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or cholee land in the Town of Hazeltot Shiawassco Cüilutv. Iiiqu . THE ARGUS OFFICE. Aii'i Arbir, July ] ;. li;8lf QARRIAGES1 CARRIAGES!" FOE SALE. I wiD aell onc ;;oo(i Single Top Bntrgy.fortfi; ■ nenr, IVr'il50; ok aearlj nw, costi for$250, unone jeara tima. A good Siuwanted. IJ. HENNING. Ann Arbor, July U, lsro. Comtuissioner'i Notico. CTATE OF MICHIGAN. ConWy of Washtcnaw.M. 13 1' ned, havlng beca appointod bytbi ■ 'onnty, üomuslonen ion. I adjnpt all claims ntl dcmoiidiiir state of .lonu Brewer, lalt ■ notlce ihaüli moiulis from date nre aüowed, by or!' r of Court, fur credlton il tiu-ir tlii ■-tthe estnte of en'A i astd, and thattbi wil! meet al the office of Thomas Ninde in the Citi uf; . d Satardaj, the teniï dny of Sc]K Thnrsday, the twelftb dii of January, next, at 10 o'clock A. M. of cath tí taid daya, to recelve, examine, aufladjuttsjiddaim Da ed, Jnly l!th,A. D. 1670. 12TS J. V.ILLAliD BABBITT, ( Cmniiii.jtiri Estáte of Christopher Mabon. STATÏOFHICHIGAN.Ooontj orWaahtesaw.i, At a eblon of thü Probate Court for the Cobbij of Washteoaw, holden ;i che Probate Ofllce, iu út City of Ann Arbor,on Monday, ,the eleventhdi; of July, in the year one thoiisaiid ciglit humtei and sevcmy. Beakes.Jnflge of Probate. Iu the matter of the Estáte of Christopher iisbol, deceafted. On I lllin(rthe petition, dnly verifltd,il Char!ot Iviü;: prayinj; thnt a certaln instñiinent ncw on Hit' i:i thla Court, purportiug to be the laetrt ard teatAdaent ofsaid □ ■ be admittedtt probate, and t'm.t litnrv IMdmaii inay Ie tp polnted Bxecntor thi Therenponit isordered, that Mondar, the cigbll day of August next. ar ten o'clock in the { ignedfor tbu hearii ■ ; - the legatees, deviaeea aud helra at lawofi ceaeed, and all other üereons intcrestt 0 ij ss nrerecjViiroil to appear at a tession Mu'n to lie holadB í't the Probate Office, inti City ol Ann Arbor, and cnusc if auy therek. why Viic prayor ot' the petitioner FhotiUl indit isfurlher ordercd, thai -■ tïoner xive notlce to the persona IntereBted in mU sítate, ol' the peo . petition, and tk heariosr tben copy of thls order I bepabllshed in ine Mi ■ ■ a ncwgpípff, tïins; in Baid C'iunty, threfr cesaive weeka previu. - of hearing. (Atrnecopy.j HlKAii .1. BEAKB8, 1218 Jadee r Estáte of Wilïiam Kefcey. CTATR OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Wasbtenaw, O At a Bession of the Probate Conrt for the Coomj of Wanhtenaw, bolden at the Probate Offii of A Dn Arbor, on Satnrdny, tbc tecondA of Joly, in the year one tboustuid eight hnadnf and &e t, i! ira ra -T. Tícakes, Jur!'1 oí Probate. In the matter o the estáte of WiIMam Kelscy.fc On rearltag and filin_r the petitioa. duiy verifleAtf Pnebe Kelsey, AihniiistLtiix, praylng that rt in.