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Our Jackson Contemporary, The Citizen

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isyctfilloí falth tlie censúa enumeratorwill amiuuncc a population ol Ihe '-Central City." Report says it, ís being "got up'Mn thls way : An nssistant enumertor is statioued at cacli depot, penctl and ;i hand, and tho Dame, age, etc., of tvery persuu setting off the traína doited (ioivn. By this means and th "neiv blrths" forwhich the returns are presumed to be íelayed, the desired result may be reached. Sucli is ;'stratesy-" An ortrauization has lieen perfected lo this city for the purposc of sinkiníí an artcsian well. At a recent meeting of the lubscrilxrs, Messre. A. DeFobbst, K. E. Fkazer, :uk1 G. Q Watkibs were appolnt tila committec ty negotiate with velltKirers, and the man who will do it the ckeapest will get the job. The partics enSged Iq the enterprlse are determlned to ptosecote tlie work vlgoronsly, and lorers ü; a contract slionld opea a correspoQdeuce witli the commlttee. On Moiiday muniing last, a lit'le wn of Ira Fbeer, of Lima, 11 miles trom "lis city, agert G yeara, wae sent to school, la tlie afteruoon the parents came to this Wy on l)usiue8S, and upon tlieir arrival was surprised by betng halled ly the little a, who flesired to know what they had wme&fter. Whendiscovered he was walk 'ng along the streets takiiig a view oí things geucraliy. He had walked the enlirt distancc f rom home, and did uot apPearmucli latlgaed. The finibhing building of J. Keck & C-, near his furuiturc factory, in the 2d "ird, was (Uscovered on Ure shortly aftur m'"-luight of Thursday of last weck. The firemen responded promptly to the alarm, but the iire had made BUCh hea.lvvay that ev"y cffurt to save it fuiled. The loss on bnlWlngla estimated at 1,000, with au in'urance of $800 ; and on coutents, !?4,500, wl"in Insurance of fl,000. The flre is snpposed to be the work of an incendiary, The Fourth Aonual ReUnion of tli Inth Michigan Cavalry la to bo held at Coldwatcr, on Wednesday, August 24=tli, on kleh occasion a free dinncr wlll be servcd V the cltlzens. All members of the reglmcnt are urged to attend, and thosedeslgnlnï to do so are requested to notify C;ipu H. McGow,vN,Coldwatcr, ou or beforc the 15th inst. - ♦' i A tlight error occurred ín the cali for a County Convention, In the last A-mus. But as the 24th of July imU already gone the way ofallpreceding 24the "f July, wc presume that no oie was in the 'cast hicoiivenleuced by the slip of our !" The cali appears in this Arous corWcttd, lo Tuisday cvening's Tribune we find the tollo wíng paragraph, te : frora St. Clalr ander thedateof Aug. Sel. ltwlll lently interest a large nnmberof our home readers (o warrant a Iranstec to our John Whttlng, C. E., engnged In the f. ■, w.s brouj '''''■' i FViday last by the ■■ , ■.■,-, very sii-l; with tlie tj ; lio had been i!i ibnm loar weeks . lingered muil thls linutes to b ■ whon he !: ; ■. a gradui mourn hls death: He w t.011 of Col Uenry Whiting, ofthla city, hla il will tal;;' our p. m., 011 Weduesctay. Wc liavc recnived a cpy of !l:e Detroit ng a "War Map" whlch lts readers wlll flnd a very convenlent artlcle. Aiüisis the only of the Po$t we have recelred tin lts fu-si vas acknowledged, ti - appreciated. On Siturday af:ernoon last, n BhootIng mate!] took place iu tliis city, the foliowtng ís the score : B C. Traver, 0 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 0-10 Chas Manl v, o 1 o 1 o i o 1 0 0 i) 1- ■ F Cate. 1 I 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-10 t' !! Desotell, 0 1111111111 0-10 .7 1', 0110111111 0-O- . J. II. Bortel, 111 1.10110101- 9 The Porter Zonavea ivd T itroil Llght Unards .co hito encampment at , .'s Island, -JO miles below Detroit, on ii, to remaln une Arrangements for the encampment will be at their business meetings on ron. evening next. Tbe basement story walls ot G;'n. Hill'b new block are nearly completcd. ín the rear of tlie bloek of stores or offices, whlch are bul 40 feet tieep, lic is building a hall, whlch wlll be 04 by 104 feet inslde'and 25 feet hlgn, wlth galleries. Tha basement gtorv : a ) t will be 9 teet Ín ■ Tbe Aogsst number of tlie Agricul turisl has at least one article ivhlch ouglit to Interest the !:n!ie, especlally tliat oamber of them who valnly attempt I long yoiuli and beauty by the se of hair ('.y..s and cosmetica. artlcle referr entitled "Polonous líair llyes and Cosmetlcs," and glves t;i' analysis of gever al popnlar halr dyes, as made by Dr. C. F. Chaxdlbr, cliemist, iinfler tlie directiou of tbe New York B ard oí Health. Taitt our fair readers tnay n longer nin Igoorantly we give the article place in anotherolumn.


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