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Bccood Hand and New Orfjaui And Melodeone foreale very cheap at Prof. Mlll's mnslc room, No.43 Halu Strctut. (Over niill 4 Robinaun's.) 'ntf ALVIN WILSET. Itomitv (o Soldicrs. Those wlmeulistcdin 1S1 outhc flrst cali of President Lincoln, nnd wiio wcre honorably diychnred before the expiration of the term of their enliatment. re cntitled to $100 ench, as bonnty. And soldier cnlistlng nridur act of July 4th, 1804 are to be nllowed the unpuid iiiKialutfiits of bonnty lf they w Aré dlicharged by expirntion of service. The aboVé classes should maka npplication to the liiidnrpiiriii'd. Mflrch -.'4111,1870, l-("-tf JOIIN N. GOTTi Bonnty aiiil Claim Agent. The Conntess of Cinchón who Is snid to have been the first to have taken the Peruvian Bark tó Europe, had the honor of jrivlng ber name to it thiongfa the great nntnrnlUt Liniwus, Cinchona Bark in its sevoral varieties, ia the eonreo both of the bitter and the sweet Qninfne, the latter now ranking nmonL the most vjilunblo of remedies, ns it has all tho medic;il power of Bitter Quinlue, but none of its intense bittcrnesB Sold by Eberbacli & Co. Dr. Saoe's Catakrh Rhstedt is no Patent Medicine humbng ffotten up to dupe the ignorant and credulous, nor i it reprosented as being " composed oí rare and precious substances, bronght from the fonr corner of the carth, carried eeveu times across the Grcat Desert of Sahara, on tho backs of lourtcen camels, and brouyht acrous the Atlantic ocean on two ■Ups." It is a mild, soothing, pleasant remedy, a perfet spclflo for Chronlc Nasal Catarrh, " Cold in the Ilead," and kindrod dlseases. ïhe propriotur. R. V. Pierce, M. D. of Buffalo, N. Y., ( whosc private Oovernmuut Stamp is on every package of thu Genuine.) offers a rewaríl of $5no for a caso of Catarrh hecaonot cure. For sale by drugists. Sent by mail. postpaid, lor sisty centa. Address tho proprl etor as above. The .Hicbigan í ciHral Bailroad. NEW TIME TABLE. Train on the Michigan Central Railroad now leare stations named au follows : GOIKO WKRT. Mail Fast Dexter Eve'g. Paclflc Train. Ex. Ace. E. Kx. Detroit, O.r,O a si 7.30 A M 4 10 f M 6.40 PM .O irM Tpellantl, 8.83" 8-28 " 6.36 " T.02 " 10.0S ' Ann Arbor, 8.67 " 8-43 " 6 00 " T.25 " 10.25 Dexter, 9 25 ' " 6.28 " T.55 " Chrtsea. 9.45 " " ' .15 " i Jnckson, 10 45" 9. 45 " 9.15" 11.45" Kalatnazoo, 2.05 p.m ll.STl K 12.16 ah I.SSam Chicago, 6.U5 " 4 00PM 0 80" 7.10 " OOINO EAST. Atlantic Night Dexter Mail Fast N. T. Ex. Ex. Ace. Train. Ex. Chicago, 5.16 r 9.00 p.m 5 00 m 11.30a m Kalamazoo, 10.S5 " 2.05 a m 10.60" 8.52 r il .Tuvkson, 105 AM 4 RS " 2.06 v M 5.4)" Chelsca, 6.25" A.M. 8.02" Dexter, ■ 5.41" 6.10 3.20" Aun Arbor, 2.'.) " 0.00 " 6.45 3.60" 6.45" Ypsllanti, S.4'1 " 6.20 " 7.10 4.65 u T.02 " Detroit, 3.45" 7.30" 8.40 6.40" T.55 " Dated, May 20th, 1S70. TF YOU WAiNT A SÜMMER HAT, IF YOU WANT A STYLISH HAT, TF YOU WANT The Hat of the Season, TF YOU WANT A " Hat as is a Hat," [F YOU WANT Hats Cheap - for Cashi JF YOU WANT A Straw, Palm or Panama, G-O TO L. A.. TEREY'S, 15 South Main. Street. Where ynu in also ílnd a full line 4T Gent' FurnUhine Good. Ann Arbor, May, 1870. 1249yl ATONEÏT CAN NOT BUY IT. FOK, SIQHT 1SPEICELES8 && Tlir. DTAMOXO fïLACSKSlnnnfari'irrfl by .T. K. SpencfT it Co., N . V. , wfafoh are now afTeed tt the publi'-. ;n r iiruiuiiiTiCO'i bv all the cei biat"l Opö" olansof the World tube tho Most Perfect, Natural, Artificial liclp to the Imnioneye evfrknown. Tliey are round :ioer thoir uwn Buprvifioii. from minute Cri,t l Pebblee, netert tog ether, aDl derive the i r nime, ' ' DismonffJ , on account nf thir hardnf and brilliancy. The Scientific Prlncipl'' iin wlix-ii tln-_v are constructed bringfl the core orcentre nf ihe lenK Uircctly n front of tlie eyc4 producing a clear and Htinet viFioii, "fi in thv. natural, liealthy Hitit, and prfvpntinjf all unplen.ffant senafinrw, such R.