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Real Estáte for Sale. QTATK OF MICHIGAN, Count y of WanMon i lo. the matter of the estáte of Hen leceftsed. Notice La hereby glven, that in 1 tf m order granted to the ondertlgned, Ailmiiiisrntor oí the Estáte of saW il' ce leed by the Ron. fudffe ot Probate for the County of Washtenawi on he thlrty-flrst day oí May, D i ffO, there wlllbe ioW at public venone . to the high eet bidder, i Iwel Inghoaaeonthepremlseshereinal ■ a the Connty of aahten, in wvid Btate, on ff ednesday, the third day of August, A.D. 1870, ai m k In the förenoon oí i hat daj mbraocea by mortg&ge or otherw ee exfottaff at the time of the d owlng deêcribed ri al estáte to wit : Abont oine icrea of land in the rilluffe oi □ mhï1 ;■ (jimty and State lollowi :-'.- Com menclng tbi rteen rodsand twenty-thret oq tb west corner of certain lauda deeded by on to one ■ 2ist A. i'. lM, uid record ed In the Re for the Connty of Wuhtenaw, Ln líber pne 169, and running thence nonh 1 1 i forty roiis t the lij'1 between Baid John M. Lotto and Isnac Taylor, t heneo soath twenty three rode flve Peet and thrw luches, thence vesttothe p tlns on the west part of the north. ciiht quartev oftLe oorthoast quarter of sectlon twelve in townahlp fcwo sonto of range three east ii BidState also commenclng at the northww corner of oertaln lauda ■;. ed 't tVngn a. i. 1868) by EHsha Congdon and vrife to James Smith at the polnt where it jotns the sonthweet corner of lftiids tirst aboTO deecrlbed , nuraing thence lontb two chaina and forty linká) thence north botod detcree eaet nlne chftina and ehr.hty-ix llnkftt ib' ace north one chain and ftflty-nine ltn] -. to theaai corner of Brst&bove ! cel of üuidt thence west nine chaina and elghty-aix links to tlie place of beginning. BxceptlnK an3 re servlng from ftist above d scribed parcel, a strip off the north eide one and ;i half rode wlde lor n bject to the control of Baid estáte, Titus and the adjolnlng owne Jühuf-ou TA. Lett;, or tbeir suc liau'd , Jane lOth, A. T). 1 870. CHARLES II. KEMPF, 12U Admlnietrator. Chanfiery Notioe STATE OP MICHIGAN. Snit pondtOfffn the Circuit Court tor tlic Connty of Wasutenaw. In Ohancery. Bamaotha Hessacar, Complainant, vs. Artir.uir, Dfendant rtiy appearlng to the nndersi rned by affldavtt ii;üi thedefendanl in thiHcaiiFn residep out of tbifl Btate. and la resld' nt i the State of Cniifomia, on motlon f Norria t ('hl, Sollcltors for complalnant, it t ordered thai the s'iirl dcfcndnnt canse his appearance !n this to be entered wlthln three months froni theda-ta ofthla order; And it is fhrther ordered tat withln twenty daya the compbiinant canso this order to be publfe the Michigan ArgvXi a newspaper pnbllshed Ineaid Connty, and fchat Bnch pnblicntion bc oonttnued i" inch newspaper at least once in eacb weck tor six week? iu saccession or that ehe ei "f this order to be personally serred on satd defenoant, nt leaat twendayflbefbrethe time prescribed for his appearance. Lat tl, Jnne27tb,,18T0. 