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WM. M. SINCLAIR, OOMMISSION MERCHANT IN GRAIN AND FLOT7R, ROOM l';. 134 LaSAl LE 8TR] '00. O. ':. MARTI NT, nuLER IN PÚRNITtTRK of all kinds. P.-.rlor aml Bd K";i-i ■ South Main Str?ot " FA I! M ER8S STORE, 41 gorthlaln Street. Rrerything kept in n ftrst MAOK & SCHMT1), DELEKS In Dry Goods, Grocerfos, Croekery, Ac. 54 South Mala Street. 0. A. LETTE U & CO., DEALERS IN DRUGS and Medicines. Pare WInes snii Liquors Tor Medicina] Pnrpoees, Cigan ■rv ISluck. A. WIDEÑMANN, il Éstate and Flre Inturance Ajjent. No. 25Sonth Miin Street TRACY W. KOOT. CONDWSED t: -cordü of Waahtenaw Connty.and Real Estáte Exchanfre. No. Block. 1)K. KELLOGG pRACTICING Phjrlclan. and L. B. Kellogg Propri( ■ Lor df !(r Kfllogg'a Celebrated Bemedies, Aun Arl'ii-, MORRIS HALE, M. d7 BIStDGNCE and Office No 18, corner WiUiami and Tüom '■ honra I P. M Aiivicp and PreBcriptionfl frora 6 to 7 V. U. each da}, free rratis i" the poor. 12M &. E. FROTHINGHAM, M. I., PHYSICIAN ANO S0RGBON. Offlrc over Drug g (. No 7 Iïuron rI Tkompaon atreet. Office honra, StollA.l HULL, E ' I B ! XSON & C07 GKKF;, Prodncc nndCoramission Merchantp, No. aih Main Street. ELLIS & KISSELL, DEUUOISTS ..!, OIls, etc No.2 SoatbMain Street, Aun Arbor. ' JOHN KECK & CO., jDF..U'.P.S m Pnralture of all kinds, No.SSSonth Mai rliur. J. Q. A. 8B8SION8, ATTORSBYandConni sllor at Law, Real Estáte and ; Ion of - . ofi Bank, np Arbor, . H. JACKSON, DSXTIST, Bnccee or to C. B. Porter. Office, corner Main and Hnron Btreeta, oyer i!n store of R. W. KUU & Co, Ann Arbor, Mith. Anicstheticsadminiswred if rcijtiired. W. F. MIEAKEY, M. D. PHTSICIAN AND SUROEON. ' idence, cornei door Bartol lan Charch. Aim Arbor, Mich. E. J. JOHNSON, DEALER IX HATS .-ntl C:i] Pnre,Strw"l ' Furnlrtiing Ooods, &c , No. 7 Soath Hsin Street, Aud Arbor. 8ÜTHERLAND & WHE DON, ï ftnd Fire Insurance Agent8 and dealere in Boal Hurón Street. AI eell ilritdusSewing Ma him s. W; D. HOLMES, ■' r,ee Sewlnfr Mnfhini. and dealer ;r:s. Frames, &c. N i uron Street LBWI8 C. RISDON, CR.M.KR in Hardware, Stoves, Honae Fun.ishing Ooods. Tin Ware. ftc., No. 31 South Ualn Street. BACH.& ABEL, DEALERS in Dry Goode , Groccries, ie, Jtc. No. 20 South Main Strei:t. Aun Arbor. Tlawson & son, SKOCEUS, Provi-ion and Commis-ion Merchanta . ud dealers In Wan 1 Plaiter, and Plaster Paris, No. 14 Easl Baron Strtet. 8. 80NDHEIM, ■BOLESALE and retail dealer in Ready Mmle Clothlg, Cloths, C'asslra and Qenta'Farnlshliií; Ooods. No. 9 Soath Hun strect. wm. wagnk::, fEAI.KR n Rmtïy Made Clothlpg. ClotliK, Cassimeresaod Vestniiri'. Hat. Oapa, Traiika, Carpct B'gs.&c-, il .outh Main Street G I L MORE &■ FISKE, M0E8ELLERS and Stationera, iwand .ooi n:nl Mi Buokn. No. S North Main Street, Oiezory Block, Ann Arbor. LEY & LEWIfc-, 0EA1.i:hs in HootF, Rhoes, Gaiters, Slippeis &c, 99. i Vmi Hurón 81 R. ÏAERANT, UOIKS1 Faahionable Shoe Honae, No. 24 So;ith Mam Street. Q R 0 0 K E R T , &L4SSWÍÍRE & GPOCERIES. J. & P. DONNELLY SILi." ''"ook ..f Crclicrv.,lsswar(., m . "■"""'■■v Orocetie,, Kc..'c.,s: 'o.lSEm lluri nStnel .Ann Arbor. "" J.A: P. IIONNKLLY JOHN G. GALL, „ DEALER IIST FRESH AND SALT MEATS. "Vts„l,.i,,.,, ■ndpromptljr ITII.l wit i tl '1lieinrkft. ■■!] Eat WMbiDgton atreet. ""Arbor.Sc],!. 16th l'j:,5tf IVERY AND SALE STABLE. AXTI,;r,L te TÍAMAGK, ean'í'o.!'