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Ttumstha most tboroogh blooti purifier yet :í r corrii, and cutís all humors from t lio wor.-t S.-r '- nla to a conimon F.rupiion. Pimples and Blotctiei) " the f act1 , ft n d oaiy.or rOncfli skin , wMoh h ; aunoyitiir blemishea '■ many young persono, ylia t' the tueof few bottletof this ironaorfal mbdSeldeKrom one to ight bottles care Salí Rbennoj Krysïpe '■ ; Elead, Ring Vforms, Bolls. Boaly Krapttoai fit tl f .--kin, Serofula Boröa, Dicen ;tnd ' Cnnker " ii MoTitli and Stbmaoh. lt i.s a mre mr ld tal extfaet 'f n.itivi' rtfott nnii pïaotft) uofsblfitog In lui rmdiiy Natura'i m wl aovoi%tn curativa i lii-fl, whïch rtoil Iiis iofttilled i n l ■ th reflretable ktBgAbmfof hiviiin tbs stek. lt ín a praat reatorer for the strvngtb. and vijfor of tbs sjstem. TbAio who ufe lamjttid) sleftplpas, havo fMnHMM apprehen starts or rea is, oe kqj of th affeëtloDM sjmptomatlo of kmoAff.-'i.wiii Bad eonvii e of ite revtoratlve pover ïip'in triali lt you fnel diil, thowy, delnü. Utied and defpo'itfrttt büTfl frequeot hvrdaohttg moutfa Msiw ici'iiy in the noiniiu', ïrre lt nï ;ij-. pufferlng from Torpld Uvei in ii ousnoM. In -.-■ Llver Coroplalnt nnly ;i part of tiii'.ii' Bymptomfl ar e poi encco Aa rniii."l v t "T ïii; -n 'Ii e;!.--. . fa Golden Med loal DleooTr hasm , ,& ptfrfectlj thnfd and hlthy. Fi the cutí "f Habitual Coontiptiac H ÍS R IK' VfT I ■ , ;i 'i ,; 1 tin e ivll'i LliT1 H96& lt for this parpose are toid in ii.i proUe. In Bronobial, Throat and '■ s i' han proel u eed ni'uiy remarkabh cures, whro o ber odi( ion had Bold by drngglsti at Si on par bottle. Prelantl nt the Chemlcnl Laborator of R. V. PIERCE,M.D., BuCfalo,N.Y. "POR SALE! 80 Acres or cholee land In the Town of Hftzelton, Shiawassee Coanty. Lnaal THE AHGUS OKTU i:. Ami Ar1or, July U, 170. i It8l f PHYSICIANS' Prescrip tions Accuratoly and Care fully Propared by . W.FLjlJSACO. WRÏYf AlVlfl M UUUR iiuiu ïiw öLiiliUlJjli S. SONDHEIM HAS JCST RETDBKXD FROM NIl'W YORK with: a. LARGE STOCK OF KEADY-MADE CLOTHINGBOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, AI.SO THE FINESTJSTOCK Of CL O TH S, GASS1MEEES, VESTING St GENTS' FUKNISHING G00D8, CLOTI1S OF ALL COLORS, SUCH AS. BLACK, BROWN, OLIVE, DAHLIA, AND OTHER COMRS TOO NUMEBGÜS TO MENTION. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDEË, ON SHORT NOTICE. 1PÍ THE BEST STYLE, AND FIT WARRANTED. Cali and Examine for Yourself N. B.- CLOTHIisG FIFTY PER CENT. CHEAPER THAN AT ANY OTIIER HOUSE. ATJ. PKHSOTÍ3 "rKBTEn TO I.ATE FIRM Of M. GUITERMAN' & GO., WILL TLEASE CAIJ, AND SETTI.E AND SAVE COSTS S. S. idea A nh Arbor Agriculturul Co. il v5.v%'ovi; mil "t tl 7Wjiy" '"■ I mBZ ■'■- V w i . :. i ion. Rial the followtAg, wJiich tfl of the greatest íftíportance to jou : Ann Arbor,Sept.lf 1869. .lohpfiton, Uunl'y fc Co : - tiente - I purchased one oí your Iteapurs of Finncgan & iloward last eason r nttil h.