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The Proposed King Of Spain

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It is a singular fact tliat of all tli princes of Eurspo ou'.side of Frunce th ones ivitli whoni the Emperor o the Frenchis oonnected b) tiea of bloot are Germana, ai;d tbat tí; ose to whom he is nearebt related are members of tbc buuse of 'Item. Aud furlhcr more, i'. is a fa o ( tlat sueh famüy con ücction is coiiSnod to tlie Beauharnai family, tho Bonaparte liouso ueiug liinited to France. ïhe young Piiuco vho?e candidature fjr tho Sparj'.sh crown lias creaied sd mucli excitement in Europa, renderinj the relations of Franco uu'i Prussia ex ceediuglj' gravo, is, in fact, an own cautil oí' Napoleón by bis mo'hcr's sida licítense and Eugene do Beauharnai were, it will bo herrie in rnind, th children oí Joepíiine, aflerwards Km pross of Franco, by her fitst husband V'iscount A'exander de Bsauharoaia An ucole of ihe Yiscount, Count de Beiuharuais, married tho famous Count ess Fanny, by 'whom he had Claude d Bcauharnais.. Tliig nobleinan filkd tL position of Gbevalier of Honor to th Empresa Marie Louise, wife of Napoleon I. One of bis duugbters, Stephani Louiee Ad r enne, was the adopted chile of the Empercr. On the Sth of April 180(5, she married Charles Loui Fredorie, Grand Duke of Badeu, by whom ehe had two daughter.-, oae o whoii), the 1'iirc ss Josepbine Frederi qno Louise, was ui;uried on tho 21st o üctober, 1834, tó Prince Charles An toiae Joaohim Zephryo Frederio Main ra 1, head of tho houso of HohODZollerD Sigmaringen. It is noteworihy tha this Prince is a!so in a moaeure connec ted with the Napoleon family by reason of bis mother, the Princesa Antoinrtte Marie Miirat, bcing the sister of Joacliin Murat, the great cavnlry leader, who married Caroline IJouaparte, and whosc children aru now recognized as lieroa'i tary princes of the French empire. The mother of the present Emperor of tht Freucb, Hortense de Beauhaiuias, hav ing been a blood cousin to Stephanio de Beauharnais, the grandüiotber of the uew candidato for tbo Spanish crown, it follows that Nupoleon and Leopold Drc cousins alao. Scandal, wbioh did not spare the name of Hortense, was not over careful of the fame of Stephanie, of whom eome not very fovorable stories are told. She was, howcver, so oomparatively obscure that but few persons at the present time are even aware of her baving beeu the adopted child of the gieat Corsican. Sbe lived to a ripo olii ngc - seventyone - and died on the 29th of Jauuary, 1860. Apropoa of Stephanie, her grand mother, the Countess Fanoy, was one of tho most talentod and diseolute women of her day. She wae a poetess and a romaneer, of remarkublo personal beauty, and was notoiions iu Paris for her niimerous lovers, to the amorous poems of some of whem ghe is faid 10 have sigocd her name. Altogether, and truth to teil, the females of tho Beauharnaie family have never borne an uusuliisd reputation for morality, alihough it must bo added that several of them have been distinguishcd for the possession of a high order of intellect. It is curious to ncticc that of all the princc.3 created by the fiiet Napoleon, thisfamüy have alono made a s'.ir in the world since tbo fatal d;iy of Watsrloo. Already a grandson of SLephanie bas ascended a throno - thebrolher of Priuco Leopold, Prince Charles Eitel '"rederic Zephryiu Louis, beiug the present ruler of ituumanin. Having tbus briefly skotched the ancetl y of the Priuoe whose nanieheads ;his aiticle, wc arrivo at a consideraron of himself. Uut little oan be said about im, for the reason that he bas never aefore appeored prominuntly ia Europem politics. He is the elUest son of Prince Charle?, nt:d was born 1 the 22d of September, 1835. At present ie holds tbc rank of Lieutenant-Colonol of' tïie First Regiment of Prussian Foot Guards. On the 16th of September, 1861, he marriod the Princesa Antoine Marie Fenliuande Micbaola Gabrielle Llaphaelo d'Assise Aiaoe Gouzagne Silvinc Julic Auguste de J3raganeo Bourjon, Ducbe=s of Sase, sister of the roigolig King of Portugal. The multiplicity of uames belonging to tlii.s lady has not ireventcd ber froni becoming Ihe moth:r of thrt-e cbildreu - all boys - to Prineo Leopold, the oldest of wli.)in was bom n 1864. Tliisisnbout all that can be said of Prince Leopold. Frank S. Hice, of Springfield, Ohio, now a cadet at West i'oint Military Academy, writes that four of the new elass of 'óG members, acceptud fiom tho JG applicants, are printers. Uno of the jfficcia at tho Academy Btates that icvi r to liia kttowlege ha a printer been rêjeoted becau.-e of mental disabilities or iü üinets, iltbough npplicanta bave beeo nuiuoroua from the " craft." Mr. Eje, a photographer of New Y'ork city, has a new procesa of lightprintÏDg from pholographic negativos by which, on BD oidinary printiog press, and vvith printer'B i;iks, 1U,ÜUU delicate pictures can be tken from one plate of prepared Btcol, topper or glass.


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