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The Emperor And The Corps Legislatif

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Paris, Su!y %'i The Emperor ome u Paria to-da and received t!:e Corps Leuislatif at tbf Tuileries. President Sohpeider', in tbe n'.me of the Corps Legi-Oatif, addresaed lbo V.mperor tis follows : SntK : Tlie Corps Lcgislatif Ins terminated its labora; it lias unaniwonsl) voted uil subsidies aud all laws, noeded for the national delesoes, thus giv ng a sïgnal proof of' t.s patriotism. If it is Irue that, not lie wbo declares war, but be who causes it is ibe rual author, tiicro will bo but one voioo aniong the iatioLS ti) lay the ri-sponsibilit-y upnu Prmsia, wlio, nsaddetied by unhoped fur succes, and cnoounigcd by onr patience and d bire to preservo for Eurfipu t luj bonefits of peace, bas oonspired agaiust our seciirity and attacked onr honor. - Iu euoh a caeo France knovis her duty Arden t hpus follow jou to the artny, wbioh, accompaoied by pmr bou, yon take cornuiatid of. Bchind j'ou. bebind our army, so aoouatomed to oarry bigh the standard of France, ia llii! oation. - Remit, without uneasiDets, tbc regenoy to your august spouse. She will unite with the autliority which her groat qualities iusjre th.2 t'orcj giveu by tho überal institutinus iuiuiguraled liyou. The heürt of the uatioa ia wilh jou aud the army. ïo Ibis tbe Eajporor replied as follows : Messieuus : I expericnce groat eatisfactiun, oa tbe eve of lay doparturo for the army, iu being ablc tij thaiik yon for tbü patriotiu oo-optration you have giv en my govermncnt. V;ir is kt;itiiiiatu whon it is made with the absent ot tbe couutry and thu appiobation of i:s represeutativea You are rigbt in recall iug tho nrords of Muntesquieu. Tl:o tnif Huthor of a war is not he wbo declares, but ho who readers it necewary. Wo have douo all that depended on us to avoid it ; aud I niay gay that tlie entire uation ia lts irre.-istiblo forcé has ilictatcd our resolutioos. I couEde to you, in parting, the Empresa, whu will culi you arou;id her shoyld circumBtancea require. Sbe knovts how to 611, oourageously, tho duty which the poai tion mposo. 1 take with me my sou. He will learn in tho midatof the nrmy huw to serve bis country, lierolved to pursoe with energy tbe great miesion eo!:ü(itd to e, 1 havo (aitb in the snecess of our anus, for I kuow tliat France is standing bebind me, and t'mt God pro ec'.s us.


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