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Thisisiiip mosi thorough blood purífier y o f dta oorered, and chr alJ kumorë from the woibI vla to acommoo Kruptio. Pimples aml ítlolcbes oo tliefacfí, ftiii icaty or rouírh skin, wliu-h ín nniioyinir blemisfaM lo m;ti)y you , jWA t ■ of a few bottleaof tala wonder ful me Kijm o ne to i'i'jiit. iort tei cura Salt Rheum, Erysípa i.i Hetd, Ring VTorms, Bolla. Boalj Ernptí ma of thfl5bla,?orofnU Soroi] 0 leerá and 'Canker'1 Id rh Mouth iui1 stnm:i -ii. le i-; a puro medicinal extract uf nntive rootfl anl plaat, combíaiug In hiirmoiiy Natnre'a noal soTereign caratfve proper tien, whlcb Ood ha InatUIed loto ii. ■■ re i(fin for heallng t b sielt It ía ■ Btat rstorer for the st rvDfftta and i cor of tlip system . Thne who are langaid, BlMpleaa, bave Httvou vjtprélu naiont or feai , or hut of the affeotiooa eyniptomatlo of watncl will Bnd oonvtnoiikg cu tenoe of lt restorativo powertipAii trial, ir yoü feo] rffcü, drotory, dbtliiii'nl aii't tUspn'tit,-tttt bayfl fVi'.)iu-nt h-T lache, montli Usiea lüKÜy in tb móin og, Irregular Rnptfit tnd tonque CO&td, you are . '1 n i ! I.ivcr or bllousDcss. I n in i caes of ílver Oomplalni only ;i parí "i these symptoma are experlODcea, As b remedy for W ni i catei . l)r. Piero ' !■.■' i I ii joTj i v hai !■" '. ;;i i . i - '' - 1 perfeol Ij cores, LeaTlng the liver -r '■'"i ti are oí Hal i aal C i of tbe Bovela it is a Dover fai'iag i , re asad ttLor thía purpose are loutl Íq iis proiae. In Bronobial, Tbroat and Lang ! nuinv remarkabli cures, whre o ber raed tol nei had rgista al íl on per bottle. parid at i ora íory of R. v. . ■ ; -'■ . m. i'., Buffalo, N. Y. 3ooo FENCE POSTS ! A Ónantlty r Whlte O;ik Floorlhg, and t,óoo Cords Of M'OOtl, for s;l!c liy lídítf ' N. P. COI.K. Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by Mil Al ÉÜ, S. SONDHEIM HAS JÜST Ií EXÜIÍNED FROM :N"EW YORK WITH A. LARGE STOCÏÊ OIF READY-MADE CLOTHITO BOYS' AND YOTTTHS' CLOTHING,' ALSO THE FIXESTISTOCK 0Ï1 CLOTfíSy CASS1MERES, VESTING B GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS,' CI-OTns OF ALL COLORS, 8UCH Af BLACK, BBÖWN, OLIVE, DAHLIA, AND OTnER COLORS TOO XI TO ilENTION. CLOTHING MAÍ)E TO ORDER, ON SHORT NOTICE. IJV THE BEST STYLE, AND FIT "WARRANTED. Cali and Examine for Yourself Ñ. 15.- CLOTHING FIFTY PER GENT. CnEAPER THAN AT ANY OTIIER HOUSE; ALL PERSONS IXDKDTED TO LATE FÍIÍM OF M. GUITERMAX&CO., WILL TLKASE CALL ANT) SF.TTI.E ANP SAVE COSÍS. S. P. 1200 A nn Arbor Agriculturul Co. PAKMER'R ATTENTION'. Read the foll iwing, wliich is of the greatest iniportance to you : Ann Arbor, Sept. 1, 1869. Jolina ton, Huntly & Co : - Cents - I purehaaed ouO of your Reapera oí" Finnepan & Hovrard lagtseason, itnd liare giren lt a thorOugh tiial, and can truly a that it workshko n thing oí Ufe, cutting lodged and tangió. 1 graln . mi picking it up with those almobt liuiniin Hrms, in nmch bOttfil BhApQ than coutd bO dooe bj hand, leaving not a spear bt'lnud. I think lts ltghtnesfl of draft, irldtb of cuí,(6 f eet) simplici ty hiit alnjtability to all kinds of rain, combineto makoit thcbest Reapcr extaM, L. M. LYON. W'y, the uniltreigned, purchapcl Johnston Repers, and fully coucur ín tbe above Etatfineut : John G.