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""WI. M. SINCLAIR, COMMISSION MERCHANT IN GRAIN AND FLOUR, ROOM K', 131 LaSALLE RTRF.KT, CHICAGO. " O. M. MARTIN, ririiV! IX FURNITURE off all kinds. Pnrlor and Room Sets, Mirrors, áfce. 83 South Main Streot. , " FARMERS' STORE, h Main Street. Evrything kopt la a flrsttlí!tire wül be fnnnri here. "mack&sohmtd, toERS ni Ory Gnnds, Qroccries, Crockery, Ir. U Ptiuth Main I " O. A. LEITRR & 00., JEAtEHS IN DEUGS and Medicine. Pure Wines ind Liquora for Mediana! Patwscf, Cisars &c. Xn. 1 Qrrgo ry lilock. A. WIDENÏVIANN, fiRETCX!nn!;e BrokT. Rrtú Kstate nndFire Iusurjüce Agent. No. '.'■' Soatb Máíí Streeí . T i i AOT W.ROOT, COSDESSSD Jlecorda of Waslitenaw Connty, and Rmí Ëitine Ëxchange. No. 1 Gregory Block. DR. KELLOGG, PRJmCJX; Physlclaii, and L. I!. Keíloze Propri,10-ofDr Ki'llotiï's CclcbrstPd Remedies, Ann tibor.Hich. MORRIS HALE, M. d7 B3IDKHCÍE and Office No 1S, corner Wnri.irns and Ttmmpeon treets Recular olTici' bonra 1 to 3 ?. M Advice and Prescriptlons from G to 7 P. M. .;., freo t'ratis to the jjiior. 1204 "gTêTfIrothingham, m. d., PIITSICIAN AND SUROEOX. Office over Dras , No. T Hurón pí 1. Resldencfi, No. 85 TVimpson street. Office hoiirs, 8 to 11 A. M ,and P. M. HtLL, RÖBIN80N & CO. fROCüR'. Prodno íindCóir.rniseion Mcithau'te, Xo South Mnb! Pr-t. ELLIS & KISSELL, ÍRC(JGt?TS. .nul dealere in Püints, Olie, etc No. 2 Inthlmn Street, AuuArbor. JOHN KEOK & CO., SEAT.iv ■■■ rfnll kinds. No. 3S South Kun Streel, Ano Arbor. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, ITTOü.vrr nnd Counsellor at Law, Ueai Estnte and Ins:r . üQcing and Cnlïqprton o1 CUfm prontptlv attenten ín on liberal ïci-ijVs. Offlce ose dooï of First Nattöiis] líunk, up ttnire, South M;iin Street. Ann Arbor. W. fi; JACKSON, DEXTIST, raccesftor to C. B. Porter. Office, corner Main and Huron Struetfi, over thtj store of R. W. Bilis & Co , Ann Arbor, Mich. Aaíetheticeadmini if rccinired. n . F. BREAKEY, M. D. f HTSICIAN AND SÜRQEOX. Office at re üid-nre, corner of Huron and T)iviion Streets, ffrst door Easto( Presbytcrian Church, Ann Arbor, Mich. E. J. JOHNSON, ÍSALER IN IÏATS and Cnps. Purs, Straw GoodüGents' Fiirniwlilii" Goode, &c , Ñ. T Soutn Main Slrcít.Auu Arbor. 8ÏÏT H ÊRLAND & WHEDON, tlFEnndFirelnsurannn Apents a-d dealers in Re.o.1 Sítate. Office un Hnron Street. AIbo oell firstOáwScwiii Machines. W. D. HOLMES, in"T Ut Hk Florence Sewteg Marliino. nnri dealer m Pittures, Prames, &c. No. East Huron Street LBWI8 C. RISDÖN fiAT.KR in Hardware. Stoves, House Pnrr,isliirig Ooods.Tra Ware. &c, No. 31 South Main Street. BACH & ABEL, 6KALERS in Dry (Joods . Oroceries, Ac, &c. Xo. 26 Soith Hain Street, Ann Arbor. C. H. MÏLLEN, ÍÍAIER in Dry Goods, Oroceries, &., &c. No 