CompUiiiit, liheumati&m Colds, 4LL OF DR. KELLOGG'S MEDICINES i Are prepared by him.ielf, and warrantöd pure and o be vegetable inaM respect. JT)R. KELLOGG'S CHAMPION OIJXTMENT, Curen PILES, 8AI.T RHEUM, ITCH, and all 8KIN DISEA8KS, without íail. Sold by Drujrpists aad Eealers overywhere. Q 3VT. MARTIN IS AGAIN IN BUSINESS, With a full line of Choice Furniture, Parlor and Bedroom Sets, Mirrors, &o. Cali and see him. 1268 I" IVE GEESE FEATHERS PIEST GiTT-A-LIT-ST, Constantlyon hand andforsaleby RA CH Sc A BEL. TÑNAEBOR AGAINSr THESTATË IN THE FURNITURE TRADE, And O. M. Martin agalnst Ann Arbor. Don 't Foiget his Old Stand. PHYS1C1ANS' Prexcriptioné Accurately and Carefully Prepared ly R. W. EL LIS & Co. "DUY YOUli Looking Grlasses o W, D. HOLMES, Ann Arbor, FOK 3 REASON. Flrpt, bpfnnsp hektpNthe best of IuijiortrdGlftss, kdc a g n'.' aggortmeoi of quHit and urohtop frame, audoells OHEAP I Seconiïl y, bf'.-ti'f tliov belon{t to hls hu?lnesg. IJe nukt'K tli'i;i Mpeclslty, doesbii onn nröïk , &nd eau alfunl ti scll TMMly, Beeans ht mftiinr&ciiircfc tliem, aud can aud will sell the CHEAPBST 1 of any on? iü the city. UpaUo aelli PICTURE FRAMES! ïho chenpsst ol anybody in the State - aafaraa board front. NICS OVAL FRJ3ÍES FOIi 5O OTS. Picture Cord, Tassols & Eails! FREtiCIl GIASS_bj tlitliglit or box- ForlMctures orlor HOTJS33 ! 3 EAST HURÓN STRBET, ATÍN" ARBOB, - MICI-I. 117fitf O Lj H ■ m W , CE O 3 ti h a I 3 S o " ? h! o i s W cu o gülíh S s Sito H a í p}8o P 5 ü 2 S. h n. o í ■DEMOVAL. j. keckT co. Have removed their STOCK OF FÜ11TÜRE And Undertaker's Goods, To Mack & Schmid's Block, No. 52 South Main, and No. 4 West Liberty Streets. TUE LARGE8T STORE. IN THE CITY, AND BUILT. EXPRESSLY FOR TUK FURM1URE TRADE. THKY HA VK NOW IN STORE THE LARGESTanJFINEST STOCK OF FÜRNITURE EVER OFFERFD IK TH IS COUNTY.OF THEIROWK MANUFACTURE, SUPERIOR BOTH I.V QÜALITANDSTYLE, WHJCU THEY NOW OFFER TO THE PUBLIC CHEAPER THAN CAN BE BOUOHT ANY WHERE ELEFIN THE STATE. THEIR STOCK INCLDDES EVERY ARTICLF. NEEDED TO FDRNISH THE BES f HOUSE FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. Thelrold pitronsan'Uhe public generalizare inrited to gire tLem a cali. J. KECK tt CO. Am ArboriJanaarj, 1870. 1251 QRY COODS OHEAP! C. II. MILLEN Has just returned from New York, and is dow receiving a OF SPKING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS, 13ought during the recent fall in pricea, aad will be sold Cheop. C. HL MILLEN. 'JPHE STYLES OF LADIES' DRESS GOOD8, ARAB SHAWLS, LLAMA POINTS, GLOVES, TIES HOSIERY, PARASOLS, FANS, &c, &c, ARE BEAUTIFUL AND CHEAPCALL AND SB E THEM at C. H. Millen's. sjPRlING PRINTS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, House Fiirnishing Goods, Gent's Cloths & Cassimeres, AND EVERT VAKIETV OF SPRING DRY GOODS, FOR LADIES AND GENTS AT VERY LOW PRICES AT C. H. MILLEN'S. plÑLÍYTiLEWÍS, Gentleman" Opera Boots. Furgeson Button Boots. " Frcach CoDgress Gaitera. " Creólo " " Serge " " " Scotch Ties. " All Rightg. " Oxford Ties. In short, a Full Line of Geotlemeu'g Boot and Sboos , Boy's and Youth's Boots and Shoes, n Great Variety, and MEN'S HEAVY WORK, band made of all kinds. Ladios' French Kid Button. " Foxed " " " Serge " " " Polish. Misses' Bronze, " and Button. " Serge, " Child's " " i We ask tbe particular attention of the Ladics to OUE FINE WOEK WHICH FOR Quality is Unsurpassed, i IN TUE STATE, and a Prico I? AR BiöLOW DETROIT FIGURES OL'R WOPK WARRANTED AS KEPRESENTED. 1263 NN AKBOR CITY MILLS! BEST FLOUB $3.00 per 100 lbs. OR AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. LEAVE ORDERS AT THE POST OFFICE. B J. T. SWATHEL. PEPT. 21t, 1869. 