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- ■-■■ " ■■" " ■■ ' --■■il ■■ I MM W- UMI !OW OPENINü, .A-T WM. WAGNER'S, An Elegant and Largo Stook oí SPRING AID SÜMHER aooDs, lXCU'lM.NIi ÜLOTHS, 0A.88IMERE8, VESTINGS, &C LATEST 8TÏLES ND BE8T QUALITIEP WHICH HEOFERS LOWER tlmn EVER Also m Store a large stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND Gents' FÜKNISÏÏING Goods. GARHENTfMADETO OliDEPIii THE DSIEJS'aC JS "3? Y 3Li 33 , Als o LAniEiandCKNTS' MOIIOCCO SATOHELS No. 21. South Main Streot- K8ft d. CALL AND SEE THEM. WIM1AM WAGNEB Ann Arlnr, Vny, lfiiO. T IVE 'GEESE FEATHERS FIRST GïTTALIITSr, Conatantiy on hnnd and forsule by BACB& ABEL. Ghanoerj No'ico. STATE OF BfïCHTGAN. Snit pending it; the Circuli Conrt fot Die Cuuuty of Wushtenaw. In Chancan ■ Bamantba Héssacar, Compláinant, w. Arthur Mesaacar, Dfendant rily appearing to the onderatgned1 by nfïidavit tb at the defendam ín i hï cause rei ï thta State, oudje lurni'i . oo motl d of Non-N Sz I'hl. Bollcltora for complalnant, it la ordered that th e canse hta appearance in tbla canse tobeentored within three monthe from the date of thla order ; And it la furtncr ordered tat within twen the complalnant caue thla order to be pttblUned In the Michi ■ ■ . per publi&hPd In sal d County. and that nuch publica don be onnttnned in ewspaper at leasi once in each week tor -.ix weeks ■■■ or that ene causo a eopy of thïe order to be peraonally s rved on sald defei least twentydaya berore the tlm i for hls appearanee. l)at.-(i. JoneSTth, 18T0. 1-ïïw; 3. WILLARD B " BBIT, Circuit Court Comí enaw 1 Mortgage Ba DEFAVLT Davina biui made II I me of a ' art li'.i i Jalla A. Ckk ord.of tb City ol Ann Arbor. State of Michigan, to Charles Panüe, b ■ hth day one thonsand eighi hui d and recorded on the ointb day of May, a. I i the ofllce of Register of Deeda ol the County of f Michigan, in liber B0 of mort. by whlch the ; therein - Lve, n I I he amount clafmed to be doe on e at the date of thla notice bel na tbe som of one Imndred aod sixty do!lars.and an Attorny fee i lara ex snli ui ; ! law or In if;..i l ■■■ Instituted to recover the Bnm nov nspaid on said mortgage or any pari tice ís i ■ ■ ■ day the twenty-foartfa day ■ . . I iSTO, al ten o1 1 icÉ ín i ii : that day, ai the fr of the Cmt"t House, in the city of Ann Arbor in aaid Countj of Wasbtcnaw, State of ifchlgau. (the sald Conrt Honee, beinz of holding the Circuit Uourt fureaid Couniyj, by virtne of the power of cale in sald morí Ined and ín ce of the stittQte h rd provided. there wil! be eold at public ai the bighest bidder the prei ihed in Bald mortgage, or so much thereof as may b sary to amono t dueandanpald inirt-,'.i costa and expenses allo wed by ! ' ü for f n pftid mortgage. 