8oh Main StrecU Ann Albor. SLAWSON & SON, EOCERS, Provisión and Conimission Merchants tnd dealers in Water Lime, Land Piaster, and Piaster Prls,No. 14 East Iinron Street. S. SONDHËIM, "BOIKSALE andretail dénier In Ready Made ClothDg. Cloths, Ca&simeres, Vesting, and Gents lurttiliing Goods. No. 9 Sonth Maiu Street. WM. WAGNER, MALER in Ucady adc Clothinp;. Clolhe, CansiJeresand Vi-stiní.", llats. Caps, Trunks, Carpet g, i;c., 21 South Min Street. gTlMORE & FISKE, lOOKSEU.EltS and Stationere, Medical. Law and College Test Books. School and MiscellaneonB Booka. No. 3 North Maiu Street, Gregory Block, Aaa Arbor. FINLEY & LEWIS, tëALKRS in Bonti, Shoee, Gaiteri, Slippcis &c, No. 2 Bast Huron Street. R. TARRANT, ÜDIES' Faehionable Shoe Douee, No. 24 Sonth ïn Street. QROCKE R Y, &USSWARE & GBOCERIES. J. & P. DONNELLY ."""storea largestock of Crockery, GliKSwure, "WOWare.Cutlcry , Orocerics, &c, &c.,all tobe ■'lunuíuallj-low pricen. li Xo-19EiatHurcnStreet,ADnArbör. "'f J.&P. DONNELLY. JOHN G. GALL, _ DEALEB I3KT PRESH AND SALT MEATS, ARD, Etc, Ora.rMolfcHed n.l prumptly ITII.-.1 wlth the beat ""■ n the m&rket. 31 East Washington Btreet. inArbor.Sept. I6th,18t(9. 1235tf LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. AXTELL & RAMAG-E, ClrnerMainaml0athnrincstrei.t. Bonea board9 t,.. """onahle terms. Second hand bufteif '"saodharness for sale. 126ïy1 Manufaoturer of K.. , T Oarriag;ös, BuggieSi Wagons, U(D 8LEIOBB of err tyle, raada of the bent erial, a,,.] rnnted. Repairlng J me pn.mptlT, " pnc rcasonaMe. Detroit Street, Bear R.B. "ePOt Ann Arbor, Mi.h 19T0jl QOFPINS AND CASES! AFULL STOCK AT MARTIN'S UÍ1 CALLS TRüMrTLY ATTENDtD TO. ryRE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMPANY OF DETKOIT, MIOH. (ESTABLISHED IN 1867 .IOHX .T. BAOIEY, PKMWIXT, JACOBS. KAKUAXI), Vicc Pretidcnt. JNO. T.LIQOETT, Secret u-v. JAMES C. WAÏSON, Actunry. D. O.FAKKAND.M.D., Modical Exemincr. A BnooMüftil MichlgtD Life Ionrnnrp Compnj organizad foi" the purpoe of furnisliing Insuniuct. upon Utm at THE LOWEST COST COMPATIBLE WITH Absolute Security, and for the further purpose of KEEPÍN6 1IÖKEY AT HOME, whicli heretofore has been sent East, RATES AS LOW AS SAFETY PERMITS. EJNÏ1RE MUTAL1TY aNd STRICT EQUITY Mark the system and prevalí in the éistributiun oí ANNUAL DIVÍDENOS TO THE INSURED Wliilej'by 1 rovisions of the State Lav, and by their own terms, ALL POHCIES ARE NON-FOEFEITABLE. IXilKAXCS FUKHXBHED OPON ALL UESIRABLE PLANS. All tlio BEST KEATVKE8 of the OM Companics ADOPTEI), all their ERROUS AVOIDJ ■ SECÜRITY, ECONQMY, EQUITY AND THE WEST, ITS MOTTO. L3" For Agencies appljr at the HOME OFFICE, Bank Block, Griswold Street. JSE3 I. M. TIIAYER.Ren'l AKi-nt. FÏF.Ö. L. HAHN Agent. 