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The Needle Gun

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A desoription of the Neidlu guD, tho ann now in uso in tho Prussian eervico, 3 given in an article iu tho Chicago Tribuna by W. von Doehn, and we re]rint it, that our readers may obtuin snnie idea of its make, uso, power, QDd (iusccptibilitj of being handled by tho Pru88ian soldier. Mr. vou Doehn says : Your descriptioa of tho noedle guu, moroing'fl isuo, is oironeous. - Permit mo to oorreot s follos : 1. Tlie range of llie necdle gun it from 1 200 to 1,400 yards, aud uot four or ñve miles. 2. The movemetts of loadiug are executed with the right hand, as followf : An upwíird fctroko with the palm of the rifjht against the chambar knob the breoch, the oartridge is inserted into the cavuy of the barrel, a push forward and a downward struke ot the fr with tbc right hand closo to the breech, and .nnoiher push on the needlo ehamber (with ils spiral spring) eoinplctes the loading, and the riflo is resdy for l'Firo." During tUo whole movement tLe gun is held wïth the left :iand, at a ready. 3. The gun is naver loaded or reoaded while at "aim," siiaply because it s impossible to do po. 4. The powder is not ignited at tho rear end of the cartridge. but next to the hall, where the ignitino; matter is jlaeed iu a kind of sookot of paperuache ; and this is what gives more jower to tho ball, the powüor burning 'i m the lroat to thu rcar. 5. The cartridge is made up - ball in Vont, ball socket with ignitiug matter, )owder. The shape of the ball reserailea the shape of a eueumber, aud is callotl long-lead {hing blei.) G. The recoil of the gun ia only feit wlien t beoomes very much hoated and ho air-ohamber filled with the refuse of towdur. Wbeu olsan, no recoil is feit it all. 7. In case tb o ncedle should break, or end, or oihcrwise become uselesp, a new one can be insorted in Ies3 than five seoonda ; oaoh soldier carrios an extra supply of about six ncedles. It is not so niuch tho superiority of he needle-gun over other breech-load■rs whioh has secured, and, in all praba)ility will, in the present struggle, se cure BUCCCP3 to tho Prussian arniy, as it s the thorough education of each iudiridonl soldier, and his perfect familiariy witfa his vreapon. Tlie nendle-gun wss first uced in irussia in 1818-9, in Bnden and SehlcBwip, and not beiug decmed cffective without an entire ohange of tactios, and ospet'ially of sktrtniah instruction, Tva3 ahnost Cüudemncd. The Prussiaii array ha bul ono ealire fcr all email arms, po that infantry or Buarp-shooters oan be supplied wilh artriilgea irom auy oavalry, jiistol, orcartridgo wagon. Very Respeorfaify,


Michigan Argus
Old News