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The New Minister To England

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The Hou. FredericU T. Frelingbuysen, ju-t nomÍDated as Minister to Eogland, representa an oíd aml historio fatnily, II grardfuther, Frederick, was a delégate fiom New Jersey to the Continen-., t:il Congrega, and in 1770 joined the rcvn'uti n-iry foroes. He aerred with dtstioetioo :ts the captain uf a voiu. corps of artilicy t the ba Ules of Monmouih and Tren too. JTe was pnmiottd to be colonel, and eerved during the temniuder ol the war. In I7!K', be was '1 a Senator of the United States H s son, Tbendore, was also h distinu n i - f c 1 man. In 1808 be wqr admitted lo the har, and became eminent is an eloquent advocate. Daring the war with Great Britain, in 1812-14 be raincd and onmmandei a cmnpnnj f volunteorit. In 1817 he was elected Atiorney-Generl of Now Jersey by a L [ature oppoied t bina in politie, and held the post. till 1820, wbeo ba We choson Llni'cd States Senator. In tbe Senato Mr. Fralinghujseo acted with tho White party. Jfe exerted bil on tbe part of the Indiaas; supported Mr. Clay's resolution for a aati mtA fasl in tbe Bta8on of ibe cholera ; spoku in favor of the ex'ension of th pension system, :md nc!ed with Mr. Cl iy upon the qnestion of tlia Türiff and tbe (!um promiae act of 1H-V2. In May 1814, the Whig National Convention at 3 ï : 1 í more nominated him for Viee-Presidcnt nirl Ilonvy Clity for lres:dent. They received 105 electoral voto3, wliile their 8iicc?esful oompstitora, James K. Polk and Georgü 31. llallas reeeived 170 votes. It is the nrphow nnd ad ipted son of tbifl Mr, FreliDghuysen who is to be our new Minister to B'ngland. He carne to the bar in is::!!), and first entered publio life as a delégate tothe Peace Congresa of 1861. lic here displaycel lenmrkable aliiliiy, and was soon afterward made. Attnrncy-GentTal of New Jersey, the term of office whereof is five yeara. Be sidüs executing the dities of thia position abiy nnd eatiffactorily, he rendered efficiënt service to the Eepublicao party in cach poli'icnl campaign by bis vi;_'rOU9 Bnci felioitioue oratory. In 1866 Gov. Ward dosignated bim to be 1' Stnlng Senator, to pucceed Senator Wright, dueeased, nnd tbe Bobsequent Legislature elected bim for the uaexpired terra of three years. Ia the Señale Mr. Preliogbnysen sustainc.d hia party in its arduous conflict with President Johnson, and x?a chosen to reply to the last annna] raessaire sent by bim to Congresa. He served on the Committee on Naval afiaira, the Judioiary and Claitna, and was much estcemcd by bis followSenators. Senator 8tookton succeedud Mr. Frelinghujien in tbe Señalo in 1809, and since then bo bas been engaged in professional duties at Newark.


Old News
Michigan Argus