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Building-Papcr. Wc livo In a peculiar age in all respects. Ii-oii i-j Bncce8sfully competing wiiii stoue as a superior building material; and now paper comea to compete wltb lamber and liith and piaster. According to accounts recelvcd, it will bc as gaccessfal In tlns compeiltion s Iron In t lic other. We have already (Vol. I , p. 179) republlshed an artlclefrom the Dee.Moines Regiëter, In whlch ihf advantages of this substance In econouiy oí mouey and oí time wen set forth ; mui we iiuar almoat dal ly other favorable reporta. We have recelved from .Mi'. JJ. B. Bale, JXo.Sté Frankfort street, this city, a sample ol this building paper whlch Impregsee oa very favorably. It la nothlog i)ui 11 very süu' pasteb lard, to be nsed for HDishlng In place oflath and pluster, and tor ou telde wort In place of clapboardi etc. Itisso prepared by satdratton tvlthtar M to irmke it water-proof, and may even be nsed, covered wltí a sultable mineral li:ünt, on roofe, Instead of shloglea. There is little doubt that when lts uset'ulnessouce becoines known it will In imuiy cuse supersede wood-work, as t-ell as lath and platter; since it costs only ten to twelve cents per square y:irl, lncladlpg labor and material, wiiile luonber costa from iorty cents opward, lath and piaster nearly as niuch, and good ghlnglca conslderably more. lf we look ;it the composltlon of paper, and conalder what it renily is, we flnd that it tsof woody fibre. of ltttnlte, ly pressed together. In (act, pasteboard Is wood, wit li the poros conslderably dhuinislied, tbe thlckness mul welght decreased, a consequent great flexlbllity galned, and inaiiy refractory propertlcs removed. Boring holes becomes annecessaiyj In place of long niiüs, or M-irws, tacks do tlic reqnlrecl service, and they penétrate easily; wblle scigsors rapldly and neatly ent to the proper measttre, dotog away with the hard labor of sawlng. 'i'ims ;t building may be completed In as many day as t ronld etherwlse reqnlre weeks. Tlic combnstl bility Is lest thun that of wood. Paste board does not burn as eaMly as pine board :is any one muy And out by trial ; and evei the tarfed papn ttsed on the oatelde i scarcely more dangeroas thnn wood, trom wliiuli the tar is, in fact, extractad, lfcov ered wlth n metallic patnt, sucli a house is uot likcly to take lire as easily as a woo leh frame liouse ; and if once bnmlng, v i 1 1 pro duce a less dangerons conflagration, be cause contalulng a smaller amount of com bustlble material tban buildings made o heavy boards, wlth twïe.e or three time the ainouut oí' stikkliiig necessary for pa per. As paper is a botter non-conductor o heat than wood, snch hou sea sliould also be warmer in winter and cooler in summe - :i supposltloa verlfled by experience. Oi the whole, ws ahall not be surprised tofind at no distnnt day, a great many sensihl people living coinfortably in "in Iiouscü o cards." ■Ve take pleasure iu copying the abov ffom the irnnvfacturer and Builder, and ii Commendlng the Bullding-Paper of wliicl it speaks to the attention of our readers especially to any who may contemplat building. In building onr house, on Stat sireet, last fall we used the saturated o tarred paper spoken of, both forsheathing - next to the s'.ding, and for llnlng th lovver floors. We were tolcl by those over wise 1 luit the odor would be such iu wam weather that il woulil drive us out of th house, but the late heated term developei not a sniell, so that objection is overeóme Wc have not yet wintered in the hous so that we cannot spcak from experiene as to tbe protection it will furnish agains cold, but the imperviousness of the pape or board leada us confldently to expect tha the house will be wanner thau any sidei house without paper lining, and that ou foei bill wili be correspondí n irly diniishet Were wc to bnikl agaln we sbonld certain ly usc the saturated paper, and should ad vise any frlend havlng confldence in ou oplaion to do the same. The paper is com paratively Inexpensive, and an expendí ture of $40- whlch will line a good szc( honse - will come back an hundrod fold For ctrcnlara and samples address the Rock Rivek Pafbb Co., 13 LaSalle Street, Chicago.


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