1236tf pUËÏTtjRÏT" C BI IE .A. IF I The Largest and I3at atockin thecity, of all t. rietles and etyles, at the cid Store of O. M. MARTIN. $iiÖÖOÉWARDl GREAT EXCITEV1ENT ! ! among farmers. soicTmills WII.L I'AY THE HlflHEST CASH TRICFS FOR GOOD WHEAT. AI.I. FARMERS WILI. ! WKI.L TO CALL THERE BEFORE SEXUNG ILSEWIJERE niiivc youK good wheat to scio Mii.r.s. 1260 N. W. BRIGGS, Scio. Go to R. W. ELLIS & CO's for choice Wines and Liquors fqr Medical Purposes. Mortgngo Sale. DEFAULT havlng been n']! in tbe condHIon df n n-nuin mortgá by Obarles Moore aud Melissa Moore nis wife, of thedlyof Ann Arbor. Couutr of Washteuaw, and State of Mli on the twilftli dny of Joly, A. D, 1864, to Joteph W. Lawton and Ifreclerick Wnrster, of the cilT of Aun ArborJ :;i'!, and recorded in tii I ter'aofh'ce, ol' saict County of Washtenaw . nf. on the I5tb dar of July, A. I). J' M. of s-aid riay, !:. f2i ; which sal d mortgage ind Fredorick wnrster, to n. ths nnderBlgned , on the 8Oth da? of Noyomner, A. 1). ïsiiii. ami recorded In the Eegleter's ofllce cf Washtenaw Connty, on the 28th day of April A. D. i ro, at 11 o'dock A, M . i„ liher 32 of mortgages, page ;i'l : on wtncta moi is clalmed to ho due at. the date of 'nis nolice, the Biim of t hnndfed and Ufty-four dot and fortj two alto, an attoraey feeof twenty-flvc dollars, shonti taken to fórecloae thls mortgage i and no raUorpn in i: biw or eqo ed to reo-ver the debt or miy part therenf, notice Isbereb? fiivcn, that by vlrtae r tli power if sale in sald mortgage contalned I hall sellat pnUlc the bJfrheet bidder, on th 3' ih day M Jnly tiext, at two u'clock P. U. of ald day, nt the front door of the Court House, in the city of Aun Arl)or. lnsald Connty or Washtenaw, the premfoes K cribed In Sald mort-:iL-(' ae all that t:íTl:iili piece or pan:ci of Innd )ittjatcl in the city of Ami Arbor County of Washtenaw. and SUte of Michigan , known bonnd ed and deBCribed ns follows: Commenclng at the OeDter of section ntiniber twonty iu lownaDlp two aoath of ranee nnisber cix e.-ir aad runnlna west four chaius and thirty aeren linke ti a t-,1 -,■ tree. ei;lit InchOB iu diameter ; thenre eonth etcht dtïgrcet, weet two chains and fifty Hnkft to'the Hlseoct mail; thence easterly along the centen road t the Tioith and pouth center llneofaaldC tion nnmber twenty; thence north -ven i-haii.s and lorty ftve links to the placo of bcginnittg fexceptingr nml resenins one acre of iand from the cast side of the pnveel of lnnd abovc tlescrihed.) April ÜStll, 18Í0. BARNABD8 K. ' iriRI.E, As&ignec of said Mortgage. Joiix JT. Gott, Attorney ior A!!gne.e of saiii Mortgage. 1367 Mor(!;age Sale. DSFAULT ha)ng been made In the conditinn of a cortáis mortgage mide and executed by David 1. Salea and AmaBdaB. Oates. of the dtyof Ann Arbi)r. Waehi ■ . to Aaron li. Vanatta, of Northfleld, Coanty and state afo beartngdate thefllth day of April, A. 1 1862. and recorded in the Reglster's Ofllce of Deeda f"i I tenaw Co , Ulchigan. ontheslxteenthkUyof Aprll,A, D 1S62, at 10% o'clock A. M , in Hber rTo. '-'; of mortgage?. on paye i1 -i. by whl er of tale contained thereinhecome Operativo; the amountclaimcd to be dne on sniri mortgageand accompanylng note at the date of tliia notice in the Pitm of ftve handred and giïty-iiine dollars and fiftv centi and lm nuil the fnrther snm of HfteeiTdollurs provlded in sald mortgage as an Attomey fee in caeeany proceeding Bhoold be taken to foreclose the Ban no snit or proceeding bavlng been ingtituted at law to recover the debt eeenred by said mortgage, or anypart thereof: NoHce la heroby riven that on Uooday theeleventh day of Juiy, A. U. 1S70. at ten o'clock 1. u. of that day. at the front door of the Connty Conrt House. In the City of Ann Arbrir, in taid CiAintv of Wafthte naw, the same belng thepiacc fbr holding the Circnit Conrt for iiiil Connty, there wíll be Uc the hlghest bidder, the premli Bcrlbed in said mortgage, or bo much thereof aj be necessary to sattsfy the amonnt dne on ñiídnote and mortgage at the date of tliis notice. ivith InterBSt, coatsand expeLses providid for in said mort;aie, andallowed by law, that 1b to say : All that certain plec or parce] of land situated in thecitv of Ann Arbor. Waghtenaw Connty, Mii higan, deserfbed as follows. to-wit: Betngloto nuniber one. four (4), tive iind ejght, in block flve. in BroWn & Fuü-.'rV additlon to the vinage citv of Ann Arbor, accordinj; to the recorded pint. thereof Dated, Aun Arbor, April ïth . 1ST0. AAIÏON B. VAN'ATTA.Mortïagce. Thact W. Ro Attorncy for .Mortgagee. 