1ÜT7W6 J. WTLLARD BATiBlT, Circuit ConrtCommissloner, Wahtonnw Connty Mlcblgaii. Drain CominiHsioner's Notice. NOTTOE is hereby jriven, that the Drain Commlssíoner of Washtenaw Cotinty will be at the honsfl of Wm. (.Mark. In ttie township of Superior, on the IGth day of July, 1870, nt - OeiO0k P. ■ . to meet partios to contract for the excavation and conBtractlon of a Drain, kuown as Clark Lakc brain, on Sections 't and 12 T vill ;ils( be al th BOOM of Wm. Clnrk. on the 13tb day of Jnly, 18T0, at 4 o'cloek p. m. at whtcb time I will exhibli mapa "f theabore proposed drain, and doflcripttona of the Bevera] parcelé of Innd det-mcd by me bt:nefited thereby, and the amount nn descrlpttona by livipions and rabdivitlona of the abore deêcribed propostMi drain. b j me appi rtioned to the ownera oi each deeerfption to construct, aud to the township of Bnperior to construct on account of eucii drnin bonefitins; highway, and to hear r if nny are Oltered. wliy euch apportiouraentshcnld be reviowed and correctëd. Aun Arbor, June -9th, ïsïo. JAMES J. PAR8HALL, 127C Coaiity Drain Commissioner. NOW OPENIÑG7 WIYS. WACNERS, An Elegant and Largo Stock oí SPRING AND SOMMI G-OODS, INCLDDINa OLOTIIS, OASSIMERE8, VESTINGS, &C LATEST STYLES &ND BEST QÜAL1TIES VHIOH H1OFKR8 LOWER than EVER Also in Store a large stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND Gents' FÜSNISHINQ Goods OABKENTEICADETO OBDEKIN TUK BEST ÍS T TT IL, 13 , Alio LADIl'.-iaDd GENTS' MOROCCO SATCHELS No. 21. South Ml Street- Eajt slde. CALL AND SEE THEBI. WILI.1AM WAGNER Ann Arbor, Muy, 18Ï0. Cyersus Bitter, yf ForVho following REASONS Streep Quinina VsliouUl reilucc the ohl iorn or JUttcr (iiinine. Sircetlulnlnc is avarraxted mWinnatty iiU:kul in effeot witb Bitter Qiinc. Swcct Buluiiic lms xone of the inte te and pertfttnt bUterness ol" cominon Qi nino. Swcctf Quiïïirïc is mado from P, ruviail lialk only, tlio source of Bitter Qi nino. In SwX't Quiiiiiie tho bitterncss is Vrfcctly oinooaled, bat ïuay bo instantlv' lovcloietl if desirud. I f Sveet Aïilnino will not sickon, G vcry UlUl substances olten do. SweefA liiiiiliitY is rc.idily takon, luid witiiou J t lic least hesitat ion, by old anilyoung. SnreenQninlnv entiicly obTlatea tlVt nnconVnoniblc disliko wliicU cliildreahavo to BVtur Quinine. I Sweet (Aiiniiie requlres no cluborata prejjaiiitjon to take, is ready for instui uso. Swert Aulntnc Ui i(3 nnd pronpt cilU-.icy, disabuaea tl Ipnblio mijd of iiiuch prcjiutiee agalnSI Qi ino, an[ aids tho effibrta of the TiteAjent liAsiciiin in itö uhuiniijtralion. Swcet Vljiliiino costs no more tlian tho Bitter Qululne. Swect ftiiliilnc enn bo had at fho )ng StoT'ls ln two forma, i,-. fluid, foi eonvoTrfcnce of farolitos and tis íícncra! mjr lic,md jrfrrfcr, for use olL Physiols andfWaffgists. L j? StAris, Farr & ., f MAW(FACTURING CHEMIST X f EW YORK. f X Frr Snlc by Eherbach & Co., drufriiet. 1264}! TUHliER YARD! C. KRÁPP Has a ljirfje ;ind w.ell stoeked Lumber VavJ , on Jf. feriton Si .ft, i u the BOtttb part ol the City, and will keepcoastantly on hand aiiexcolknt va riet; of LUMBER, SHIISTGLES, TATET, &C wliicli will be 8old s low ae oaa be afforded inibie raftïkpt. tjn ni i t y and pricesancli thftt do one need to go to Detroit. CONRAD KBAPFi Ann Arbor. Oct.lst. 1869. 9801f A NN AEB0R AGAINST THE STATE IN THE FÜRNITURE TRADE, And O. M. Martin against Ann Albor. Don't Foieret his Old Stand. Go to R. W. ELLIS & CO's i for choicoWines and LiquorF i for Medical Purposes. Mortgage Snle. DEPAUXT haring been made :n the condition of r M . James to bram 8a ;jril 9lh, 1809, in the office of the I Deeds r V;i h!i.-n:iw ' i ; 1 1 1 1 y , M liber ■') of ■ date oí i lis notice ■ 'y-iivt; dolla ,11(1 110 Dil or 1 .!:,( Uw tO morti ■, ly virtue f tlt'1 power ■ ■ pro. atnrday,the ■■ui. ui'thnt ay, at the soitth il H . mul In - iU ■ ■ . i Lth Ineresl and cosí . aforefollowB: All ÜII Irari 01 ; ill the ownship of Aun Arbor, Michigan, ft] 0f kil vu, bous cd and di follows vfasi ommenclng two cliniiM and elghty-twö links west oi be northeaat corner of the of the north011 thirtv. in toivii-h:;, tWO m,ii!