'i I Bald in ■ llows: All of lot nomb Accordlng to the rocorded pial of Docka In addition to liic city of Ann Arbor, State ol Michigan and also lot Beven on iie samo addiüon to sald city Dated. Jaly26th. lffl ' (II MiLES FANTLE, Mortgngce. Wortgnge Sale. DBFAULT hi made In tho paymentof the Mini ol three hundred ;m;l seven whlchia daeon the twenty-third day oï Jone, A. l) 1870. also slxteen hundred and flfty dollare to tx ■ mortgage bearii ■: date the twenty third day o a. D. 1869, execoted by Peter D. Inn Arbor, Waihtenaw Connty, Michigan, as party of tiio ii, to John A. NIchols, of the City of Ann Arbor, MlchlgítnJparty oí thesecond part, and rec-nlfd in üj'1 office of the Registor of Deeds "i1 said HTashtenaw Counl y, In UI i 382, on the twentieth floy ■ at ii M oclock A.M. ol said day, whicïi said mortEage togetber with the note ace mpanyïi stini', was aaaigned to J. W Kniirlit. of the City ol Ann Arbor afóresaid, by asslgnment dat tl on the foarthday of Jnne, A. D, 1870, and recorded In the office of said Register of Deeds on the twen flrst day of June, A. i. 13T0, in liber two (2) of Assignments ol Uortgages, at page 667 : wow then Core, cotice Is hereoy given . I Isfy the amoant so claimed to be dne in afolen aid, togethei with the legal coste and the eura of twenty dollara providod for In eald mortg&ge as Attorney I in pursnance of the power of sale coctained morteage, aid of tbe statnte In snch cases made and provided, the premisos deacribed i.i and covered by said mortgage, to-wit: All those certalntra of tand aitaate in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, bounded and descrlbed as follows : bag at the quarter Btake on theeast section eïghteen, townsbip two sonth aud rai east and ranning thi ong the quai I Üonhneflve chaina and thirty three links, thence north ten and one of a ditcfa fonr chalu ■ anda iven Links I i the ce ter of Uroad, i ben railroad north fortyeight and one hall i onechalnand flfty-seven links, thence north twentyfour degrees easl alongtheeaet slde ofadltcs toar and ftfty links to the Hnron river, thence along said river t a point where the section line on ictlon seventeen Intersecta the shore ol eaid river, thence south along the ■ t on line to the placo of beginning, contatnlng rnic n and one qnarter acres of land ; Als tbi east balf of tbe northeast qoarter of section elghteen. In town!hip two sonth of range six east In the Connty and state aforesald, conta'nins elgh tothe United State enrrey, will be rold at pnbll'c .anction, fno sult at law or fo chancery havtng been 'nstttnted to recover the above amonnt), to tl i est bl Idi i . al the South door of tli Court Hi of Ann Arbor, In Bald Connty r, Waebteoaw, on Satarday , Ih'e elghth day ofOctober, A. i.. L870 at eieren ocloik of saJd da}. Dftted. JnlT llili, ls7i. J. W. KNIGHT, D. Cr.Avn:. Asidgnee of Bald Mortgage. Att'y. for snlfl Aeeignee. l'iT' Reul Bátate for 8ale. STATE OF BOCHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, f. in the matter of the estáte of Benjamin Cole, i that In purfuance of an order granted to the underslgned; am tor of the estáte of Baid dec ased, by the H d of Probate for the i VTashttíuaw. on the twenty-seventh day of Jnne A. 1. 1870 thcre will be sold at Publie vendue. to tbe hlghesl bïdfler at the dwelling honse on the premia scrlbed, in the Uonnty of waBhtenaw , In nal i State, on tVedoebday, the ceveiiteenth day of -n_it. a It. one oclock In 1 1 it day, Csabject to uil encumbran c at the time ol tbe dea tb of i ■ i he rlght oi' dowei wldow ■' ■ ■ . th rotlowlng deflcrlbedrcal to-wit : Theeast half of the sontheast quarl ihree-quartera of - rter of tieaet quaiterot sectlon thlrty-five in townBhip four sonth ■ i ng one hnmlrfii and ten acres more or lesis, In Dated, June 27thj A. D. W". HENRY V. HAMMOND. 