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Why France Declares War

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Paris, July 15. Tiic following is tlie tcxt of the decluration male by the Duko De Graminont beforc the Sen ate to-day : ' Mkssieurs - The manner in whioh the country received our declarfttion of the (ith of July led us to oomménoe negoliations with Prass-a to secure lier recognithn of tliu valiii.y of our priev anees. Wo did not treat with Bpsiu, whose independeDce wo have tio wish u trammei, nor the Prinoe of Hohentollern, wbotn we cousiJer the uncfer stiadow of tho King, nor have wo edvaoced auy otlier gncvaripe tlian tlic cmdidacv fi ihe Prince of tic Spanish lirón. The Prussïan Minister ofForeign Affairs opDosed to us a deerminaion not to re oeivo our reprrsentation, pretend ing t( ignore tho atf;ir. We then uldressed uureelves to the king, who mvintainsc that he was a Btranger to the affair, anc that hc cou'd n"t intervene cxeèpt ns :icad of the family, but he avowed that ie had imtruc'etl Bismarck. We coulc not acoept that ansvrer, and we demai ded that the king phould iüfluonce the Priuco of Hohecznllern. ]).sis'iince in tho project caine l'rom the quarter 'whente it wu Kist expeeted. We then deicandeil that tlie king shonld give a for the fu'uro. This niderate deuiand, mndo in moderate term", wc deelured to be without ;uiy reserv;ition. 'J'he king declined to say that he would refuse in the future to intefere wi'h tho candidaturo, and lic rcfuscd to aathonze us to transna i t to you the declaratioa that he would n Future oppose tbe candidature. lie dtclared that lio reperved to himself the right to consider the cir oumstances. Even aftor tliis rtfasa] we did not breuk olT tlio negotiation, but adjourned our explanationa to you tin til this date. Tc8terd(y we were aj'jx-iNed that the King of Prussia had notified our Ambassador that ha would no longcr reoeive bim, and, to re Ier lbo ropture more obviou, lio gave noticoof his nctiou to tle Cabineti of Kurope. At the pame time he annonnced that Wcrther might take leave, and that the armamer.t ot PruSsia had eotnmencod. On our part we y;sterd:iy called out llie reserves and we have tükcn puch other necesBaries ss llio interest and honor of the country demarded." TUK RESPONSE OF ïlir. SK.VATE. Paris, July 17. After the pension yesterdny tlie Senate f roeeeded in a body to St. C'.oud, where they were received by tho Emperor and Empresa. M. Koulicr, President, ssid tho Senato thankcd tho Emperor for the permission of expresoing to the throno ils palriotic eirtiments. A monarcbial eombination injurious lo tho prestige ard st-cuiity of France bad been mysteriously favorcd by Prussia. On our repre.cnta#ous Priuce Leopold renounced the throno of Spain. Spain, who rctains our friendship, then renounced a candidature bo wouoding to is. Without doubt immeiiate daoger was tbua avoided, but our legitímate complaint remains. Was it not evident tliat a foreign power, to the prejudice of our honor and interest, wished to dÍ6turb tbo balance of power in Europef Had we not tho right to deuiand of that power guáranteos ngainst a possible rfcurrenco of such an attempt ? 'J'his is refaeed and tho di:nty of France insulted. Your Majesty draws the pword and the country is with you, eager for the occasion you have waited so long for, but during the tirr.e you have raised to perfeotioo tlie military organizatioD of ir'rance. ]5y your care France is prepared. Her enthusiaem proves (bat, like your Majesty, filio vvill not tolérate wrong Let our august Empros-i become againjhe depository of imperiiil power. Tho greut bodies of stute Furrouud her Majesty with absolute devotion. Tho nation bas faith in her wisdom and energy. Let your Majusty resume with nuble cíonce tlio cummand of tlie legions lie cad at Magenta and Solferino. If peril has cotne tiio hour of vietory is uear. Soon Germany will bo frced f roin the doinination which hasopprcssed hev, and pcaca will bo resíored to Europo tlirough the glory of our army. Your Majesty, who rccently rccoived proof of the national good will, niay thca once more devoto yourself to rcfornip, tlie realiza tinn of which is only retarded. Time oüly is needed to conijuor. The Emperor warmly thanked the President and members of the Senato.


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