(i f range Blxeast. aud running thence Bouth parallel vith the easl of raid weel half of northeast marter of mui! section twenty-one e hains and Inks to the center of 1 . nortn oter of sald road aereo ibainsandflve links to the Boutheast corner of a Icce of land pold by v. B. King to A. I' Ponst, Iii-ih-i' iinrtii 15 deg. easi at rtghl anglas with sald road and along sald DeFor i elpht chalns and flfty links to the nortbeaat corner of hls land, bene north 14 deg. weet parallel wlth the Dexter road four chains and seventy links to theso :orner ol - I I DeFi irallel withtheflrnt mentloned line ten chaln and thlrty. elght links to toe north lino of tl . thence I line eleht cbalns and nii o the i la ol teen acres and forty-feren hnodredths, lv ■ -orless, ■ r and exceptmg the richt jrranted ! of drawlng water hy pipe from the prins as i - n deed Klng and wlfle to aal Also Bnother piece of biod in (he same cownahlp of nn Arbor, described as follows: Bejrinnlng at the northeast corner of the west Inll of the il qaarter ofeectlon nnmber thlrty, running thence west on the north line or tnH ■ wocbalns and dzbty two links to the land herclnhefore descrlbcd, thence sotith the sald lan :t parillel wtth sald north line of the sectlon two chatas hty-two link to the east line of the lot, line of the lot seven chaina ind ten links to the place of bcginráns;, coutaininc ;wn acres, more or I Diitcd, Jnly 5tli, 1 ABRAM 8AGEK, Mortgapee: Faun Gbakt, Att'ys. forMort:arce. lïTT Mortgags Sale. DEFAULT haring been made In the condlilon of ii certain mortgage made and ■ .'ames mi A.H11 Ivory, of the towaahip of Dexter. oaw County, Michigan, to James Clark, of the town.Connty and State aforesald, bearinirdate nth day of December. A. D. 1866, and reoorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Washtenuw County, Michigan, on the twenty-stxth day of December, A í o'cleck I'. M.. In liber No :)5 f mortgag' s, on page SS6, by whlch thi power of gale contained therein became operativa the nnoimt clairaed to be dne on said mortape ant accompanyiii;; note, at the date of this no ico i tlio Mini of one hnudred and twentv Beven dollars and thlrteen cents, and t!ie ftarther som of twenty flTe dollars provided in snk! mortgaite as an Attorney fue in cii-c any proceedingfl snonld be taken to ' ■ the same, and no solt or proceodlng Va'ni;been inetiuitcd at law or in eQulty to recorer the debí aecured by oatd mortgage. or any part thereof No tice ie herebj jlvi n, that on Prli mtfa daj of October, A D. 187 . at 10 o'olock A. M. ■ day, at the trmit door of tile ('o:;:1! House, in the City ol in Arbor, in f.atl Couuty of Washtenaw there wHl be eold al pnl to the hishep bidder, the premisos describí 'I r-. sald oiortga I of land sitnated in the lp ft Dexter, County ol Washtenaw, an State of UichigaDi known, boundi'd and described a . : beinL H pan of sectlon Xo. (13 thlrteen, ín township one lonth of range fonr eaei : i-.ti; at a srakc ín the Qorth bouBd of ' I and rnunlng north 0 dfg. easttwochaus thence sonth S9 '0 min. enst seveuty live liuks thence sourh ! two chins, thence norlh si ilffx 20 m. ih highway sevciiiy live links ti the : Dated. Anu Arbor, Juli 'T Et8 CLABK, Stortgagee. Lawbksok & Frazkr, Attys. for Mortgagee. Mortgape Salo DEFAFT.T havin.'j been made in thecondiíi n " . executed by Cbarli and Uellssa Moore Eis wlfe, of the city of AnnAr hor. i'o'.mty of Washtenaw, and STate of Michigan on the twelrth day . to Joscph W riek wnrster, of the city of Am Arhor, Conntv fifore-aid, and recorded ín tl ■■ on the 15th day of Julv, "A. D. . o'clock P lt. of sald day. In liliar 82 of in rtffage, on pag ;".21 - v : ■ wafl dllly .!