1 276 Administrator. Execuïor'fl Sale' Ei i" of J.iiii' b A. Dei . ii that by i Irtne of nnthority pranted to me ■■■ the Probate Coart for the Conntj ofwayne In the StAte of Michlgan,t I will p rendne. In Uu C at the front door ol the bnüding in which i held the' Court for the County of Wj r Frlday, the ninthdayofí .D. To, at the hi twelve o'clock, noon, all the rlght, title and h of satd deceased. In and to that oertain cel ol land In Baid City of Ann Arbor dei lot n ntn ïiT.'il ilf i-.-ci ' '. numncred Boutbof range tweh 'i nddition to tlic village, fnow city) of Ann Arbor. July 22d, IS70. P. THOMAS )!-V.NV, Bje ator lai I n 111 an ' i l ment e. j. 0PtTmï, oi said rt coased. Ait'y. for Executor. 1270 Drain (Joiiiiniiïeinner's Nofi' 7V"OTI( n i.i that the Draln ïommls11 sioper o!' Wn sh"tenaw Connty will be at the i hoosool In the townshlp ol Pitl ; tth day f Angnst, 870, a ? o 'cl och y d of a draln, to 'm known !ïo. 5 Drala, o i I will ■ : ■ ■ the houe i 'k, on day of August, 1870, at 2 o'clockr. m..:i i whleh time and placo I wlll exhibí t mspsoftho i abore propoved draln; and descrlptlona of the ral parcela of Land deemed by me beneflted i h and the amount and descrïptlons by .! snhdiviioiiH of The i ' I drvln, i y me apportíonod to the ownere o ription o eonstrnct and t" the townchipof ' Ittsfleld to trnct ou account of such drnin benei;!;:, unl to hear reaeons, if any aroofltered. wny saèn apportionmeni abould be revlewed or corrcctcd. i Auu Arbor, Julv SOth 1 370. JAMÊS -T. PAR8BALL, 1373 wS ('ouuty Drain Uoxniniioaer. Mortjiagc Snle. ?ÏAULT1 . loiidltlon of a '■■ ■ I imcB to i ui 'in'. thousanfl ilars At. - 6UltOI vlded. notice Is h i Of Ill.'l . in tli i i ühall eell ut pnblic anctlon t ■ ■., ii h ii teresl BHid, v follows: A : in t!i I W VÍ7. conimi Wy-two linie n corner ol tl sa1 quarter ol ection i :■ ;i'ir.lilc with irthcu quarti llnk tO ;,,., ;,. ,;,, 74lee, rncr of 1 sold liy W. f!. Kii : lo '. theoce nortb :les „.o, s1 mul ifiy links tci the northea il lam tl"1"1 oorl . alle! with tl, road C intj Hnks (o the northwes with the flntt mei tioned line iid tliim Inke to thr north I ilonn f:ii1 liir to the i lace ofbegtnalng ■ even hundredtha, be th i u, . est of drawing water ly pipe IVurn tl VV. B. Klng I wlfe to sak] DeForcst. AN another pleoe of land In the same townshlp o Ami Arbor. Aeaorlbed as fbllows: Begtnnlng .i ■ i r of the vrest hall of ü Dorthi v. roi nlng I ui the nfrtb line o nefore deaenbed. thence aonth ■■■ 1 ten link" tl allelvritb sald north line of the nection iwochoin Ighty-two to the and ton link" to the place of beglnnlsg, contaiDin two :.f Dnti-d, Jnlj 5t"n, 18T0. AHRA'i SAcrn. Mortgapee; u t Orant, Att'y. for Mortffagee. 1-jT; Mortgage Sale. Dmndp In tlip pmidillon o Iviüv :'.i,; ].i, [vory, of the townshlpofl ■■,:. t" Jamea Clark, o the ton Dedal l, ind re c. rded In Ihe ol ol I Waehtennw Connty. Mlcl 'v-sixt ' 5 O'clOCk I'. M., ! 