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NW Voiik. Juiy 12, I8TO. F:riTi;MrNT in w.ll STRKKT. ■ the aewa of a probable war belween Franee and Proasta growlng out of the appototmest of PflnC6 Lcopold to the Spanish throue t.. been such a panic n the jrold márket hcro :is was never aeen siuce the panic of September. Ou MontlAy ffold went up to 115 '. and reniiüned at hiih ihictaatlne figures iaring the day, but toward i ': It vaa reporled that Boeland W48 golAg to playthc part of mediator, whlch caased tb ïinre to ran down to 113. Tliis moroins aSiirs are not , eiclted,bnt even before the formal-openhig of the gold room gold old at 114. Just after doos to-day the market grew wild agaln nnder the continned silenea jf Pruasia in aoawer to í thal the Klng ihooM offldally dUclalm anj partlcipation or favor in the appoinlmenl of ths Prtnce.- Gold thort want np tq IM1., wlthsDorm Then immediately after followed :i rr;xr{. tbat the Prince had withdriiwn bis aoceptanoe ol the nominatiou anti gold went down (o Jlo Ijtit :ts downward coarae was soo:i arnated agaiu by tho nunounce. mout fmm Va?liiri ;ton tliat the PnndlAg Bfll had been deftated In the House. Late in thefh oauu more newa from Frunce tiat the diiücaltiea between the t.v.i great power had been ettl agaln the trilde ;., reljned, Freacli oper mors maldug heavy sa! 's wnlch tamblod the n down tii lts. At.he oloae tluro was a Uttle tvtof aj and the market wa str in .■ t l.iS .. ■' KI BA', ttj R TIi" fiour mirket yostetday (ive yus nf a ütUo more actlvitj but i .-. ij i; ia dull and heavy, anü mperflse wwturn and . ted ..t U: yYf.2$. arkel can be clem rircumstancen ns o] ill be tlie rcsult of pean difflcnUUa. Wbeat, however, Is in active d,. ind prices bW fkir tu advance if the Fronci,'. T.inuí!. VVe qiiotp No. i ■ t No. 2 MUwankee l.-7íl 30; recilln'; -■ Othcr coramódj. i llychanged, 'IT, Jnly 1.1, KTO 'J'1"1 ' Ion bere i t).,: .,.,. now pending ::i EnrOpe, nnd ío absorbing u i' n that ü. wonld be attempta deflnltocoi l'rP'' idstnff market bus been , curlons nnUoi recontly. On M.,Dí !"ir promised l.o be quite ncUve, and wheat took a Jampthatrather enrpriíed lookora on, but it wn, I aj dn tba the opsraton Mem toW ; Micïwber-like for Bomcthing o turn up. They either wn) Napoleon wonld tlght or stuit up" any way to scttlo the niarkit aud relieve theni fro icnsi;. It is thoaght that the dro ight a imUhe consequent Bmall cropa wil] nuw better timen for as soon even shtmld the wi comeabont. Flour quotations romain as re In oor last, butwsahonld notbe etirpriscd tos radical change effected in a few momenta :i thiDgseema now tobe awaiting ihe newn f' itice onr lust roport wheat luis gone il ctra tonchnd as low as $1.48 but on iloi irentnp to $1.5:'., and ncnv is dull Ho. I white 1. 39 umi amiier at $1.28. Banja 1 ín fair demand aod firm at $203 for Cani ampie, ot'her graden are nnchanged. Old are weak ut BO 'i 35c. Othcr jiroducts are quict wia; f oat material ehaoge. WOOL. Wooi mfirkot thronghont the State 18 attract Ingbnt Uttle attnaic]] now. the dip navios ï-.earlj uil been marketed at th important pointe, l'rice, range fr)i 36c to 4Ic lor a good clean article. DETROIT a AEKKT -Tlie foüowlji Onotti ■ rvalÍMl ■(luven ■ n Detroltcorrespondeit i . Wil] 6hnw the net rutes U, lilar hands : Apples,- Drled ■ i reen. .00 Barley- perewt. $1. 1.98 f fax- perlb. : I V ' . Firkln.socüi pi rdox., 7 ir- whlte superior, I 'k medium,b'.2{ '■ i ■ " low :: " ryc,4 .■!.■■.-,.■ i.. Hldeo- dry.i.-: [b. ,14( I7c-fcn !';;. BWn - Qreí SheepSkins- 80 l.S0: Ismb skins 40 nopt . . ■ íoc. - j . . ■ i T t . . 17c. Rye- 81.00 ■ i 10. ■ 'i-, Onions- icr bl)l. : 3TKp.rbbl 'J'ül ! . ■ ■"'fie. tt- extra whlte, jHo, i -


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