-í glimmering s.h'd wrivfrinii of eiglit, diziitcsn, kc.t peculiar to all otbdrilfl dm, Tlify arcmouDlel in the FINKST MANNKR, in fiamos of the best riuality, of all materiaal useti fur t li íi t pirpose. Their Bnlth ftnd darablllty cannot ha nrpa,?ei . CAUTION. - Nnne genuirx 11 n 1 'k b'ju',;ng their trademuk iamped on every frame. J. C. WATTS fe RIÏO., .Ifwclerf and Opliciati, soleapents for AN'V AIÏBOR, M13H.f from whom they can only be obtained. These good are not upplied to Petllers t any price. 12fi7yl QM. MARTIN IS AGAIN IN BUSINESS, Witli a full line of Choice Furniture, Parlnr and Bedroom Sets, Mirrors, &c. Cali and seehira. 1268 orilAYED OR STOLEN. On tbc 21 -t of -Time, from the premisos oí the pnb scriber, a Spnn of Horaes, One a sorrol wtth litjht tuil and mane, rinfíbone fcars on both hind fet. The otht-r in iron yrHy with white face, breach on Uift (U. and both hind feet epavined. Any )cr)son retarnin s:irl hftW61 or L'ivint; informiitinn whcre they muy bc found.will be libemllv rownrdd. MARK JtUUHKNS. Korthfloia. July 5th, 187. lSTTvfl JPOR SALE CHEAP FOR READY PAY. The west hnlf of th: southwest qtmrter nf pection two (), towo of Saline, t wí'nty aerea ander improveni i:i, thé halátice good timher. Intuiré nt L.C. Jíís'l'Ui'.s H;ii(iv;irc Store, 31 South Mam Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. L. c. iusnoN. Ann Arbor .JMay 18, 1ST0. LSTOmStf ÏANTED! A fituíition as Book-keeper or ae Clerk Ín the Grocery Tradc. Addrew, DRAWER Í13, Ann Arbor. FHVSICIANS' PRESCKIPTIOM ! iOCUBATELY AND CAREFULLY PREPABED BY n. ir. BLL18 f vo., imnoGisTs. CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CIIA3. A. LEITER & CO., No. 1 Gregory Block, No. 1 Gregory Block No. 1 Gregory Block No. 1 Giegoiy Block, I3T Sign of the Gilt Mortar E3T Sign of the Gilt Mortar - I SW Sign of the Gilt Mortar "ofJ tW Sign of the Gilt Mortar "3 HAVK JUST OPEXED HAVE JUST OPENKD HAVE JUST Ol'KNKD HAVE JUST OPENED The TPlnoat Stock oí The K'inost Stoolc of The ITinest Stoolc of" The ITineot Stoolc of DRUGS AKD MEDICINES DBD6S ASD MEDICINES DRÜtiS AND IEDIGIKESI DRUGS AND MEDICIENS IN TItE CITY. ÍN THE CITY. IN THE CtTY. IN THÉ CITÏ. PURE WiNES AND LiaiTORS V'or Medicinal Purpoi. The Popular Patent Medicines o f the day , and everythiog kept in a firatclaas Drug Store. An EXCELLSNtf BRAND OP GIGARS. TBY THKM; Solé Agenta n tho City fur ütto St lltjmiír'i celetiratod SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS.' ' ir ESPECIAL ATTKNTION otVEN TO THE COMI'OrXMINO OF PH78ICIAN8' l'HIÍSRIPTIUNS and FAMIl.Y MEDICINES, 1266 J)K. KELLOGG'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, Irianovor faUinp cure fot DyapepsH, Sick-fleadache, Agüe and other aiUing from Indigestión or Torpi 'ily of I.ívit. F YOU FEEL WEAK OR LANGIXID , Pull and Unambitious, tme Di". Kellogg'g Liveí Inrigoratorand regain your healtli . L)R. EELLOGG'S Liver Invigorator. ís a Standard Medicine, and in componed of medicinal propeí ties extracted from some f th mont cimimnn artictes of food combined with the conccutrated juioes of famouH KootK anl 1ÍtIs. Indian Remedy, Never fails to cute COUGIIS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, and other afTections of the Throat and Lungr. ASA LINIMENT DR. KELLOGG'S INDIAN BEMEDY. Stands nnrivaled a a cure for all lineases attnnded with IníiainmatioD, andis eijual.y good for man or boaat. HHHE CATHARTIC l'ROPERTIES of nr. KET.LOGG'9 PfLU to extracted from an artirle of food, whlch makeR tlu-m preferable to any othpr. Thoy cure Constipation. Khewmatisin, and aboulil be mployed íti all casen of bitiouneas, ALL KINDS OF t. D1SEASFS OF THE PKIN' Aie