6. liy whlch th the ant q ;l, morí ■ Mim orone I ntv ji V-v Or in cquity v recover i thereof; Ñi i i-ivcti. tliat on Prlday, th of October, A I) I . loor ■..'' the Conrl ir aso, ín th bed in enld ■ ■ nated In tli St;lt(' Ol tlon Ño. Cl! "boginulnf; at .-: Blok north 40 d nty live links lïl r eg weet two rii -in, them ■■■'l '!■-' -" m. ■ :itv U ■'hm:. Dated. Ann Arbor, Jnly isth. I 1-77 ,:See. Lawbbnoi & Fa Eftate of Lydia L. Jones RTATKOPMICnii Notl of Jnly A. I). i-T11, -i I !ti,-ir claln iIím I ■ hetr cl I Alm Arb ind allowance, on or befora the tm-nty-oeventh da '! .T;:l ■ ' ; yofOctober :;lu! on i twent] cl . at it:n oclook in th ■iiri-iiw. Dated. Aub H1ÜA1IJ BEAKKS. IÍ8T Judee of Probate. Estáte of Samuel t). McDowell. OTATl Noti . order ol iii róbate Conrl for the i . madeo - I lims r aid Probate Couri 'ity of Ann '■ fition and allo ■ bi on o'i I days. Dati d, inn Arbor, Joly [Sth a. !). ; II II 121 of I robatte, Commissio'iors' Notice. 3TATE OPMICHK . having been appointed by ih t' all pel Ployd Bishop ] iv, , t by order o aid t'! bate Conrl Dt thei , in th nti, in sald lir t (!■ ; btcent -. at r ii i oclóck A. TA, nf cach o vs, to recelve, examine, and adjust eai Dated, 12T!)w4 ït rLkr. C-"ulissionerS. Commiasioners' Notice. QTATl . oaw,88 OThe underelgned havlDg been appoiuted by til iBty, Commlí ceive examine all claims and demande o all persons against the estáte of Freücrick A late oí .üil County, dei ■ by gïve no tice tbat els taontbs from date are allowcd by or !tr of - Itoreto Dfesentthei !. andthattbe; will meet at the office i W F. Haten. In th viil;iirij of Chi ntyi on Baturday ihv Afteenth day of October and Satarday, tbe four toenth day ol -Kt. ;it nu o'clorkA.M ; days, toreceive, examine and acuj Datecl, Jnly 14th. A P. U f !''F-}coramlSsioners Gommis8Íoner'fl Notice. QTATB OP MICHIGAN Conoty offl 1 The by the Probate Courl for eaïd v all claims ai :ill persons aeainsí i ■ : John Brewer, late 1 hat sis 3 order of eafd f ro ourt, fr creditors to present thefr claim ■ ■■( (!. and tl will me o! Tpsliaot] in sald Connty on Saturday. tl th da; ■ sald days. to i iine, and adjustsald claims 12TS W] mmUrioner Estáte of Matthow Kearnej. STAT] nw, b I :i -■■ -;.li Dl I :■ at ( HUce in i heCit; of Arm 1 i day ü Jnïy, in thv. yenv one thousand :t-!:t hnndret ■ In il:i matter ol I '■ii. E lied. o Micha 1 Kriiiiicv. pn i Instromen now on file Lu tuis ■ Lhe last ■ :t(lmitted it probate, and thai h i! sote , is Ordered, I B?i oud i k In the fore I . ', then to he ho Office, tnthi Citrof Aan "■ ■ furtherordered thati notice t.r the sniil petltion and the heai irder íi be ; . printed and circulattng : aid day lili: KES, f Jaoob Sher-ï-nn OTATE OF MICHIG iN, County of V. i I : I MlllIV tt' V;i-=iiii']i;t-.v. hold niiv. in the Win Arbor on W'e'inesdav, the twn ■■ i hnnnty. . ■ . , Jacob Sherman, non of nta tbat be is now preparad to rfndi i A.dminttratür. : red, tint M on day, the hrenty aecond ü '''n tcl ck ïu the foi e noon, b : ...i all o wqnlri i ' wnrt, thon to ' Ann fcrbor, in ■iii-l ( ïoiinly. and ti :-■■'. : ■ t, and thé hearing lahed in the M ind circi ireokfl previ, tü I&U1 t!.'i# of lu'rtrinff. " H1BAM i. BEAKES, 190 Jndfio of Probat. Estnfc of Franklin 8wift QTATEOF MICHIGAN.Co [..., U Al a aeggiou of the Probate Couri r,,r ther '1 ofWa-htenaw, holden ni ..,. „fij 7l City i - . od ednesday, thutwenti s " da; ol'Juiy, Ín Ule year onc thuuwind eieht hmS ut, íllram J. Beakes, Judire of Prolntf In toe matter of the i-state ul' Frankl n Rio , Délo showerman, Exeeotor of the tnst wlli ment of Bal . pome [uto (■n,inU reeeutí t!;it i uow pnpared to reo.