■ ■ ■ v Lawson and Prederlck Wureter, to me", V imderslgned , on tïte soth day of Nu A. 1. 1866, and recoröed In 's oiü.cf Washtenaw County, on the SStb day of April. A D. 170, at 11 o'clock A, M ol aaidday, in liler iï of mortgazes, page 821; on whlch mi there is clalmed to be hi-. at the date of thi im of three hundred and flfty-lbnr do cent-: aïso. an attorney fee o : iiis mortgage ; and no ■ i ijiL'sin law or cqnity havlns bren tnstitated to ra i orany part thereof, notice is hcreb. given, thatbyvlrtoe of tho power of sale tn paii mort;': ■ the bl on the ;'.■ th day of Jnly neact, a two oxlocü P.M, of aaid day, at the front door o the Court Honse, In the city of Ann Arbor. In fifi'u . of Washtenaw, ï lic premlsea de-crihed ir said mortgage as all that certain piei land Fitnated i:i the city of Ann Arbor. County WaBhtenaw, and State oí Michigan,! ed, and described as follows: Commencinj center of sectlon nupjber twenty in townu sonth of range nnmber pix east . and runnil foar chaina and thlrty seven !;n!ii t'i a bli rn-' elght Inchea i: alameter; th eljrh ittwochalne and üfty links to the His cock road ; thence easterly along the centpr of sai( road t" the north and soi line of sald ei tlonnnmher twenty; thence north Boven chaiüs an fortyfive links to t!:f place o( b-jianin Cexceptin and reservlng odc acre of land (rom Che east .-du i the parcel of land above detcribed.) April 28th,lST0. BARN IBÜ8 E. flBBLB, Ignee of s:iiil Morl . Joiix N. Gott. Attorney for Asilgneo of Uortgaga. 10 T Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty ofWashtonaw, fs In the ui:.'h r ol the es'ate of Prederick üroess amle, -Ir., minor. Notice la ln'reby fiiven, Tbat i paranance of an order grantsd to Lhe onderslgnei Unardian of the ei minor, by tne llon of E'robatfl t' r the Oounty of Washtenaw on the slxtn day ofjnne A. D. 1810, (In-re will li Bold at public vendne , tothe hlghest bidder, at th ilw clüiiL' honse on thf1 prem ses Eereinafterdesciibei in the County ol . In said State, o Tbnraday the twenty eighth day of July A. ]. 187( al one o'olock In tbe atternoon of thal day, to all encumbrances by m rtgage or otherwise exist Ing at the time of the sale, aud also BUbject to ih riht of dower ol Mury rtroessamlc as widow o Prederl ■ eased), the following de : real estáte, towlt: Oommendng on th half qunrter line. thïrteen chaina and ci'hiy.ftv link north one degree west from thé sontheasl col nor of the sonthwest qnarter óf the sontheast qnar ter of sectiou tivelve, io township two south o range Uree east, In sald State, and raniflng thence north one degrea west one chain and nineteen link on the half qnarter line, thence north oighty-one de grees west lonr cbalns and flftoen links, theace sontl oine degrees wsl o&e chain and elghteen links thence sonth elghty-one degrees ertst fonr chainp ant thirty-six links to the place of beginning, contalnlni half an acre of land, be thesame or li-ss. Als a parcel commenclng on the half quarter line tMf chaina and elghty Uiree links south one degree aai froin the norihivest corner ol the soDtheast quarte of the sonthwest qnarter of sectlon twelve, in th