?11'';1,11"' ('!:"ri't.:: -board __narnoi i,,r 6,aie. iages, Buggies, Wagons, ■uiVrUI i o.i'nri: " '■"■■■ i r..mptly Detroit Btrtn, mil IÍ.K PUYSIGIAKS PHESCRIPTIOSS" ICOURATELY AND CARBFULLY PREPABED BLL18, & CO., DBWGQI818. rHE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMPANY OF DETROIT, MICH. (E3TABLISHED IN 1SC7 JOHX.T. BARI.EY. PrectDIHT, JACOB 3 FARRAND, V!c Preitdtnt. JKO. r.LiQOIiTT,8cretrr. JAS1K9 O. WATtfON, AoUüiry. D. O.FARKAD,M.D-, Mmlicnl ExaniitK-r. A SneewtAsl Michlfran Lifp Insurance Compfinj, orpcanizbd for th6 pujrpost uf íuniisbing InsuraDcc unn uves at THE LOWEST COST COMPATIBLE WITH Absolute Security, and for tho (',i rther pui pose of KEEPIAG lOflT AT HOME, whlofa heretoi'orc luis been sent East, ItATES AS LOW AS SAFETY PERMITS. ËiNTIRK ML-TALIÏ(y AND STRICT EQTJITY Hark the -v-'ii: ánd prvail in tl.e dlstrlbutloo oí ANA'UAL DIYIDEKDS Tü THE INSL'RFD ti WblIe.bT 1'roTlalona uf the State Lv, and by tbeir üwii ti-i-me, ALL POLICIES ARE NOIi-FORFEITABLE. INAÜRANCK FDRN1SHED OTÓN ALL DESIRABLE PLANS. AI] the BEST PE1TURES of th OU Compwlea &DOPTED,allthelr EKROHS AVOIDED. SECURITY, ECONOMY, EQÜITY AND THE WEST, ITS MOTTO. Lg Tor Agencies apply at tho HOME OFFICE, Bank Block, Giiswold Screet. JE3f I, M. TIIAÏER.Gen'l Aprent. FREP. L. HAHN, Agent. 128971 A. W1DENW1AWN, REAL ESTÁTE AGENT. AX- ARB0B.M1CH. OFPEES FOE Sft-IE: 3 acres of land , wtthln or.e half rolle frOlB the city, old in wholo. or parcela, h followfl : 24 aci' D '■!', in the town of Ann Arbo"' erin g on the a on the leadiug te Cornwelis' paper milis, and on the boq Ij on Loo thenortl ireat ooroer t the im road ud the saiii Coi Dwel I Kactory roïd. CThfe 1 one of the taandoinet situations ni the oeighborbood of Ann Arbor.) 13í aeren ImproTed Iftnfï joining the above 15) Aorefl Knl 1'rontinK Gorham Koad. orty of l'iist Clast Parmlog I-und, with good :rl and Ban - froin thu Court Houm , on the apper Dixboro road. ere "f land with ri n+w I ■■ o itory fíame house on pson, Spoor ftThompBon'fl addition to tbe City of Ann Albor . loUof 1i íictp f'iich, on Tliompson, Spoor k Thompbou'h Adilition. acres of lan-i, with a nplendid grove, joininfj the Firemens Park on the West. nn'1 Ï'Y Iota of land, with Ram, WashK-tcl ' 11. C i . t and ;i number of modern lm proveniente, '■" the nortbwett coruer of Fourtk and Packard 81 reetsHouse and Lot In the 2d Ward, on South Liberty Street. Iloiiie nd 3 Lota iu the 2(1 Ward, near 2d VTard , o I Bouse, House and 4 LoU, near the M.C. R.H. Depot. 20 aci ' I of III ■ ouri, near the Uannibal flrSt.Joseph Hailroad. City I o!e ncar '2-1 Ward gcbooLHouse. 7WÏDENMANN, FOREIGN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANN ARBOR, Í1ICH. SELLS A1ID BUYS DRAFTS, ISSUES LETTERS OF CREDIT ON ALL PRINCIPAL PLACES InGRKATBRITAIN.GEHlfANY.FRANCB.SWITZERIjAND, etc. M y direct eonnecUooa with Borope en.! in c to "fl'er ai fal r rat ei :i anj New Vorji HOU 04 Kf 1 100 BOt n :i:-rnt of n nv lu use countrj , bul lam ha ving direct c inm unica. ■ tlon "i'li heel house in Europe. COLLECTIONS IN EUROPE BY POWEK OFATTOHN1 E, WIL] BE riiOMl'TI.V Al i ENJ E !) 1O. PASSAGE TICKETS pi-r St'-.'uner to and frnm Xpw Yoik to all prlncii ; i. j i 1 v. i. ?, ;! lollon is : From Wew Vin-k to Southampton, Havre, Lon-ioii, Breiueo 01 Hambu ■ litCUn. SiCIass. Ste"(re. 0. ÍTÜ. $SS n Gold. Ueturntiolifls, 22. laö fll " From above placea lo New Vork, lstCllM. 2cl Clasi. 3d Cln. 130 372. $40 in Gold. From ' l.ivi-rpool, ChImü.SÍÍO to S100 Currency. SteeragP, $30 Currency From Umpoolto Ne Yoik, Cabin, $100. Stergo, $37 FIEE INSURANCE AGENT Kor tlie ITowaril lnfinrancn Co.. in New Ynrk , onuf the oldeianil btCompDleln the country. Tlw l'futoni Insurance Corapany in Cleveland : Le&nd Biffl management oi thiF iDsti tution bat Mie Uone of the mout relia.blc Flr Innuranct Compnniet-in the West. !?■;■ i


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