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The Fashions As Seen Afar Off

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We might have thonght it absurd if Dr. Livingston bad wntten threo yoars ngo, that he had found in África a tribe tbc wonn'i) of whiofa (Iresj as followi : 1' 1 1 o Dayona ave beautiful women, with ixijuisite complexión and fine forma, mid tbey dress in nioat petlect Uiste. 'I hey wear short dresses rcaching to tlie uiikle. Upon tlie forebead is perched r snnill Iiat, the front of which re.sts upon ihe ose. Thcy take largo liags of bair and wool, satúrate them witli butter and lüiii them on t!ic baek of tbc head, covcri iiLr the ueck Upon tho tqnall of the buck thoy tic a bunoh of cotton cloth, colored and cut iuto strips. ïheir nhoes are bcauties, coming lo a poiiu at thü toe, and having a slmrp poiutcd beel placed under the middle of the fo.)t. This UKikes the foot very smal] in appearauce, but the wearer woukl tij) over forward but for the bags ou tho head and back. Each woman wben she goes out, carries a largo plantain Kaf to keep oiï the sun, wbicb she bolds by the stem between the thumb and fnri (iiifier, crooking her èlbov up f: om her body ni: ingle ot nioety. The effect is more beautiful than you can imagioe ! The pait of tlie vromen is piirticulnrly fulinii-cd. Tho hoavy one ba?e ditlitviity in tteeping their balance, but the lifiht ones piek their way along as prettily as hens walk over hot ashea. Youtig gills go barefui'tctl for gome ycars. After lüey ore of age, to put ou their own shoes tbey Buffwr i:h lamcness and Hore fect ; after that their fet booume periuauently delormed, and tl:ey baveno mure pain. Walking, ie bonever, DOt a favorito praclii-e ni'hlhem, and running is imposaible. The government of the ayous is reallv democr:itic, the rulor benig choseu aonnally by voto of all the pvople, but it is .aid the women do not want to vo'e All Ihey care for is plenty of biiir and little shoes. The men are satisfied with this división, though looiety is ratbei dull and unintellectual.


Old News
Michigan Argus