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France And Prussia--a Secret Treaty

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Pari, July 25. The London limes publiöhen a prn. J8C(cd tresity, submitHd by tho French to the Prussian government, and unrantecs its authenticity. T!ie preumble eto that the King of Prusaia bui! the Emperor of dia Fianob, in order to strengthen the tits of frlendship be♦ween the two governments and people, etc, horeby eonelude tho Hubjoióed treaty : [u tho first firticle Napoleon admite and recognizes the late acquigj tious of PruKsia from Austria, in tli second, the Prussian King n:igcs t (acuítate the Frencb acjuisitioti o Luxembourg. In tho third the Enipci or acquiosoea in the union of tho Nort and Suuth (iermau Staten, Au6tria ex oepled. In tho fourth, l'Vanco, findirig that it ia neotssary to absorb lJelgium, l?rösia londs her awistuiica to that lucasure, Tlie filth article is th usual ono of olïurjsive and defensivo allianca hutwuen tho two siations. New York, Jnly 26. ïhe Tribuni pacial dated 1 o'oiock tiiis morning, baya : "English feelinghas been profoundly cuoved by the publication of the proposad treaty betwoen France and Pruisia. The gt ave urgeiicy with which Dieraeli in tho House queationed the Govrnmeut, justly reflected tito genaral enjotion and eotivenwUnia nmoug the mombers turned on ao othctr tofi. CladeioLe'g rtily, whil ug absolutely to eoiuinit tlic gevernmeut to auy opinión oï cleoiarution tvhatvcr, belruyuil in roaiinor more tliuu voids, au unmistakable apprelienaion liat the doe.unie.iit might prove authutitic lis onswer vos given with a palo t'tice nu1 hositatina lip, uud trhen ho sat dowu !io House feit Unit En ;land's rclutiun vith tho oontinental inut)le hnd growu uddenly doso f nol alarming at the icntiou of' Bolgiuin. Tlic lloiuo re pended vi;h a:i unwontod Ibrill of yníputliy and a claar rcoogoitirta oí' iiiglaiid'i obligalioaí tu protuot lier. It s uuJcistocd tLat inmediato comir.uaiatious wore made by tho gnveromentB 0 i'a agcuts at Berliu and l'i.rin, and iie Früiich govcrinacnt will havo instant pportunity to adiuit or dony ita re biü'.y for tlio alUged traaty. It 1 bclioviid hore tliat, f genuino, iis projosals aru Fri'ucli, vrhile it rejooiiou ie uo to Pruísia. Tho oopy of the treaU s thouglit to havo boen supplitd from 3erlii), aud it is ccrtain tliat the Times Tould not have publiahed it unlasa ou videnco deemed oooclueive. It w.avaiüd irivatelj :n thu flmiso tliat t!;u _■ i : vas originallj offered to Earl Cranville, jut he rufused it, tho Eiiyii.ih Goeruïeut preferring its euppreision. Ther s 8uppoed to bo au illasinn to the amo bubject iu Mr. Cardwell's aiiswer 0 the qucstion iu tha Houe about (reech-loaders, eoying, tlmt gr: at im)urtanco was attauhed to tlie bist guus eing at onco supplied to all troops. The Daily Nttotj whiuli has bnllisuity led the opinión of Er.gland on wur ueitiöfis, will ipeai iu tho morLiiig as 'oIIdws : "It is impoFsible not to adiuit that the ravity of the prcscut Europea n crisis as, fur all Deutral natioiií, lieen immense'y iocreased by the ptybüc&iion t' 1 e pri'pose 1 treaiy. It complete]; es )resseá v ha', evey'jcdy lelicvisto be he favoriie polii and cherished donign iftheFrenoh Eniperor. It is nbo a secret treaiy a(;!iiiit Englimd i itsffö' of n league, offt;iisive and ilefeusive. As o its geijuiiieness, tho pi.bhc inay le aked to Buspcud thcir judguienl iuoe jludstoue and Éarl Qruuville y that ho two goreruinunta inopliealed will be compelled to epeuk. Suppo&ipg that it veía really iropp8cd by i'iïiiicc to ?russia, our imperial frieud íiud nlly ib reB6Qted in an aspt'Ct iot cilculated to vin bitck Engiih Bympathj with his coursu. Napoleon was re;nly not only o throw overboan! our alli:itioe ior a jutter one, but to break it at any moment y a military advanoo into lielgi'.nn. not only in direct iufrao'ion of our friendship, but in deiiaiice of our power. It is (JiffieuH to beüevo tbnt there was so mach bad falth. "Did Pruseia also listrn to siu:h a proposal ? There tu a oertaio insoleuoe of tono toward Hm.-sia iu the document suggestiug that, if sent, it was a l;iud of ultimatum. No real induecuieut was held out to Prussia. Meaotime, tho whole poütical interest of the moment is conceütrated ou this publicalion. A 'o shou'd be glad o have the completest S8urance that no such proi08;il was kuowu to eitlier GoFeroiaeiit. Public opinión in this country is alroady eufficiently weighty iu Prussia's favor, but this treaiy wouid mftkc our ueutrality diffieult if not impossiblo. "Earl Granvillu will mate a state ment in tho Lords en Thutsdny us to tho diplomatic nogotiatious whioh pre oeded the outbreak of the war and the part the Englir-h GovernmeDt took."


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