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Synopsis Of The Army Bill

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Tl.e followhig is ,1 gynopsis of the prcvieions of the Army b:ll as it becomes n law uftor the nuuierous ulu-rations made by thu sevcral committeer of conference : The President is direuted to reduce the uuuibor of eulistcd men in t!io inny to 30.000 men bcfore July, 1871. Offioers, on their ovvn applicaiiou befcre nest January, niay bu booOTably d;scliargetl, with one ycar's extra piiy aud allowauccs. Of&cers wlio bavu bcrvoil tbirty yoara may, if tliey des:re, bc placed oo the retired list, the nuinber on which inny bo ncreased to 300. Tlie offices of General and Lieutonuni Geuoral are tobu aboüshed when thu prereut iacutiíber-ts vacalo their positiuua, and no pvoiODiions aro to be made to the grades of Major (reneral ud Brigadier Gteoeral untii the number of officeis in those grades are rtducud to three aud ix regpeo'ivcly, whiob Domlter ihall not thereafter be iucroased. Oliiccr.s deerned unlit for tlie proper performance of llit'ir dttti a r.)iu any eausO, except iujur;cs iocurred or contraeted io ths line of thtiir duty, are to bo reported by the General of ilie army t: tliu board conveued by the Si eretary of Wrar, on vhoe recoae iindation they shall bc fiiubtered out wiih ouo years' pay. Tbs President i Rutüorized to transier : b from regiinents of cavalry, artillory aud inluutry to tho list ol superuumerarÍ6B and all vacancies uow isting, or fthioh may be so eauaed bifore January nest, shal] be í'Aud by supernuinerury offioers, b&viog referuncc to rank, seoiority and fitness. Suporonmcpary olBccr, ni iv at their own reijuest be aasignod bh tecond lieutenants, aud ií' any remaiu aftur tbe lst of next Jauuary tlicy shall bt aiuerod outwilb. ouo year's ay aud alloiraoce. The present pay of enlieted men is eonlinued for one year, ftud it is mude unlawful to use an eul'sied man asaservaót. Brevet officers are forliidileu to wear wliile on duty any aniform othfr tbanthat ul theii aotuul raok. Officera on the aetiic lisl ara íurbii.'deu to hold civil officeb on paiu of aoating tlieir conanissiocs. The 9eor tary of War sauthnriaod to pre pare a system of geueral army regulalío f, ti be appruvfd by Coiigrcss, aiul to permit uul control one or inore trading cstablihments to be maintuinod at a'iy froniisr post uut iu tijfi viuinity v( a town The araount of pay is fixed as followg : ;l $11 uant General i Major Central 7,500 Brigadier Qeueral r,500 :1 Lieuteuant Oolonel Major Captalu, momita! J,o(i0 Captain, not mouated Fint Lictiieunnt-, lyuuutcil „ 1,600 Kiis' Lleatenaat, not noanted 1,5(10 I Lieutenaac, momited 1.B00 Secoml Lieutenant, uot niountcci .... 1,400 witli ten per ocut. tbr eaob term of five yeers scrvii:e. Tbcso ratos to be iu full oí all commutatioi) aud allowanoes, ru vided tüitfuL'l md forage in kind may bc furuisbed as at present. Offioorn rat'rcd f 'in iiotive 6Civice are to reoeive seveoty-five percent, of tbo pay of i'iuir rauk upon vsbiub tbey are rotired.


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