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'"rHË ttlCIIKST KAItMlNG IANDS X " IN TUK WORLD. 1,300,000 ACRES FOR SALE TD ACTQAJ.S6TTLER3. NEOSHO VALLEY, KANSAS, Tinion Pacific Railroad Co., Southern Brancli Th ■ Landi now offried by this Compañnj ara ï t t - ated raainiy irithta twentj mttoeoo nach tdeof the road , cxtendintt on hundred and severty mili s alongthe NEOSHO VAU.KY- tfierloheat, ffne m i iuvlting val ley lor nettlernent iu the west. O it-third of the labor rarjuired at the Kant in the culture of farms wil 1 insure her e doublé the ameunt of cropB, Kor orchar'l, tfrapü cuLiuio, aiiú huiüU fruit b in Rpneral, it is unequatil. BClLDINa .MATKliUL AND FENCING of every varii'tv and in great abuitJa nco. TáOCK tlAIÍtN ,- The nch aative graspes of the prairit-a and bttoma. with tho lai-ge area of unoccupied land, in OOOlOMUoü with tiie dry, mild, and open wint-TK, present nnijualed üdvantugeti tor the j raisingof cattle aheep and hors?s. DAlKV 1 Nti .- In nuch a country, wlth ranPB for Ptck unr''trictfH and p:ii-ture limitle-, tl'.o prodttO ttoa of buttec and chese must be proAtable. KRU1T-GB0VV1NG is one of tho WpeoiaUitt, ■ onstrated ly the Gold Xiedal awardfil iu State of Kansas by the lVnn-ylvauia Stte HorticuUural So'.i-t y for ll A COLLVOTtOM OF FruITS ÜNSUKI'sbE FOB SlZK, BkAUTY. Atftf FL-'.VOK .'' THiCCUMATE AM Ui: M.TH of CaaaM are unequaled. ïhec , i ! , are amontf itá chie! excelLeDoleSf nad tr1 rvoonfflflndvtionB lor Aettledseot. PRICKS OF LAND.- F rom to a pac acre; ere iit of ten (10) vears' timo. TERMS OV ÖALK.- Ooe-tenth down at time of purcha-'. N paymttnt the Rccnnd y car. One n-nth ve-y yiar a f ter uuti 1 cumpletioa of payment, with u; ui:! interest. TUK MIAD LAND OFFICE jslornted at JITNCTION 0ITT. To all pnrfthaaen of UucU frte tickets from are given over the road. For furtherinformationddress ISAAC T CiOODNOW Lsnd Commissioner. 1275 m3 JUNCT1ON CITY, KANSAS. gygARlWS la the 11 lace to gct anythln; you want In the FURNITüRE LINE! RE W1LL NOT BE UN'DEKSOLD. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Puro Drugs and Medicines. PaintB,Oils,&c. m fffflgmJnf fTll f ■ i i ' iLi-sisilie mohit thorough blood puriiier ye dll covered, and cf,rts all humor frora the woiat croiula Ie. acommon Eruptitm. Plmplea iind Blctch ■ oo thejaee, and scaly or rough skin, whioli i re sucli annoylng Menuahea to oud; youne persons, l' to tlie useol' a ii-w bol tiet of tMs wonderfu] n Ml l-roin One t„ cight bottles euro Ralt Bhoum, I rywpelai.ScsliJ Uoad, Rin? Wurms, Bolla. Scalv Bivtpüona oí (beSkln, Soroftita Sorea, Oleen and 'Anker" Is tlie Mnutli and Stomaeb. It is a jmre medicinal extract of nAtive rootn aud planta, eombining in httrmojiy Nature's mout sovereign oarative proper1 bus [aitllled into the veïetal'le kinK dom for heallog the sick. lt is a urent relorerft ■ n.'lh and vlRor of the Bj'fitem. Thnie vhO :ue laaguldaleepleaa, liavo nervons apvrehensiona or i:irs, or 8iij of the afTectlODfl nymptoinittic : mm, will flnd oonvlnclng evi.ienoe of its restoratlre power upoo trial, lt you fee] tlitl, drowyt debtltta'r.d ii-.-. t ;iHlut'. testes badly la the morning, irreffulür Hiipt'" tonga c .i TorpM LWei Or biloilBDCM. lu l.Miv r.-.s nM.iv.H' (;■' only a'part of these gymptonw are expei!-ncert. As ; aremed; iur all ■„ ■;, R,.fi pr. j ;,■ , ,■■ .- ;, Iden Me.l 'cul liis lts effects perfeotlj I i'iirr, leaTing tí1" liver Htrenjjthncd and hMIhy. ('oí r lio run p :tion of tlio Bowels i la ;i never ffliiing remedy, finu thosewhobai ire loutl m i taf prolso. I ct!i:il( Tbroat iind Lunt; Dtseases, it has ; ■ remarkabk eures, vhere o lier medicines Iiari Sold bj :r . . i on per bottle. Pre pared at the Cheinlcvl I,nboratory of R. V. P1EK0S, M.D., Boffiklo.N. T. JPOR SALE ! 80 Acres or choW imid In the Town of llazelton, ShlawasBeii County. Inquivo nt THE AEGUS OFFICE. Ann Athnr, Ju)y 14, 1S70. lliStf Go toR.W.ELLlS & CO's for choico Winos and Liquorf for Medical Purposes . Mil AND SUMIR. S. SONDHEIM HAS JUST RETURNED FROM DSTEW YORK WITH A. LARGE STOCK o:e READY-MADE CL0THINÖ BOYS' AND YOUTHS CLOTHING, ALSO THE FIXE3T1STOCK OÏ CLOTIIS, CASSlMEBESt FESTINGS, GENTS' FÜRNISHING QO0D8, PLOTBS OF Ahh COJLORS, EUCH AH BLACK, BROWN, OLIVE, DAHLIA, ANO OTHER COLORS TOO XCMEROCS TO MF.NTION. CLOTIIING MADE TO OEDER, ON SHORT NOTICE. 