í ■ i Exeoutor. ■ ered, thal Monday, lhr. ' seéond day of AngaM next, at ten ov l' roranoon be aoelgned for examining VZ ■owli oum. and that tliu li-áte f and heirt at law of said deceased' nll other persona Interesfed In ild estáte m. quired to appear at a session ofeald Coort tS? b bolden at the Probal the CU? oí i' Albor In said Connty, and ehow canse If any th.E whj .i,: should not be allowed: amiS rnnl tor gWe 5J to I he persons Ín "f therS ■uut. miel the hearing thereofL ■. be iraijlhedlt'ií "paperprintedandclroiuá m said County, three auccesaire weeks prcvim.7 gal i day c.r hearing. w" (Atraecopyo H1RAM .T. BEAKF.s. ■ JudireofProbit, Estáte of Itobert MoCormicfc STATK OF MICHIGAN . Coiinly of B i At a Besnon of l'robnte Cmtrt for tlie i n ol Waahtenaw, holden at tbe 'Tóbate Office i".í City of Aun Arbor, on Tuefday, the UeMí.i day of July In the year one thouaaud ei-tji i.í! and seve.niy. ta- t. Prosent, iliram .1. Beakes,. Iudi;e of Probate Jn the matter of the estáte ol Robert Mcüornh 'r ix of tlic lHt win „ eased, comoB into Conrti repreaents that she is now prepared to rendrï final acconnt ae such Execntrix. mul prayin it. Bhemayb permitted to re-lgn unid tniPt.DoS ■ other suitable person may be !iioiuiedidiï utratoi with the will anmxed of sald deei-afed tipon t ík ordered, thflt Monda n-.n'li day of August next, al ten o'clock hS : for examinin" and allo! such acconnt, mm that legatees, drviseea il helr Liddeceaaed. and all other penS Interested in sald estáte, are reqnlrcd to npnúr "" of aid Conrt. then to bc holdi In the t.'ity of Ann Atbori ty. and Bhow canse, if auy then k why tin; wii;i acconnt rhnnld not be ñllowed'n the prayer of the pedtloner granted: Au), is further ordered thut taid Bxecutrix gil to ''■'■ ite, of tht m dein .uut. and the h. cani order to bc pnlili 'Witi a newapaper printcd and in siiid Connty, three succeasive weeks pn-vion.. eaid day of hearing. (A trne CopT.J DIISAM .1. BEAKKS 1380td Jude of Proüti, Estáte of Voloev Chapin. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Co 'fus, 1 'v ' ■ !t for the Co of Waehtenaw, holdeD at the Pi'olmti-Oïiice.iaa City of Ann Arbor, ■ on Wednesday. the rixth ol July. n the vcai onc thousiind eight W ■■[!■'-■ aun Berenty. Pre.-iüit.Hirnm J. Bcke5,Judgeof Probate. ■ tnattCl oJ tin: I'-VL.IL UI Oil;r l l:;.i, g c„ decc:; - the petltlon, dnly Teriteii ■i. Bamm 1 s Walker, and Vol dnlatrators, praying that ttiejaj real i state whera hat Monday. ihc twn', s"1'11 next, at ten o'clock i foreuooii. I fan pj tin. ■ ]aw of Kaid decta and :iii other persona Interestcd in sald ettu are reqalred 10 :..