1265 Sneriff's SulëT" BY VIRTUE of one writ of Firri J?aria. iüsned out of and ïimler tb ecal of the circuit Conrt fr the Connty of Washteuaw, to me diructed and delivercd, hearing date the second day of June, A. D. eigbtten hundred and seventy, in fav'or of John McDermott. nlalntlff . commaimiñi; me that of the goods andchaitels, ami tor nam thereof. then ot the followinirdesc ibed lands and tencraenti to.wlt: The BOnthwest quarter of the northeast quarter of src tion nnmber tbirtr, in townahip one eouth of rane Bil eaat, being in the township ol Nortbüeld. in said Connty of Wa.'htenaw, of Patclck Mcüermott. James McDermott Uargaret HcDermott Owen Mc I ermott. Mary McDermott. Jllcharl cüetmott. Ann McDermott. Patrtck Iluston, Thomas Ilnston, Chsrlia lluston James Hnston, Minhael Hnston, Mary Huston and Norah lluston, whlcb propertyl hall exposé ror sale at public auction, ard sell to the hÍL-lie! bidder, at the Bonth door of the Conrt House, in the City of Ann Arbor, on the sixieenth day of , Inlv, A. 1)., eighteen hundred and eeventy, at ten . a'cloek in the forenoon of that day. Ann Arbor, JiMe :;!. A 1) 1870. 11 ÏROX K. PORTER, Sheriff. 1272 Tiios. ■!■ nosKi.NS, Deputy Sheriff. , Eeal Es' ate for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN , County of Washtenaw. ss. O In the matttr of tlie patata óf Tbomu Bentley, deceased. Notice is hereb'y giren. Tbatlspn of an oider jrranted to the undersisnecl. A trator wtth the will annexed r sald deceased. b the Umi Jadee of Probate for the Connty ofWaehteniw, ou the thinicth day of May, A. D. isto, there wlll be sok! at public rendne, to lie hiirhest bidtlor, at thedwelüni; honse on the premiso hereinafter describedi in the Connty ai Washtenaw. in Bni.l Staie, on Wednesday. the Sd day of Angnst. A. D. Í8T0, al one o'clock in the afternoon of that day f subject to all encumbrancen by mortgae or oiherwtao e at the time of tho deat.h of 8ai3 deceased), the fol lowinjr depcribed real estáte, to wit i The east half of the Dortbweet qaarter ol eectiou fonrt.cpn. 'exüvo arres heretufore deeded to Elizabeth A. Wlnegftr)' Aiso twc-nty one acres off of the pouth end of the west half iif ihe northwest qoarterof sa-d Pection fonrtf-en. in towuship onesoiithol range fix east. in saïd State. Dated, Jbuo 8th, A.T) 1T1. SKLUKN W. SnL-KTI.EFP. I2T3 Adininistrator w th ïhe will annexi'd. Drain Comini8Ínner's Notine. TVTOTTCE is hereby friven, that the Drnin Commis1' ioner ol Washteniw County will he at the house of Wm. Clark, in the ttnvnuhip or Superior on the llïth diiy of Jnly, 1810, at -' o'docl; p. ji , to meet paities to contract for the eicavation and conítructíon of a Orain, knowu as Clark Lakc Iirain, on Soction tl and lï I wül alno ge at the honsi of Wm. Clark, on the lïth dy of .'oly, 1ST. at 4 o'clock p. m. :it which n me I will rxhibit maps t tbeabove proponed drain. and dcsciiptions of the severa] pareéis of land deemëd by me beneflted thereby, and the amonnt and desrriptlmit by división and sabdlvUiona of the above ! deecribed proposi'd drain. bj me appt rtioned to the owners of each depcripiion to construct, and to the towu-hip of Snperior to construct on account of] encli drain benefltlng blghway. and to hear reason, if any are offered. why such apportionmentshould b rci u wed and correctèd. Anu Arbor, June -Uth, 18I0. JAMES J PAKSHAI.L, 12T0 Coanty Drain Comniissioner. rISSOLÜTION. The copartnership hercteforc cxistitis betrcen the nndersigued, under the firm name of lï. W.SIltsA Co., waa tltis day dlssolTèd by nuitual consent. J. A. Kisgell rettrlng. The Imsineis will bc carried on at the old place under tbe f ame flrm name. and the books of the company be settled by the new flrm Dated, Mayioth, 1S70. R. w. ELUS. 12T2 J. A. KISSELL. ]oav oPENiisra, WM. WACNER'S, An Elejrautand Large Stock of SPRING Al SÜMMER GOODS, 1NCLUDING CLOTHS, CaSSIMERES, VESTINGS, &C. LATEST STYLKS iND BSST QÜALITIES WHICH ÜFOFERS LOWER thanEVEE Alto in Store a large stock of EEADY-MADE CLOTHING AND Gents' FURNISHING Goods. QARMENTFMADETO ORDER! N THE BEST STYLE. Aloo LAPIEVand GENTS' MOROCCO SATCHELS No.S1.8outh Mi Street- Ent slde. CALL AND SEE THEM. ( WILUJAIJ WAGNER. Ann Arbar, Vay, 1870. ' -TUMBER YARD.' C. KRAPP I Tías a lurjre ftttd w stockd Lumber Yard, on Je L ferjnnSti"it. in the Routh part of the í';tyf aml wi!I k64fooafitftOtlj nn hand n exct'llr nt a rle tj of LUMBER. i SHINGLES, ' i LATH, &C which will beso 10 y ïoir as An be aíTorded inthie b Qtinlity and p rices Michthatnoonenpcrito go to d Detroit. OONRAD KRAPF, Aon Arbor,Oet.ntflíW. 