same townshlp and r:m o . and running thenre soutl one degree east tivo chains und forty-stz links alonj the aald half qnarter Une thence sonth etghtyeigh aud one half dergees eatt flve chaina, thence nortl one depree west two chains and forty-eix links thence north eisrhtv-eitfht and one-half d gre five chains, to the place of beginning, cont iinlngum acre and 28-tOO of an aore of lnnd, be the same m re -. Also a parcel of land conunenclngon thi half Jitiarter line north one degree west ihirlcii chalns and elghty-fire links [rom thesontheastcor ncr of lic BOUthwWt ijnarter of the solltheast quar ter of the abovc named sectlon, town and range aru rannicg ihenco nortii one degrea west three chaina and s!x;y-tive links on the half qnarter line. thenc noith elghtylght degreea and thlrty minutes wc three chains and seventy-elghl links, thence sontl nine degn es weel three chalns and ten links, thence gouth eighty-one degrees east fonr chains and thirty six llnkB, to the place of begioning (excepüi reserving one-half acre off and from the north sid of tlui last above described pleca of huid, leavim one and 98-lOOJtores ml ! therein}. Also lotflf teeninbiock seventcen, accorAtng to the recordei ngdon's Third Addition to the re of Chelsea,ln said t'.mnty Dated. Tune 6th, A. I). I 1'jTli GEORliE PAUL, Gnardian. Real Estáte for Sale. QTATI3 OF MICIÜOAN, Connty of Washtenaw, ss O In the matter of the estáte of Benjamin Cole doceased. Notice lshereby giren thaj in pursuanct of an order granted to the nnderslgnea, Administra tor of the estáte of said deeeased, by the 11i.ii. Judsre of Probate for the Cotmty of Washtenaw, on thi twenty-aeventh day of June, A. D. 1870', there wil be eold at Publle vendue, to the highest bidder. the dweiling house on the premises herelnal scrlbed in Ibe County of Washtenaw, in said Station Wednetday, the serenteentJi iayof Augaat, A. I) IT.. at l oVeloCfc 'n the aftiruoon ol that day (subject to all enenmbrances by mortgage or ■■thersleting at the time of the deatli of said deand also subject to the right of dower of iiis wldow tl ■ crlbed rèal estáte, tO-Wit ï The rast il;; l f oí' the Houtheast quarter aud the east three-quarters of the sonthwest quarter of the southeast quarter ol Bectlon I hlrty-ftve, in township tour Houth of range Btb east, containing one huiub res moreor less, ii: sald -State. d.JnneïTth, A. D UENKÏ F. HAMMOND, 137J Admlnistrator. Real Est até for Sale. QTATF OF VIOIH' sw. sa. il In til ■■i Notice is ii. reto glvco. Tbat in ponuance r an order rranted to the '■ AimlnisratoBwrtth ':- ■ ■■ by the on Sndgeol Probate for the Connty ofW n the thirtiet day of May, A. L. 1870, there w'ill hi' sold at public venir: ildder, it the dwclllnu house on . berelnafter nty of Washtenaw, in eaid State, ■ ck In the afternoon of that day (suhji ill encumbrani ï orotherwl deeeased), the fol t half if the northweal qnarter ol aeetion fourtoen, fexeptlng ! ofore deeded to Elirabeth A. ui.' ot the south mdofthe west half of the northwast qnarter of ■id sed ion fourteen , in townahlp one south oi rauu . State. Dated. Jud Bth, A.B. ïsvn. . DKN W. aHOBTLEFFi 1273 Adiniuistrator wlth !Uo wffl annezed. Sheriff's Sale, BI VÏRT17E of one writ of Fi. n racial sjn.d f uud ondor tho scal of the circuit Cotm rtheConutj of Washtenaw, to me direnedanj c ■iivcrcl. bearmg date the Becot d day of June, A.B ni '.M !:iv(ir of John y lermott, plah nina m" 'bat "f the gooft ad for want thereof then oithefoL ■ d lande and