1 JV THE BEST &TYLE, AND FIT WARRANTED. Cali and Examino for Yourself N. B.-CLOTHING FIFTY PER CEKT. CHEAPER THAN AT ANY OTHEK nOUSE. ft ALL PERSONS IXDEBTED TO LATE FIMt OF M.fil'ITERMAX &CO., WIIJ. rLEASE CALL AND SETT1.E AND SAVE COSTS. S. 8. 1866 "W.A.:R.:tr:E:Rs 3PIX.E BEMEDY. Wamfr'8 Pile Kemcdy hia oever failtd (not tvi-n in one cse) to cure t e very worst cases of Iïlind, Iicliing or Bleodinsr Piles. TioBe who arO ftlüictdl siiould imiu etu;ite!y cali on thtir uruegist and get Waiínbk I'iif. fatauDY. It is expressíy for the Píle8,and is not recomincnded tocure any othr Jisease. It haft oured many case of over thirtr yfirá Price Oue Dollar, tur salo by druRgists everywhcre ""dysfÉpsÍÁ-"" Warner9 Dyspepsiu Tonic u preparad exfor Dyspeptio and those Baffierlog rltli habitual Cütivi,M-f -s. lt ia a lisht rtimabttiag toi ie nul a sjtleinlift appciizvr ; it strcDiftiu-nfi the Rtom ach an'I restores lito digestiva organs to their heallhy st:ite, Weak, nervoun nnd dyppeptie perBona Bh o a ld use WaBMBb'b Dysmipsia 'Iomc For sale by drnggltti l'ncaUne DollarCQIJG1I NO MORE.' V.iirmr'.-t Cough linlsuiu is lipahng, soft en - ing and cxppetonvtinc;. The estraoidinarv power it posítes1 " itumediately relieving, nnd eventually cttvinji thf most obstínate cases of Coughs, Coldt, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Catarrh, Iloarp i'Ovs );in.i and Consumption aïnitst iacreOlbie. So prompt is the relief and ceitnin its effects in all theabove cases, or any affection of h t)iroat and iungs, tliat thousamls of phyKïeian aso dailf prese ïibing it , and one and all say that it is tb most healiuRand ex pee t ora t Ing medicine knowu. iii"'inM alwayp afTjrds relief, and ia meM cas one bottle ffects a cure, tíold by druggists, in larpe bottle3. Frico Oae Collar, lt is jüur own (ault f you still cu'ugh and suffer. Th Ü:ilsani wHl curí. WIE OF LIFE. ïhe great Blood Puriaer aml Di-licioua Drink, Uiinier's VI nu in Vll, or Wltic of Llfe, is free from any poisoaous drugs or impuritios, b ing prepaied for tboM who recjuire a stimutant. )t is a splendid appetizer and tonic , and t ha finest thinin tbe wond )Vr purifying the blad. It is tha moet ploas&nt and delicious ariicle ever oifered to t hi public, fa r f"nperi!r to brand, whisky, wine, bitters, or any otbJer artlcle. lt ig zaore healthy and cheaper. Both oíale cr témale, oung or oíd, can, tiike the Wine of Life. It i, in fact, a Hfe preerrtr. 'Ihose who wbh to en-joy goocl health and a free tl ow of lively spirits, will do well to take the IVino ofl.ife. It is ditTi-rent from any thing everbefora in use. It i aold by drugglStfl ; als by all respecntblf pjiloona. Prioe 0d Dollar, in quart b ut tiet. emmenagogitbI ■Vnrner'a Emmeimgoguc is tbe only arricio knixTii to euro the Whites, .it tftl eure iu every case.) Where is the fomij In which tbla iraportant medicine iw not wanted? Jlotber, tfela ii the greatest bletrfiing evcry oiTered you , anti yon hhould" immediately procure it. Il is also a uro cure for Femle Irregularities, and may bo dfpe-d upon in every oua wbere los inontblv ílow has boen obstructed throagb euldor tiisenso. oíd by drugifísts Pric One hollar. Or sentby mail onreceipt of One DolJür and a Qaarter. GVJ State Street, Clilcngo. ffAPBAND, SHELKY & CÜ. Whoïesalo AgentH, Detroit. For sale by EborTach & Cc, and R.W. Ellis & Co. TR. C. B. PORTEll, 3DE2STTISTOffie in the NEW BANK BLOCX, ANN ARBCE Ml Operations on the Natural Teeth PERFOllMBD WITH CAKE. UNSURPASSED FACILITIE3 AND EXFERIENCE SËTTTSG ABTÍFÍCÍAI TEETH, TO GIYK EACH INDIVIDUAL, of tke proper sixt-, t-hapt, color, JLrmntfêand $ÏÖÖOÖ"REWARD ! GHEAT EXCIïEVIENT ! ! AMONG FARMEES. SOIOMIIjIíS WILL l'AY THE HIGIIEST C.SH PRICES FOK GOOD (VHKAT. ALLF.RMFKS WI1L H" WKI.L TO CALL THSÍÜK UKFORE SELUXG LLSEWUKEE. BRIJi ÏOïB GOOD WIIEAT TO . BOIO .1111. T.s. 1260 N. W. BRIGGS, Scio. PSTSICIANS' PÍescdp I tions AccuratO]y are ( t.u fully Proparo d by Ji. W.ELLlS&Lo.


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