cured by Pr. Kellngg's CHAMI'ION OIXTMEN'T. L)R. KELLOGG'S STANDARD MEDICINES, Aro pold by Druggists everywherO. TEA. TEA. C. A. LEITER & CO. OF No. 1 GRGGORY BIjOCK, hold the Sle Agency of the Great United States Tea Co. 01 New York, for he City of Ado Arbor. Tlii Company deal fxcluiTely in TRA andCOF FKE, and purchascthilr Tea by t be Cargo. Tlieir Superior Knowlertge of tliis Class of Goods, and unusual faciliticB íor pnrchaRÍDg Tea?, givethem A GREAT ADVANTAGE over smaller dealers. The Teas are put up in Pound Packagea, (down weíghtj anfl the price and kind marked Ín plaín pitol and figures bj the Company on each package, Rotbereshall be NO PARTALITY IN PR1CE OR QUAI.ITY. ANY TEAS PURCHASED OF US NOT MEETING RECOMMENDATIONS MAY BE RETURNED AND THE MONEY REFUNDED, As we Iia-ll not sell any adulterated article - know Ingly. We feel confídent that 25 to 33K Per Cent, can be Saved By Purchaning These Tean. TK.S' THEM1 Ann Arbor, June 24th. 1ST0. C. A. LEITER & CO. mstf THB"RCHE8T FARMIN6 LANDS ÍN T1IK WORLD. 1,300,000 ACRES FOR SALE TO ACTUAL PKTTLKR3. NEOSHO VALLEY, KANSAS, Union Pacific Railroad Co., Southern Branche Tho iTÁÚdfl niw nffeied by thi apompa nny are situatod -maitity within twcnty miles on each uide of the road, extendins: une hundred and ueventy miles alonfc the NfiOBHO VAlLKY- thericheat, flDest,an! moRt invlting val ley for Mttlameot in the i-i. One-tfcir'iof thr labor rjiire(l at theEast inthe culture of f!i rms wil 1 i hmü ■■ here doublé tlie amount ofícropg. ï?r orohard, gvpe culture, and small f mits in eneral,ít i miu qualed. liriI.niNíi MATEKUL AND FEN'CING of eyerj varietr md in irnat abunda neo. TSOCK KAÏSf.Vii- Tliw rioh natiregrasses of the prairie and botfoins, with the larffe area ofunoccupied I u m!-; , in connection with the dry, mild ,and ujicri wintr, present nncqualed advantages for the raisintr of cattle shefj and horfies. DAJRYINOi - In Rurh a country, with ranges for "■t'M-k inifKt rictfii and pasture limitlc1, the produc tion of butter and cheese musj be prodtable. FKIT1T tatOWIXGis onéof hY apedaUi, as denioti -' r.-tt'-'l by the Gold Medal awarded to the State of KansaR by the Pennnylvania State Horticultura! Society for " A CoLLTCTlONOF FrMTS UNBURPANiiBO FO 8iZK Hkuty, -m Flavtok." THE CUM ATE AND HKAI.TH of Kahat; are nneqaatod. Theso, indeed, ore artïong it! hief vxcel tendee, aad are rixonimendutions for pettlement. I'RICKS OF LAND.- From $2 to $8 per acre; BFfl :t of ten (10) years' time. TERMS OF SALK.- One-tenth down at time of pnrchftsr. No payment the Re'cond year. One-tenth eve-y ycar nfter unti 1 completion of ]ayincnt, vrith unnunl intrreft. THE HrAP LAND OFFICK iMocatM at .TI'NCTION CI'J'V. To all i'iirchaecrK ot ' l&majYee ticketê from aro (fivfn ovrr the rOftd, Foi furt hor infnrmrit ion, a'ldress isaac T GOODNOW Land Commissioner. 1275 m3 JUNCT10N CITY, KANSAS. JYJARTIW'S Is tho i lic to get nnythinj you want ín the FURNITURE LINE! IIE WILI, NOT BE UNIIKUSOLD. PHYSICIANS' Prescrip tions Accurately and Care fully Preparod by R. W.ELL1S&C0. pOR CASH YOUC.AN BUY Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARGAIN, AT THE YARD OF C, SUTHERLAND & CO. Ann Arbor, January , 18T0. XSflfl F)R. C. B. PORTER, JDJEISTTTST. Office ín the NEW BANK BLOCX, ANN AEBOR &11 Operations on the Natural Teeth - PF.RFORMEP W1TH CARE. UNSTJRPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPERIENCE SETTING ARTÍFÍÑAL TEETI!, TO OÏVK KACH INDIVIDUAL, Denture. of the proper êixt,, hapt. , color , Jirmvets avd natural etpretsion. 1244 T IVB GEESE FEATIIEBS PIBST GlTJ-A.r,IT"2-, ConitMitlyou hand and Tor sale hy BA CII Sr A BF.L. PHTSIC1ANS' Prewriptïm s Accurately and üarrfvlly Pre pared hy R. W. ELL1S & Co.


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Michigan Argus