1239jl XVVIDENIWANÑT REAL ESTÁTE AGENT, ANN ARBOR, MICIT. 53 acres of Innrt, witliin ojDttfaftlf milo froin the city, tobe Rold in wliole, or parcfïs; as fullï.w- : 24 acres on section 19, in tire town of Ann Arbor bordcrin g en the efiM nn the road leali;ig to Corawells' paper milis, and o the Miltfa en 15 acroH situated on the nortliwest corner of th Gorhún roal and the niü Contwel] Facto r y foid. CThifl s one of the handsomest KttuationB in the iiRighborhood of Ann ArlorJ 13a acres improved land jolülog the abore 15K acres and fronting Gorliam Road. Forty acres of First Class Farming Land, tvith good Orchard nnd Barn, 2% miles f rom the Court Uuiisi, on the upper Dixboro road. 1 creof land with a oew two try frame house on Tbompaon, Bp'oor & ThoInpon■ö adtlition to the City of Ann Arbor. 7loRof % acre each, on Thompson, Spoor &Thompsou's Addttiou. ö acres of land, with % splendid grore, joinïng the Firemon's Park on the Weet. 1 Boom and % Iota of land, witb Barn, WaghKitchf-n, Ca maffe House, and a number of modern LnproTements, n the northwest corner oí Fourth and l'ackaid Street1 House and Lot in the 2d Ward, on Boutli Uberty titreet. 1 House and 3 Lots in t'ne 2d Ward, near 2d Ward School House. 1 Houreand 4 Lijts, near the M.C. R . R. Depot. 320 acres of land in the aouth of the Plate of Missouri , near the Han n iba I 4í5t. Joseph Kal Ir oud. 2 City lots near 2d Ward School House. A. WÏDENMANN, FOREIGN EXCHAN6E BROKER, ANN ARBOR, IIICH. SELLS A1ID BUYS DRAFTS, ISSUES LETTERS OF CREDIT ON ALL PRINCIPAL PLACES In GItKAT BRITAIX ,GF.RMAXY , FRANCE, SWITZERLAND.etc. My direct coriDectionf with Europe enable me to offer na fnir rates aa any New York House. Remember, I aro not an aRPDt of any boni i ti th ík country , bui 1 am ha ving direct cotumuni catión with the bet houeesin Kurope. COLLECTIONS IN EUROPE BY POWER OF ATTOUN'EY OR OTHKRWISE, WILL BE PROMPTLY ATTENUKD TO. PASSAGE TICKETS per Rteamer toaixl frnm Npw Yoik to all principal porta of turojie 1 wil! ell as tullow : From New York to Southamptou, Harre, Loodon, Bremen or Hamburg, lstClasB. 2dClnss. Stecrogo. $1ÉJO. $72. $25 in Gold. Return tickets, ÍÜ. 135 Cl ' " Krom abovc place to New Yorlt, lBtClnss. 2d Class. 3d Class. tl-20 72. í Hl in Gold. From Sew Yorkto Llrerpool, Cahin, $60 to $100 f-!..': SUtt-ragc, 30 In Corrí From Liverpool to New York, ('abin, $100. Stevraife, t'.i' J. WIDENMAÏNN7 FIEE INSURANCE AGENT For tho Iïoward lnsuTancc Co. , tn New York , one of the oldesiüod bestCompaniesin the country. The Teutonia Inwurance Company in Cleveland, 'j honorable anrt safe management oí thi institution lian marte Uone of tho most reliablo Fire Insurance ConiraT5''["n West. I85T71


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Michigan Argus