38CH - ■mu ■Jim ii i iii iiirmturi- aaanBMB Koal Petate for Sale. OTATBOF MICHIGAN, ' w, el. O ln tho niattef ol ; arale.Jr., minor. Notice U hereby slven, That ín pursaance of au ontarttmited to Un: nndereigned, Quardlan of the estáte ofsald minor, bytneiion htenaw on tlie rixh ilny of June. A thtre wil] bc [oíd at [ the . the twenty clghth day of July A. D. 1870, ■ion oí that to all encumbrantes bv ni' rt{;iie orotl Inzat the tliíl i ri'„-m of doflre? of Mary Brosssamle aa wldow ni Frederlck Broeanunle, deccased), the followlng dato wil : Cofflmi - ■ half qaarter ]um. thirteeu chaius aud eighlj-Jire iiurtti une : : frona the BO ner of the sonthwest quarter of the ion I twelvt', in tOWDflblp trto BOU rangethr ■■..-■ in ald State, andronnlug ■ norib degree westonechain hiwI nneteen links cm the half quarter II i( looi cbaku aod nrto'-u link? i ■ iveí me chaiu and eighteen link.-. ! thence Bonlh etgbty-one degrees cast four chaina and tbirty-nlx linkn to the phice of beidunloK, containing half an mrv uf land, be the Aico 'oh the half qnarter line two chaina and elsbty tbrae links j(iurh une dagr69eaat trom tl uurter of thé 8oalDwent qimrttT ofBPCtloi] twelvo, and ram Ine thenceaoatb one desree o:it two chaina hik! forrv.six linfa half quarter Une tiic-ncs' tyeieht andonel ■ ea-t flve chaina thei:ce nortb one di'ïn'c west two chaina and for t -sis Dorth cii.'tity eight ;nd oiie-huH y rees west live chai ïi1-. to the place of beglnni acre and '23-10 of n lera of land, Se the aamem rt orless. Algo a paici-l of land commoi half qnarter lino north di,r: degree ■ chaina and eighty-iivc links from the son theast corner of he eoothwest qnarter of the sonthcast qnarter of the nbovc named Bectlon, ï riniiiii:Lr thence nortb o&e and ixty-flve links on the half qnarter lin i Doithelghty-eightdegreea and thirty i three chatas and Mvanty elgtt linkü", th-iu-e roath nlne doten es west tbree chiilns ai pouth eigbty-o slx ÜLk", to the place of beginning fai reserrlnic one-half acra off and Irom the nonh sifk of thi' lasi above dcacribed te oflaod, leavtog one ui ol land tborcin;. Also lotflfTfM'ii In block seventeen, according to íio r plat of Elliha Congdon's Third Addition io the vilbiL'f of Chelsea in fald Oonnty Daieli Juut' ah. A, I). lS7f 12TB OliüRGE PAUL, Gnardinn. Re lístate for Sale. STATE OP MICHIGAN , Connty of Wasbtenaw, B8. In the matter of tho estáte f I7i'nr Ciinfield, icreljy ivini. that in pal of an order gran ted to the anderelgned, Admiuistrator of the Estáte of said dl cc Judie í Probate for the Cotmty "i Washtei the thirtj-flrsi day of Hay, A I will be Bold at public veiidne , to the bigbest bidder, atjtbu dwel Ing 1w;;m-o:i the premlBcshereinafterdescribcd, in the Oonnty of Vüshu-naw, iij sald S::. Wedneeday, the third day of August, A. D. ■ ten o'cltH'k in the forenoon of that day, (flnbjecl to all encumbraiicefl by mortgftge or otherwise existing at the time of tbt; death ofsald deceasedj,' the following descrlbed real estafe Aooutnine aercö of lantï in tliG village oí" Che]? a in said C oonty and State bonnfled aslollows vli: Cum mencing thlrteen rodsand tweoty-tbrce iucheaeag of the sontbwest corner of certain lanrts rieecled by Elisha Concdon to one .lobn M. Letts, Septembei 2l8t A. I. 1854, and recorded in Ibc Re fur the Connty of Wa-hteimw, in liber si) of Deed?, 69, and running ; :.■ roda, Uve feet and rhree Enchefl ! rorty roda to the line hetween Bal i John M. Letta and Iaac Taylor, thrnce sonth tweuty three r. Ceel und tbrec leches thence weet to the p : :, belng uu the '.vest part of northeaal qnarter of tl.e northcaat quarter of section twelve, i" township two south of rang.etiït in said State; also cpmmencinfi hl ili: northwest corner of certain lande deeded Augnet 2?d, A. I). ' wife to .7.'i::'.c.- Smith at the point where il juins the ;■ ner of iandfl . d, running t sonth two chaina and (brty )■ ■ north clghty peveii de-uno eaet ulno chains and elehtj-.sii links, thence nonh osé chaln and fifty-nlne links, to beast corner of the tirst above descril cel of land, thence weet nine chaina and eigl links to the place of begJnnlng. Kiceptinu' ai survingfromth" above d sribed parcel, a strip off the north side one and n half roils wide lor a ioad. Bubjeo' to the contn I .