lenemcnb to.wit: Th inthwesl qoarter of the nortnrast qnnrterof BEc on nnmbrr thirtv, in townsliip one sonth of ran nshlpol Northtleld. in eaij onnty of Waehtenaw, of Palclck McDermmt. nu-s I Owcn Mt 'ermotl rmott, Michi ■ i Am [cDermott. Patrick Uuston, Thomas ITuptuit harlea Haston Ji n, Mlchael Ilneton! lary Huston and Norah H uson. which pro or tale at pnblic auction, a:d sell tothj '. door of thfConrt 1 i Ilic city nf Ann Arbor. on the sixti-enth ii hundrcd and scventy, at te 'doek in thi ' 'hat dny. Ann Arbor, June :;d. A I) ï"- HYRON K. PORTTTf, SherU 1272 Tnos. .1. HosKiMa, Deputy Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE ofthrce severa] execntions iHe ouml tndnnderthe seal of the Circuit Conti orthc Connty ol tt'ashtenaw, to me directer! au' nlnsl the goods and chattels, land aai enemente of Charlee B. Thompson, I have levitj ijion the followlng de ribed nul eetate, to wit. ,ot number eleven, and the cast qnarter oi ín uimher twelve in block nnmber onc sonth o lnrou Btreet, and range -i.x eet. in the City of Ann Albor, Washtenaw Cuunty Michigan : whlch I .In] rxpose to Mie, at public anctlon, to the 1 ildder. at the south tfoor of the Conrt Ilonse. ity of Ann Arbor, on Fridny. the twenty nini] dav of Jnly, A D. 18T0. at 10 u'clock in the forenooo. tatecl, June ïth. i UYRON Tt. rORTF.R. Sherlt, r. 7:: ByTHc.s. ,1. Hosuvg, Depnty Sheriff Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN , Conn tv ol Wnshtensw, j. E 3 The underelgned haring been appolnted byVbi'f Probate C'.mrt [ör aid County, CommUsloners to ttM ive, examine, and adjnst all claims and dcmaijil f all pcr;ons aainst the eetate of Calvin K. lieclrer ' ato of ï-:i:i! ■ itsed, hereby i:ivcnoit' .nat alxmonthnfrom date are allowed hy order of' i: I Prol ite Conrt for creditors to preV againet the célate of said deceai tbj wil! meet at the oflkc of Ooorge W. Turiibnii in Uhelaea. in eald Connty on Tnesday. th I öay of July, and Monday, the ninet'cent!i iT .t December, i-íxu at ten o'clock A. M. ofetckj days, to reccive, examine, and adjuüt jui jalma. Üati-d, June lRth, A. I). 1ST0. 12T5w4" HOB ICE A BM1TB, ) M. J. NOYES Commisslonen. f LOKEN BABCOCK, J Estáte of Zenas Burd. STATK OF MICMIRAN. County of Wattatenaw.a I Ni given.thatby an orderoftWI Probate Conrt for the County of Washtenau . on the fixtcenth dny of Jane, A. I). 18TI monthfl from thatdftté were allowed for crt'ilitorpifl' present their claimt npainst tbc cttate of Zeniif Bard, late offild Connty, deceascd, and that iiil creditora oí faid deceased are required to pri-geitl lims to isAd Probate Conrt, at the Prribateï Onicc, in thQ City of Ann Arbor. for examination jicji allowance on or before the stxteenth dny ofD cember next. nnd that sneh claims willbe heardH-f fore e.iid Probate Conrt, on Saturday, tl teenth day of Angtiüt, and on Frfday, tl !ay of December, next. at ten o'dock ín :h forenoon of each of thoae tlays. Dated. Ann Arbor, Juno I6th, 19TO. HIBA1I J. BEAKES, 12T5w4 Jadgeofl'i' Estáte of Irwin P. Baker. