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Examine Your Teapots

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A caution has lately been largely copied in the dornestic columns ot newspapers to the effect ihat cracked dishes, after being long u.ed for holding gravies and fat of any kind, become rancid and unwholesoroe. And later comes another, with good medical authority to back t, against using tío vessels, - more especially teapots wbich have become rusted or blackened iuside. ïho acid eoutained in the tea combines with the iron of the exposed port;on3 ot the vessel, and forius a ehemical compound, not unlike ink. It corrodes and darkens the teeth, and can do t be ícoEFji sive to the stomauh. I have seen tho discoloratiou both of natural aud artificial teeth prove so obstinate, froru thia canse, a? to require several scouringa with soap and a hes, with a stiff brush, to remove it. When housekcepers hear any of the fatnily remarking, " This tea tastes like ink !" it is time to examice - possibly to throw away - the teapot. The most palatable and wholcsome tea is made by steeping in a bright tin or porcclain cud, then pouring iito a freehly scalded earthen tea pot. Thus treated it will uever acquire the astringent quality so dcleterious to the teeth and to heulth. - Ohio Farmer. Governor Austio, of Minnesota, has tendered the appoiutment of United Stütis Senator to Hon. Wra. Windom, to fill tho vacauey caused by tho death of Mr. Norton. Mr. Windom ü a Reprefcn'ativo of Congress frorn the First District, and was Norton's cornpetitor at tho time of hia election. Tlie plnpmonts from East Saginaw ast week were as follows : Lamber, feet, O,805,83G ; shingle?, 3,815,000 ; ltb, 283,500; pickots, 2.000; hoops, 100,000; staves, groes count, 30,000; Balt, barrels, 10,700. Tbere are two fürms in Turner, Muinu, from eaoh of which SI, 000 worth of vvood is sold eacb year, and yet it s faid not even the nnnual growth of tho wood on the farin is cufc. The Dwight Manuiactu'iag Company, at Chicopee, Mass., has uiado duriiii; tbe ast six monthf, 7,304,970 jards of elotb, an execss nbove auy previous six nonthsol 269,3120 yards. A little girl vvho had been studying, at a safe distance, the warlike ways of be s')!dier-crab, remarked to her motbir: " I hopo God did not hurt Lisself whon ho was making hiro!" As tlie raiud must govcrn the hands, o n every society tho man of intellierjco must direct tho man of labor. - Johnson. Track laying on tho Kangas Pacific . lailroad, eastward from Denver, comleneed on Tuesday, and is progrussing apidly. The great cotton manufacturing house f the Spragucs, it is now said, is about o try tho experiment of Chinese labor.


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