-.■. 'jitus and the adjoining owuer, Johnsou M. Lett-, or their sue ceBSors. Dated, JunelOth, A. D. CHARLES H. KEMPP, 12V4 Administrator. Commifsioner's Notice CTATE OF MICHIGAN Connty of Waehtenaw.fs O The andeigned baying been appointed bv the Probate Court for said Cóu ;;itjtii t"o receive, examine and adjust all claim and dem. l all peraons asainst the ebtate of Anthony Eiy. late r sald Connty. deceaped, hereby ctve notice that six monthi? from date wc allowod by order of said 1 robat Court, for ertditors to presrnt thcir claima againstlhe estme of eaid dccensid, a:icl that they will meet at the store of Charles Klus. in ti o! Tpsilanti. iii said County. on Satnrday, üicthirteenth rlay of An'iu-t. and onday, the tlvelfth day of December, next. at 10 o'clock A M. ofeachof B. to receiro, examina, au.iadjust flaid claims. Iated. Jnnellth. A. D. J87U. 1_t; CHARLES KIX. 't JAMES M. CI1HISTER, Icommissioners. HKÜBEU L. D0DLEY, j Rol Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of In the matter of the etatc "of Benjamin Colo, deceaaed. Notloe ia hereby given that in pursuancü of au order granted to iha andersigned. AdmlnUtratop of the estáte of said deceased. bv ihe tien. J tid tre of Probate for the County of Washtenaw. on the twenty-pi-v.'iiüi du of Jane, A.D, 18T0 thirewi'il be aold at Pnblie vendae. to the hlghest bidder at Bhe-dweUlDj; honse on the premises aerelnaf 'er described, In the Coniity of washtenaw, in raid State, on Wednebday, the sèveiiteenrh day of August, . D. . at one o'cJock iii the afternoon of tb (imbject to all encurabrancea by or ■ ther at t o o time of the deatn of aicf de. and ataopubject to the riht of dower of hl widow thereln i. the foUowlng d ' :'.ni'. to-wit : The ea?t half of the soatheasl qnirter and thi cat three quarters of the sonthvest qnarter of the sontheaet qoaiterot wctlon thirtj-flve Intoirn =hip foor po'Vh of rau'fi flve eaat. containlng one hnndrrd and ten acrt:s tnnreor legg, ii: gald Staten l);ited, Juue-ïth, A. 1). I HEMiY P. HAMMOND, 1ST8 Administrator. Coinmiasioners' Notiee. CTATEOPMiriIICAN CoUDtjol Wnshteiiaw 88. k The nndBraljrned haviog been appolnt6d bv the Probate Conrt for said dmnty. Commli ceive. cxnmine. and adJnM :ill daims and demandi of all perrons aeainsttbsectateoC Thumas J ürooks, late of eaid Uounty. deceaaed, hereby jrive notice that six monthü from date are allowed hy order of sald Probate Cour t forcrèdltorsto Dreseottbeir dalmaagalnsttbeeatateofaalddeceased. andthatthey will mert at tlie store of Charles II. Kempf in tiiè vinagre of Chelsea, in said Oounty, on Satarday, the sixth day of Atigust and Toesday, tbe :-ixiti day of December, next, at ten o'clock A. M. ofeach of said days, to recsive, examine and adjust eaid claims. DateiUJune flth. A D. IS70. JOHN TAYtOR. ) 1274 I.OUIN BABOOCK, JCommissiooors CnnimipsioneiV Notiee. TATE OP MICHIGAN, Conntyol Washtenaw, s. o The onderalgned haïlng been appoin Probate Coitrt for Bfttd County, Conifnraeionóre to r,1ccive. examine, and ndiurt all cliiiüi and deniandd I of all perdona agalna) tbc estáte ■cker, late if Bald County, deeeased, hereby give notiee that aix months from date are allowed by order of sald Probate Conrt for credltore to present their claims Sffalnst the estáte of said decoased," and tlmt they wiHmeet af thfl ofllceof Ooorjre Turnbull, in Ohelflea, in saïd County on Tuesany. thetwentysizthday of Julr, ami Mondar, the nlneteentn day tf December, iext, at ten o'clock A. M. of each of ihose days, to receive, examine, and adjust said claims. Datrd, .Tnne ISth, A. l. 1S70 1 'T"w4' HoKACE A S.MITU, ) M .(. NOTES S Commissioners. LOüEN HABCOCK,5 Estato of Sally A. Pray. PTATEOP MICHIGAN, Oounty of Washtenaw. s. O Notiee is berebyfflTen, tbat by an order of the Proiate Conrt for the County of Waihtenaw, made on ;he eleventh day of June. A. I). 