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Wa8htonaw,o, 1 Notice is hereby jrivcn, tbal ■ I r of Uil Probate Courï for the County oí -ladewl the twcntiriliday of June, A. D. .870, six monthgfrotf ihüt date allowed lor creditora to present thrs claims aainst the estáte f Irwin P. Baker, late tl E oantydeceated, and that all creditom of uu deceased are rcqïiircd to present their claim Probate Conrt, at the i'robntc Office, in tbr City of Ann Arbor, for examinaron nnd allowuu,! on or before the twentlelh day of December, nt-xt, uil tbat such claims wil] be heard before said Probtui Conrt, on Saturday. ttie twentieth day of Atif.'utit,uit Tnesday. twentletl daj or ] tt, attaB o'clock in the forenoon of on h of those days. Dated. Ann Arbor, Jone IIIRAM 3. BEAKES, : 1-7.")W4 rludc of róbate, I Éstate of Abigail C. Nortly. STATK OF HIOHIGAH, Connty of At a Bession of the Probate ( onrt for tbr ConnijI of Washtonaw, holden at the Probate Office. In tkl City ot' Aun Arbor, on Thnrsday, the twority-thiil day of Jane, In theyeur ouo thousand eiglil hal ■ ad n fentj. Present. Iliram J. Beake?, Judi:e of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of 'Abigail C. forti, I ed Robert Nortly, Admlnltrator with tho wlll u. nexed of satd deceased, romes into Conrt nndrtl i ov prepared to reuder bis ítú aconnt ae soch Admini-trator. Thcreupon it is ordered. t teenth day of Jnly, next, at ten o'ciock in thefortl uoon. bc asslfrncd for examlnlng and allo I I licirsi: law of'sald deceased, and nll other perst-? s, ii re reqnired to a] , then to De holden t the Probattl the City of Ann Arbor, inty a:i ar;y therebe, whj the eaid accouiil Bboald nol beal owed Ai ssid Adminisjrator fi?e notice to the pers i . of the pendeccy of snit' i and the hearing tb order to be publiehed in the Mi' higan paper prlnted and ciicnlatlng In said Coni ■ eeka preTioui opj.) H1RAMJ BEAKES, Judge of Probate, Estáte of Ruwma T Fuller. OTTE OP MICHIGAN. Connty of Washtenaw, O At a sewfon ol' the Probate Coarl for the ' onmy of Wasbtenaw. horden al Probate Oflice. intto City of Ann Arbor, on Priday, thi peventeentli dsí ie iu tiio year oiil' tbronaand cibfhundredt seventy. Present, Himm J. Brakes. .iiidge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte óf KuamuT Fnlta deceasn!. John T Fnüer, Exocntor of the last ill and ! tamenl ofsalddeoeaeed, comes into Conrt and ropnsents that hc is now prepared to reuder liis ünii account as siich Exccutor. Therenpon it is ordered, thnt Monday tl teenth day of July, next, nt ten o'clock in Ue forenoon, w asalffneill for ezafttning and allowinj ;, and that the legatees, devisece ui helrs al la of strïd deceased. nud all other persow Interested in saldeetato, are reqalrcd to appear ati pession of i-aid Conrt. then to be holden at V Probate nflice, in the City of Aun .irb. r. k said County. and show canse, if any there IÜ why the said account rthould DOtfbealIovi it is furtlH'r ordered ttuit said Exerulor clve DOtl to 'the persons lntereated In 8iiid estáte, of; dency of said account, nnd the hearing 11, cansiep a copy of tliif order to be unbllshi Michigan Argtu a Dem&spef prlnted and circulatie. in saiii Connty, tbree BUccessWe weeks previoua said day of hearing. (A trne copyj HIRAM J. r.EAKFS, ISTttd Jttdfic of Probate. Estáte Lydia Slocum. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtc Ö At a session of the Probate. Court t'or thi of Wa.shtenaw, holden at the Probate Otltce, intn City of Aun Arbor. on Momiay, the twentieii day of June, in the year onc thousaud eight flt dred and serenty. Present, lliratn J. Bcakes, Judce of Probate. In the matter pi the estáte of Lydia Sloccft deceascd. On readinsandfilinpthe petiti"n dtily verlflci! Orsilla II. Slocum, praying tbat he or 'some otlK! íaltable peñón may be appointed Adminiatraíor rf the of said deceased. 