&T6 tíiten it a thorougb trial, and can truly &&f that it irorkfl lik a UiinR oi Ufe, cutting lodged and tangled griü, and pickinfï it up VÍtb theae almorí x ti :n nrms, in much better fthape thancouMbo done by hand, lesving not arpear behind. I think it guineas of draft, width of cut, (ü feet) simpliciu and artaptability to all kinds of grain, combínete lúakcit the Keuper extant. L. M. LYON. We, Ihtí wndersiKDecJ, furcbascd Jobnston Reap ers, and fully concur la tbc above statement : John G . Koch, PittsfieM. Timothey Fohey, Webutef Job 11 F regel. John Coy le t ' David 'argrson, " BUaba Granaos, " H. C. Huntor, South Lyon, ThomnsO'Brien. Henry ('anlin, NortbíieUl. NélAon Opborn, Pelo. Jones Marsh j íScio. Amirí-w Mead, Anu Arbor. Charles Stolstelsuef , Selo. Le wie Frita, Scio. These muchines are improved ír the ycar 1S70,have a DindiDg attachmtut . and ar f o ale by thO inn Árbor Amicr.ltural Cnnij any, BUCC6S8OrB to L. Moore & Som aurl Finnopan A: Hnwnnl. W a Is o keep a largo rapplj of the following machhu wl$b írop. ping attachooeata and Joh catón selfr&kef. The4 ninrliirips have no equalin the marfcet. rJtiryli:iv tnken al I tíit prizrs attho different trials in t lio ïHate the past tw o yo.arp, aöd i u uo cane havo they fallecí to comu T victorious : World, Th Bxelstor, The Champion, The !lu'bard, iheRu.ssell, The Bal 1. These toaohlntM linve Bever failedto pive pntisfa? tion to the purchaser, aud re lichter dratt ;han any Other mncïiint'3. We also seli tlie toUowiag ThtesK ing Uaoblnefl fheGenaioe Pitts, The Tornado. The&rdBÜ, TheMnnailoí. TheGlenn & Hall, Vibratof. QRA1N DB1LLS -We manafkqture fc eelebratirf Rpystonfï Drnl, whlch for simpüeity. atenracy andf du raliility, have no raperlor. Wo 'warrant every Drill to perfnrm as repxeaented or no .tale. R'e a ef keep Drills man ufa et u red by other jiarties. nuf! mi' prepared tö fnrntsh any dosired arf i?N on the .-liorteat ïmtic. We aro prepa red to do nll kinds of ré' pairitig f fiinn ni' oltincry, sucli rh Ii':i]Hrs, Mow ers, Thresher, Horse Po wars. fro, ' ' keep ÓOÚ-" rtaptl; on hand a laieKtt'ck of Apricnltural Jniplementi, plowa , hai rows, wheel cultivator, rVed cutters, corn sheilerg, coldron kettlca, power jacïis and" aavtng machines, all otour Ottn nnuiufcture.and vrff will sell at tlifl Inwcflt poasible figure. W would rbspsotfully Invite n oartHfi wishïng to ptirtffoaO" mij uticie in our line f rom a pïotv point t ; threahi iifT machine to culi a nl ,-ce us béforO pn rchaain, fV ■■ s il i;-, ve t'n'tn better joods, ftettar t-rms, andlower prtce tban can bo obcamed elsewhere. N. ii. - Remembi r we man alao ture none vt firstclaFg k"oi!s, and will undr8)l all conapetltora. Oall and aee ua and aava (roiw 5 t 1 o per cent. . and get go')ds that a re ;ifry n[td t: br p to tbe stand;i i 'í. A full iicick af t'xr r;i kept con tantijr on hanrf for the HufTalo Pitt'B Thresher. I ATHB SCWáW CUTnÑQof altkladadona oo aborl alefc dflice" and i cm . tn , ju net on of DotroH nnil Fourth Sts. l'.mndry and Mtc'.iine 8bop, Kitth W:trd', oppofittf Slnc1air' Mills, l 9ftm3 Q M. MARTIN IS AGAlfc IN BUSINESS, With a full line of Choico Fcrnittiré, Parlor and Bedroom Sets, Mirrors, &ó. Callaiïdseehim. 12GS tSüTTER WANTEÖ. llï THri GOOD BUTTER OfTcrcJ dorlng the pe:ifon, for goods : inonoy. 1 Tlm.1 JOHN II. MAÏ NAAD; (JÜMK AGAIN " uu a rur.i. stook ov CABINET-WARE, TO VS. SOLD CHE AP ER TII.W .'.NVWHKRK elhk in nu. s t;:. at bis oi.d s-íore, jiain trií:t, avv ai:: GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO'si i for itrictly Ppre Prngs aad i Modicines.Paintf;.Oi!p.&c.


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Michigan Argus