1FT", sta iionths from that date were allowed for eroditors to jresent thelr claim? agalnst the estáte of Sally . Pray, late of said Countv. decean-d. and that all Teditort of said deceased are required to present heir claimt to said Probate Conrt, at the Probate }flice in thf city cf Ann Arbor, for examinatlon ind üllowance, on or bi'fore the twolfth day of ecmbér next. and thnt snch claims will li heard jefore said Probate Conrt, on Saturday, thetwentith day of Anguat, and on Mondáy, the twelfth lay of December next. at ten o'clock in the foreLoon ofeach of those days Dated.Alin Arbor, June Ilth. A. T.. 1R70. III HAM .1 BJtAKES. 1274 .TudKC of Probate. Estáte of Zentis Burd. STATE 0P MICHIGAN, Cuunty if No tico la hereby gflven. thatoy an order of the Probate Conrt for tíio Co'.mty ot" WubtCQCLAw, made on tho íilteenth day of June, A. ])- 1ST0 six months f rom that date veré allowed for rrerlitors to present their claims agatnst ihe estáte of Zeuas 15tirW late of frSM Coonty, decensed, and that all credltora pfMid docóa&ed are required to present rheir claims to said Probate Court, at the Prnbatc Office, lo tlie City of Aun Arbor. fbr exñninatlon anq allowancc on or before the sixreonth tl:iy of December next, and that racb claims wlll bc ïïenrd boforc said Probate Court, ou Saturday, the tl.irtei'iith dny of August, and os Fiitlay, the &xteeuth dny of Ueroníx-r, next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of eacta oí those days. Dated, Anu Arbor, Judo Iflth, 170. J1IKAM J. BEAKKS, 127fiw4 Jude of Probate. Estáte of Irwio P. Baker. OTATE OF M1CHÏGAN, Connty of Washtennw, ss . Notice is herebj L'ivn, that : by an order of the Probate Conrl for theCountyof WAnlitenaw-, Qiade on thc twentiethdajof Jane, A D. 870, gl monttts ttom that date were allowed for creditoreto presenr their claims :i:rrnut oatate cf Irwln P, Baker, )tc of said oiuitv deceased, and that all creditor of eaíd Aeceased are required to present their clíitms to tald Coart, at tlu; l'robatn ofíice. m the Oity of Aun Arbor, for examiiiation and allowanca En or before the twen tiet h day vï December, m-xt, and that such cifiinií will ba heard before sak) Probate jourt.on B&tordaj. the tw(M:ti'tli day of August, and Fiiefday, the twen tiet h flay of December, ntxt, at ten 'clock "in the forenoon ofeach of Ihope days. Dated.Auu Arbur.Jïine'J th A. D. 18"0. 11 [KAM J. BRAKER, l-T.'iw-í' Judge of i'robatc. Sheriff 's 8ale. BY VTRTUE of three sereral cxecniiims tañed o it of and nader the eaj of the Circolt Court brtbe Conntyoi "nshtenaw, to me dlrected and tellveredi apainêi the epode and chaitels. tanda and ' euemeDta of Charlea Thompson, 1 ipoa the followfog desoribed real estáte, towit: sOt mimbcr eleven, and thc eist (oarter of lot inniber twe)?e lo block n amber one pouth of ïnron Btreet, and range tix c. t. In the City f A nu krbor. Wahtenaw County. Michigan ; whJcb I Bh all xpoae to sale, at public aüctfon to the Lihest itdder, at the BOU tb door of the Codrt IIimisp, in the 'Ity of Ann Arbor, on Prlday, the twenty niuth ayof .luly. A U. 1870, at lOu'olock in th forenoon. Dated, Juue Tth.l-'T . BTBON R. rOiïTKR.Slifrïm 1C73 BjTHOfl. J., Doputy Sheriff, j EstatQof Robert AltCnrmiclT OTATE OP MICHIGAN. C mnty of W..1,. ' .11 pftheProbate Court fonJ itenaw, holden at tn pr, city otAnn Arbor, (.11 WtJncdav 't day ofinne, in the year „„e Si Ilirnin.J.TicakoS.Juagcofp..,, 1 ■ oftUe estáte oífcobert McTÍ?; I Ingthe pct:tisn.iiuivv.. 1 ! her d„wé ■ J (iied se ' seizeü nj I leOrdered,thatMomT th , i.v, nixt, al ten o'clock u, ÜVÍSÜ"1! forthe hearing of said neutiJS "■ anff helr? í: 5"i idallütbcrperBonsiuterestcdin. 0 OfsaldCnnV tobehpldenatthePr. .-:„ .h.ri? Arbor.and show cause, Ifany therebe v 01 the petltioner shonld oot i rurtherordered, that said p, 'íj. ínter atéd in sald estáte, oftJw Ition, and the hearing thereni il! eopjoíthls Order to be pnbltoBed i, uewspaper printed ami circuí f h i '';rtielI0l:eafivc week preWój flftruécopj.J HIHAMJ ' ll"y v-''l!) Jndltlmt, EsUte of Samuel" W. ï"1Dl' OTATE OP MICHKJAN. Ooontyof ; AtaeRionoftt JurtPaOeh o Wuslii.-iiaw, h(ildi-u attbe Pn City r Aun Arior, ,.;. ' "ur, daj of Jnne, In the jear one thooh thu dred and Beveuty. "" at.HlittaJ. Beakee imatter of tbe Estáte of Sáiurpiw idiog and flllng the pptltion.du praying .