'riiercupon it is Ordered, that Monday, the cicï teenth day of Jnly, next. nt ten o'ciock in tWi forenoon, be assi$:ncd for the hearing of M"i petltion, and that the heirs al law of said decca! and all other panoiU interefted in said e&tj are reqnired to appear at a session of said Cosí then to be holden at the-Probate Office, in the citj Ann Arbor, nnd show canse, if auy there be.ffïj the prayer of the petitioner should not be grantfi: And it is furtherordered.tbat said pelitioner pivetloe tothepersonalnterestedinsaiaestate of thepí1" (Iriiev ofsaid petition, and the hearlnp thereof, J9 eansiiiL' a eapy ofthis Order to bepublished ltttl Michigan A ■! ... anewspaperprinted and circnlatini in said connty, threesuccessive weeks previomtt said day of hearing. CAtrnecopy j IIIRAM .T. BEAKES. lJTStd Jndireof Probat. Estáte of Kobert McCormick. STATF. OFMICIIIGAN, Connty of At ; seaslon of the Probate Court for the Contri of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oflice, in tli? City or Anti Arbor, on Friday. the leuth day I .linie, in the year one thousaud eight buudredaií seventy. Present Hiram J. Iïeakes, .Titdge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Kobert McCormick decease.l. On reading and fliing the petition, dnly vei Ellen McCormick, Executrix, praying thatshemaj liceneed to sellccrtaln real estáte whereof said oeased i!i''il tetsed. Thereupou it is ordered. that Monday, the twee'.'1 flfth day of July, next. at ten o'ciock in the fo'-1 noon, be assigned for the hearing ofsaid i and that the leñatees, devisees nnd heire at lftff said deceased. and all other persons interettedjS saiil estáte, are reqnired to appear ataesaiil Conrt, then to be holden, nt the Proba' in the City of Ann Arbor, and show canae, If aH therebe, why the prayer of the peti'.ioufi not be frranteil: And If Is fnrther ordered t petiLiouer give notice to the persons intferei said estáte", of the pendency ofsaid petition, tlie heariinr thereof, by eansuig a copy of this or1 to be pnMished in the MicMgm a rum, a ne . prlnted and drculatlng in Baid Connty, fonr succe"1 ive weeks previous to said day of hearing. tA trne copy. J HliiAM .1. BEAKES. 1-jt:, Judge ot Probsto. - Estáte of Samuel I). MoDowell. STATE OP MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw." :i of the Probate Court for the Con"' htenaw. holden at the Probate Offlee. city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday; the twei orul day ol .rune, in tbeyear one thousand eilulu"' tred and seVenty. Present. Iliram J. Beakes.Jndge o! l'robü' In the matter of the estáte ol .Samuel D. ücl On readinp and fliing the petition, dulyvci TohnS. Mi Bowell, praying thata cenain instrunj iow on file In thls Conrt, purportingto be willaud testamenl i cdto probate, nnd that admiuist ate may bc grantd him or sume other suitable Pr' son. . h 'fhereupon it isOrdered. that Monday, tlirciS" day t July next at ten o'ciock intl umi' beassifrned fort hu hearing ,,) .ii, pet il i hatthe andheirs atlnw ofsaiacj ■ persons interesteeills.'liilesW i ,l ;i itl Courttllf obebolii'ii ::i the Probate Office, i n the eilyof At trbor, and si luw canse, i f a;y therebe, why tiuprar ; potitiouer shoitld rot be granud: irther ordered, that Baidpetltionergivc ii"ti lrterested in said escate. ofthependi aidpetitioJ.and the hearing thereof. by caiifiw' py oi tiiis Order to be publisbed in the JifW i newspaper prlnted ftnd clrcnlatiníí 'P,11,., mnty, tbree sttcceasive weeks previous o uaia" VAetr'üëcopy.J nÏBAM J BKAKK8. 125 Judscof Prob


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