-iy be liceneed to Bell certain real estáte oí wtó .. dled Bcized renpon it Ie orderedj that Monday, theíí íeeiiíli day nf AuguPt neit, at ten o'clock in tl for the hearing of satd ] and thac the helrfl at ïaw ofsaid deceased. andili pereons ínter t-d hi aaid estati on of pa'id Conrt, then to en, :it the Probate Office, in the City i Aui and show cause, if any tin thep Eïtloner t-honld not be sranted : And It i ftrther ordered, that - e notico totHp ;n eald estáte, of the x'mlencyrfB i . and the hearing thereof, by i .-m.-i1 copy of thi order i be pnbltehed ï n Mie .Ví-aít . a m ws taper, prfuted and cSrcniattog inwi Connry, foar snecessive weeks previous io said ds.' of hearing. (A trnecoi . , lïlEAM J. BEAKES, 1278 Jadge of Pr Wortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the paymeDÍ; the sam of three bandred and aeventy dolW which ïscialmed to be due on th iwoiity-tiiirtt c? of Jttne, A. l. 1S70, aiso Bixtceu hum! red and fi-f7 do.Uare to become dne -June twentythird. 1S7I, oi mortgage beariugdate the twen t y üñrd üav of Jd"; A. D. 1809, ezecatcd by Peter D." Vanee, of Aun Afbor, Washtenaw Coouty, Michigan, as prty oftirt, to John A. Niolmls, of the City of .W Arbor, Miclügnn, parïy ol th.Qeocoiil part, and KJIr ■ . in líber 41 of ïnnnu-ai'fp. )si" ■: the tvrentleth iUy o! Sopicmi ■ at lliá oíclock A.M. ofsaid day. whïch saidmrt (age, together with th npanyinL rl '; io,l. Y. Kniirhi.. oí' tlu! C'itjPAmi Arbar aforegaid, by asslgnment datrd ov I da? of .hi: A. '. 170, mi re eorftetí 3 the office cf ?iiicl Register of Deeds on tiie tB tj-firal dy ofJo . in IibertwoW'1 ages, nt pujío -f"'7: K ' thereforc, untice i amouni öo claimed to b6 1 with : - -i pf Cwentj doWI in purstiiUicc (i" ïhc mortgagei aad of the e UU u te In i:i;ideg ! provlaed.tbeprfeioisesde ..v.-mHyg j mortL&g0 to-wit: All thosc certain 1 i:Ktorpar [ , i laudíiLuaLolntheCotuityof WHshteuawöUoSUll of Mlchlgftn, bouaded ■tn üesetibed as f commenang nt the qnarter stáke on theeast 8S , ownshii) two poniíi ji.i r.. i:i-it, nul running theiico rast alotiii thj iiuu tiou 11b ia and tbirty three links, then1 north ten and oneliall degrcee east aloii; ihetsB oi :i ditch foui 1 ■ ■ ''ïter o the Michigan Central Rsilrund, th-n raHroAd noith forty eiylit and one balf dercfifi ff" - vt-ïi HnkH, i: . ■ ; ivcctj fuurde 1 : : chain? ' and flfty I Hurón riyer, theot ai 1 rlver to a polnt whero :hc ï-ccrion ''"eí" teen intrrsocf? tjt (f etidriver, !: aiong the 1 on liueto the place of beginuing, coiitainiug fl"j nul oue quartQJ a n e of laad ; Also tüt eaei nu i'theiiiït qu.'irtii it' cc ;;,iin i-iuhtfcn, in toff Khip [vo sotith ol" rniiL'1! six i'iist. in Lln1 t'-oinii iforeeaid, coina-nini; ciülity neres. ccoröins l :to the 1 iiitetl Stitlo Mii(y. wilfln: eoliirtipj auctiou, (notiit ui liuv or in clumcery h:iviní RT cv( r the aboye j monntj, to tb est bidder, at the South door !' th Coart Ho' ■ f of Aan Arbor, In sald Connt.v of ""'f imw, oñ Sïituvdrtv hc eï-rhth tlay of Üutober, - ll U ven o'clork if gald day. '■ J.W.KXIGI.T. D.CaAMKik Awiilieeof saiil Jlortsrae AU'y. ior F.iia AatlïDoo. JïP


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Michigan Argus