ín,,,. ■ome other Bailable pera n may i60. Btor oflhe estáte ofsmd, 1 rhereupon it is ordered, thai y of.Iuly next, at ten o'clock 'JS be asülgned forthe hearineor si ' nd ü theheirsat luw of snii; ouer persom interested in said ottafe to appcar at a seesion uf said Conrt tícii ' sn. al the 1 róbate Office, In the Citvifinnd sbow cause, if n 1 th ;re be whT th , tltloner shonld . ? petitionei eivé mi slotereeted e.Sf the.e n, and the hearing rtiereol if this order lo b publirtetl iii íhi r printed and clreulatiu y. three sncoesslve wreks previous'to (A troecopy j HIRAM J. BEaI '-'' Judge el Pr Estáte of John Brewer. OTATEoMICHiaAH,CoCNTïo,V„TE: I Atasi-M.iMof the Probar Court forthe( I of Washtenaw, holden at the ProbatèOiBct In tí I or Ana Artor, 011 ThuMdsy, thc ín,',, h I Uc veur one thousiud f h . IIir:ím,T. Dcnkts. JmVe of Prob ate 1 ; mattor of th. Bstatf of jJSfStJ md flllng thepetiÜOD, dulv verlliJ UKImmel and Ewkiel M ole flS3 that ií eertaln Instrument now o Ín thh Í53 porporüne to be the last wil] and teetameS of .1 be admito d to probate! ad ttattt mar be appointed Execoton th. r,-,.f " rhaeuponltUOrdered, thatMiinrla thepln! W petition, múlnM . devies and heirs at íaw of said d4sl and all othei pera .„] iu a ",'J are required to appear at a eesslon oísald Coart H Arbor, and show canse, If any t here be. whj th?. ,,„ petlUonershpoM iotlmgSatü, TnffJ Itirthcrordered thataald petHioutT.-iveiiot'cTto J - interested la saQeaUte, oí the pcndelírl sald petítion, nnd the heariag thereuf fiv cauía] copy of this Orrter to be pobllshed in th"e J(ÏÏS oewspaper printed and circulaties la a Coonty, three successtre weeks previons to";jS ofbear '' Atrnecopy.j 1IIRAMJ. BEAKES 1-Hto Judt;e oiPrulxle. Estáte of Abigail C. Nortly. STATE OF MICIUC ,1 X, ( ouiity of Watliient At a seeslon of the Probate 'onrt fo: of Waahtcnaw, holden at the Probate Oíüce lui City of Ann Arhor. on Thuruixr. tbe day of June, in the year onu thuusanil ekktlZ dr o and fteTepty. i Present, Hlram J. Beake, Jndge or Probíle In the matter of Estáte of Abigail Ifobert Nortly, Admini-trator with tbc k9 j in ; d of said deceaeed, comea into Court lacni resents that he i now prepared to render bis u aconut as yuch Admini tr;iior Thereupon it is ordered. that Moncisy, íherj teeIllt '■ lext. nt tiu o'clock in ihefyM noon. be asshrned lor examiníDg and all mk íliat th', ieces íindleiniM taw or said dec al] other persons itiil eíted in said estáte, artt reqnued to appear at s ti f Bald Coort, then to lp hulden atthePitiJ ■ Ity of Aun Arbor, in said 1 any ti tbe said uxmm shoald !iol be allo wed : And it is furtherorderedfl sa:d Admii.isirator fie notice to the pera, m líf isted in sald estáte, of ihe p 1 &coñu and the hcarinir thereof, by cmumul' a 1 urder to be published in the Hú Mmm .;, paper printid nnd ci: 1 successive weeks previoaa to .=nid fia? cf tA trae Copy.) U1KAMJ B) Jndge of Probnit ate of Euama T FuIIer. QTATBOPMICHIOiN.CbttBtyof Waahtesw,! 0 At a eeepion of the Probate Court for tlie (m pf Wasbtenaw holden at tlie I i 1 ir y oí Aun Arbur, on Friday. the eei nf June, iu tht.' year onetbousftnd ciení hundreiu ■ . i y. nt, Htram J. Beakes.Jndge o f Probate. ín tiit' matter oí the estáte of KuamaT ftfe -vil. John T Fi:llcr. Executor of the last wil] asi) fe ament of sald deceased, comea Loto Coart aud re euts that lie is nmv prepared to reiider hUía ccouut ís nii'h Exicotor. wpon it ib prdered, that Monday ilie $ eenth ciy of Jaly, next, al ten o'clock ín ík orenoon, be asstgned for examlning and slloñ onnt, and that the leñatees, devfoeafl : law of 8aid deceased, and nII ut her pena ■ din sald estáte ara reqoired to appesriii of aid Conrt. then to be holden ata tóbate íBce, i:i iLe Citj of Aun Arbor. i a id County. and show cause, if anv ther hy tbe eald occount r'hoald iiotfbeuflowed:ii tisfurther ordered that said KiecutoriÍT( the persons intere&tec! in slá estáte, ofthepn accoirht, and the hearing; therml iuf gaoopj of thie ortler to b pnbltsbedU Uckiftan irgut a newspapcr printeo and circnliíiij Id said Conntji three Buccessfre weeks preiMi said dav ofheíiiin". (A true copy.J HIIÏAM J. BEAKES, 1275tc Ju(lLcof ProbftH, Estafe Lydiíi Slocum. QTATB OF MICHIGAN. County of Wa?htccsT,?i O A.t a sí'.ssion of the Probate Court for thcCouD'1 of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oflice. is City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, tlie tweaán day oi Jone, in theyear one thóusand eight tdred and eeventy. Present, Jïiram J. lïcakes, Jndgc of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Lj deceaped. On readioif aadflUngthe petitlon djolj veittj Orzilirt II. Slocum j praying that he or Vome o Bültablö Qprsoii may be appointed Admlnlatn' the estáte of said deceased. Thereapou it is Orderedi that Monday, the e# teeuth d;iy o.' .