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Wilson, Grant And Motley

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United States Senate Ch amber, } Washington, Ju ly h, 1S70. Prbsideni Urant - Ltar Sir : - A f ter much rt-Ücction I havi itiát duty deraands that I should rito to you my views touctiing tho proposod iwmovul of' Mr. Motley. 1 (eai yon will maUo a r.;,i miatake if you remove bim, and I bcg of you to oonsider iI.m oase carefully bcfure acting. li s removal ia believed to be aiiiicd ut Mr Sumner, - lliglit or wrong, tliis will bo tlie congtructioD put uiioQ it. dm you, my deur sir, ftfford tu llave BUOh ao il; üoa rcsi upoD youradmiuiatration? Mr Motley is oiio ol thu best kmnvn and ïno.-t rouowued of our country mea. Ji letters hu in reooguized a- one of the foremost living auilmrs of our country or of tho world Offiee ca udd linie to bis re)uttio'j. 1-íeiuüval from offioe, whilf it will wound hin fceling, will nol affect liis utüiidiüg ftiuoDg tho most oul tivatüd of tha age. I assure you, uiy deur sir, that thu uien of Massachus tts, who gavo you moro tlian 75,000 inajori ty, are proud to nuiubir Mr. Moiley among ilieir most loved and hoaored soiia. ï!ny remomlior tliat durinp the war liis pan, voice and social influeoee and pouition ero nu tbc sido of his Htruggiing country. Tlioy vvoie grateful lu you far bis aipointiii(Hit na Mia ister to Englmid I i'eed not say that they are surprisod at the rumor tliut l:r is to le removed. Thoy aro paiued to havo it Saúl tliat bis removal is on accoii.t of Mr. Sutnner's opp'igition to the 3t. Üuuiingo Irea'y. Ilis removal will be regard ed by lbo Republioand of Massacliusetts as a blow not ooly at Uim, out it Mr. Sumner, There bas bouti mauh feeling about tho treaty. Impra dont words have been utteied, .s they alwajs ro whon mcn's foelings ire excited. Perliapt Mr. Sumner uiity have said tbiugs thut may have bfen dittastcful to you, but ttio peoplu of Massacbusetts aie wkh hkn as teu to ono Hulding ou general principies tbal the prominent iiiterests of the country would bc lulviuiced by a foothuld in the guit', and winhing to sustain your adoiinistration wheuever I could do so, ] voted for the treaty, though I knew that nioe-tenths of tho peoplu of my tate weie against it. I had nothing to gain nd soinetbing to lose by snob a vote. I m roaiiy to tako tha consequences of that vote, but I am not insensible tothe fact tbat the dieinisal of Mr. Motley, under present oiroamatanoes, will not only bo u loss to jour administratiao, but a blow to me. Personally, I ask iiüiliing, but I do entreat you, bcfore acting, to look woll to the matter. Your administration is tneSaced by great opposition, sn it needs peace aod utity amoog the peoplo and wi CocgHeíB. The heiid of a great party, the President (f tho United State?, bas much to foiget aud for givo, but tie can aft'ord to bo magoammous and forgiring. I wuiil to ee the President and (jougress iu barmony, and the Republican party anited and victo 1Í0118. To iiccomplish túis we must all be just, oharitable and forgiving. eiy truly,


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