&ocbj field. Tlmothey Fohj, Webster' Joh ii Krcgel John Coyle( _ DavM vangeaoOi " Ellaba Crasfon, '. R, 0. II un tur, Sou tli Lyon. Th ornas O'Brit-n. Uniy ('unlin, Northfíeld. Nl0OB Osborn, Scio. Jones llarah, Scio. Andrew Mead, Ann Árbol.' Charles Stolstcimer, Bolo. LftVIs Kritz, Scío. Thfse im:diins are improved íor the ycar 1870, have a binding attaclimcnt , a id are fo palé by the Ann Arbor Ai;riciiUi'ral Compnny, succesRors to J.. Uoore & Son ftntl Ftnnenn V Hovar . 'v also keep m Iarg6 jivipply o f the foílowing machines, with , ping itiaclimcnts and Jobnston self rake. TheO mnchlnes have no cqualin the maifcet. Theyliavtí tuken all the prlxea at the difTerent trials ip the State the past ' o Jari and ín no case have thoy failed t o como off rletorioQt : The World, The Excelsior, The Champion, The Hubuard, The Rusáeíl, Tlie Hall. These machlneR have never failed to pive sntisíac-. tlon to tbc puTchasor, and re ïightor draf t '.hun any other machiiu'fl. We also aell the ioilosving Thresli Ing Machines : Th#Gonnlno l'itts, The Tornado. The Birdsl), Thr Masilon, ITall, The Vibrator. QRA1N DRILLS - We manufacture the celebrnted Seyatone Prtll, whlch for sUnpUdt jj accuracyand dorabiíity, have no superior. We warrant every_ Drill perform as repwaented or no sale. iV'e alei keep DrilJfl inanul'uctured by othcr parties. nnd are propared to fnmlsh anj tesii ni articlc on tl:r shortast notice. 5Te aro prepa red to do nll kind of rbpairiiic; f.f farm macliinrry, sut-h as Iieaperf, Mowftrêj 'i aruherB, iu rse Powers, ftc. W6 hef p contastlj nn ba na a large stock oí Agricultural Imple; intfntB, plowflfthaTrowa, wbeel enltlTatonii . ters. eorn sbellora, ooldron kettU'e, power jacks and iawing mRcblnen,a!1 ofonr own manu fotnr, and wewfll sell At th lowcsl poaalbto flgur. We voul totfally lnflte all partleB wishtDg to purchawè Hny artiole in on r line trom ■ plow polnt to a . itijf machine to cali and us luiere porcbasJng, f ire "itl give them bette r góoda, bettei H lower prloei tban can be obtAined el.-ewbere. N. B. - Remerabar tra manufacture none but firstolaFi goode, and vill undarMll all comjiéfltwi ,. ( Cal) and w ub and nava fronj S to iü per cnt. , a ' i get goodü that are varrtnted tobe up to tin' itfena, a rd. A fu 11 stock cf extras kept con-tantly on bnfirí' for tbe Buffalo Fltfs Thresher. 1 -AïIIJi SCK11W CÜTTINQof allklndsdone o short notioo. On and i mctlon of Detroit and Fourth flfii Ponndry and llaohine Bhop, Flftb W:u-d. opponite Sinolalra' fcHUe, 1268m3 "DÜTTBR WANTË. 1 WANT Ar;L TUK GOOD BUTTEBC Offcrcil daling V.'.o pcnson.for goods or nionoy. 1274m:ï JOUN H. MAKAUD. ■pAMILIES AND PARTIES CAN GET TIIEin ICECREAM AT WHOLESALE At the City Arcade, and it is admltted by gcföd .í"(íJl in the markct. Aleo tbat ÏCB CREAH SO1JA goea with a Kl sil. S .t CHOP8BT.' QOMJB AGAIN WITH A KUI.I. STOOK ÓF TO BB SOI.D CHKAPER THAR ANVWHKRK BLBE IN Til j: ST1TE. AT ÉI1S OLD STOSE, MAIN LKIEl', ANN AUBOR. pEOPLE'B DRUG STOiii R, W, ELLIS& CO1


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Michigan Argus