-. at ten o'cfockli I forenoon, be a&rigned for the hearing of petitlon. and that the heïrs at law of eaiaöwtt and all other persons tntereéted in i are reqaired to appear at a seesiou ofsaittCor theo to be holden at the Probate Office, in thee:? Aun Arbor, and show cause, if any there b.i tli' prayer of the petltlonér Bhoald uol Anditist'intherorderedthat saldpetltío tice to the pereons in tereated i nsaid estáte of uflf deacT of Bftid petition, and the hearing tlioreot!' causing a copy of this Order to bepubli6hediB Michigan rgusj anewspapcr printed and in sal6 county, three succeseive weeke preiofcH said dav of hearing. Atrüecopy.J ■ HIRAM J. BEAKES. UTJLd' " Jadücof probêU. Estáte of Kobert McCormick. C'l'A'i'f OF MIOIIIGAX, County of Waehrenar. k? At a session of the Probate Conrt for theCont' f Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in 2Hy of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the teutb dij' lune, in the year one thoueand eight hundred; eev;üty. : Iliram J.IJeakes. Judge of Prohnte. In the muiter of the estáte of Kobert McConni Seoeased. On reading and fiüng the petition. dnly verifl; Sllcn McCormick, Kxociurix, praying that she ros lïceust-d to sellcertaln real estáte wherecf eaid ; leased dled ÉeiascL Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the twes" Ifthdsj of Ja!y, nest, at ten o'clock in the 't loon, be a&signed for the hearing of said petWJ ind that the loga tees, devisees and heirs at 1J' aid deceaaed, and all other persona interefteí1 iai'1 ebtutcj, are renuired to appear ataessiot iaid Court. then to be holden, at the Probate C n the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if1, herc be. why the pruyer of the petitioiiersb1; lot be granted: And it is fiirther ordercd thal.. ►etitio.ncr give noticc to the persons interesten(lid estáte, of the pendency of said petition. f he hearing thm-of. bj OTurfag a copy of this ip o be pnblished.ln the Michigan Argut, a neweprï irinted and circula! ins in said Coanty, fonr succ re weeka prerious to eaid day of hcarinp. f fA tnifcopy.) HIKAM J. BEKES. 1-J75 Judre of ■ Estáte of Samuel D. McDowell. I fcTATE OF MICHIGAN, Conntjof WahtaBfL At ;2 secfiion oX t'jc Probate Court for the 005 of Wnshtenaw. holden at the Probate Office.""? (Jitvof Aan Arbor, on Wedneeday. the l'eI-',' ónd !;iy oi June, in theyear one thousand eigBt'" dxed and secvBBty Present. Hirnm J. Bcakcs, Jndge o f Probate , In tin; mattur of the estáte oí Samuel D. WcW"! Oiin-ailincrniKUlliníftliepctition.dDiyveriii' J John S. McDowell. praylDg thata certain iD8truT iiciw ou file in this Court, purporting to be ttlf[ will and testament of said deceased, may be?fJ tnl to probate, fud that adnunistratioo '8íf talo may be granted him or some othor puiuL''el sou. Thereupon it is Ordered, that Mondav, tcf "' teenih day ( Jnly next. at ton o'clock Ipl."" noon beaüiicned forthehearlngofsaid peiluJ h:it thelegatees.deviBeeeandheirs atlaw easedand all othcr persons lnlere8tedin8aW53 irercqiiiretl to appear at ji Be8fion uf eaid our;.I:i 0 be holden al the Probate Office, in the ""'„f,,: rbor. and how eause, ifauy tlcrebe, wb}'"" iii'l r sliould r.ot be sranted : A „l nrthei ordered, that saiapetltionerglvenoucew" ronslpterej)tedln ssid estáte, of tho penilrm. aidpetltl.j,.ina tbe beaïlng thcreof, by "''■„ ,i;jy o' iliis Ordel to be pubHshed in the '.' ' 1 '. . a newípaper prinfed and circulatlng ' ' onnty. three sueceeeive weeks previone to e1 'Ag%Wj HIHAMJ.BEA GotoR.W.ELLIS&CO' forstrictly Pure Drugs ano MedicinP6'Faints,0i!s,&c


Old News
Michigan Argus