-jjt-:ir fit a 8eeBlon of said Copj then to be holden at the Probate Office, in tlwcitti Ann Arbor, and - If any there be.wbyfl ■ i : onld not be t'rantrt-. A U'■ -■. thal said petil ■ nol: pendency ol :i'n netitioi caublng a copy it' thia order to be piibllened b J Mi spaper prlntedand eircuiitj innüiit County, lour BTicceeelveweekeprevloastoti ofhearlns, IIIKA.M J. BEAIB Atrnecopy. Judi;eof Probtu Estáte öT Norman C Goodle. SICHIGAN, Connty of Waihtenaw s At aaeaaion of the Probate Conrt fortheCotiit i f '■ aahtenaw holden at the Probate Off.ce, in tí .:;;. of Ann Arbor, ou Thuraday, the fourteonihii ofJnly in the yearone thousand ei'ht liundredu se vel e of Probate. In the matter of th Norman C. Gooü . D, Adminfatratoi of paid ertn come luto Conrt and v.'■ he is nowpn Itorenderhia final accouut as siui. Therenpon it ie ordt.Ted That Monday thetltail day ol' August, next, t ten o'clock' In f ir examlnlnp and allowiii and that the easedi and all other per ■■■'linjú e reqalrcd to ;;K-ir at aaeealnnofBi Cou ■ tu at the Probate Office. i&ih City of Ann Arbor. In Miiri Connty, nud-sh-'wciBf if u: il Bhoald notfc allovred: Aud 1 tin further ordered, thal tniiiistrnior pive notice to the perconi in! Baldetate of the pendency of aaid account, u4A hearine thereof. hy causlne a y of this be published in the Michigan Argvt n newms printed and circalatlng in Bald Connty. three cueca tve '■- ■ i trine?, CA : II Ik AM .1 BE AKS, Judo-e of l'nbile. to of William Pidil, Sen. SI ■■ N, onntj ofWaehtentf. ■ of the Probate ' o:-.i i förtheCoMty of ■ htoDaw, bolden at the Probate Office. IdiIi of Aun Arbor, on Priday, the tlfteenti of Jnly, In the year fiie thoiiöand eightte dr il and Beventy. nl II:: nii J. Beakes, Jndec of Probate. er of the Ksi-, m Pidd.Sen David Depn the wüln:. comea into Coort ruidnf i he is now prepared lo rendtr bis fliul 1 dmtnl t!:itor mpon it is on Wonday, th fifteoi day ol August, bext. at ten o'clock in ihe fort noi ■ ie" uut. and thal law of aaid ::nd all other per Ired to appear at a alón i ii to bo holden attherrotai Office, In the llty of Ann Arbor, in sald Co show canse, if any there be, why the s;ml accoii Bhould nut beallowed ; And it if further ordered bi aaid Admlnfeqrator give to the pers ... ; . ' : aCCOlDt and the hearing thereof, by eau iuu' i cpp) oii ordei thed in the SI newjpaper printed And ciicalating In s.-iM Connty.thni sacce preriona to said day of lienring. CA true Copy.) HIEAW J BEAKE8, 127'J Jndge of l'rutali Estáte of Charles Monrc. STATEOP MICHIGAN, County ofWashKüiai.K At a session of Probate onirt for the Com? of Washlenaw, holden atl Probate Office. !■■ City of Ann Ar or, on TueKlay. the i. day ;f July, in tlie year one thousand cight hedred and Beventy. Present, Slram J. Beakes, Jodge f Probate. Iti tbe uiiitter of the lístate of Charles -Hoon, -■ d. uu readlngand flüiür the pptiüon, dnlvveriflro,"! phlneL. M.Cntcheon and Adeliue M.llcmpiil, prayingthat Snlllvan M. Cutcheon i'iid Kobert llerapíiil] maj beüppnoiuted Aaminiltrator ofu . Thereupon It Ib jrden d,that '.'nnilay, the ifw day of Anriist next, at ten o'clock in the Iop noon. be assi;ned for the hearing of said ] aud that the heirs ut l.-iw of s.-in! deceased, 'm other peraona iotereeted in aaid etate rpqnim to :i;[i' ar :,t ;i Beaaion of said Conrt, tlicn to be hffMen. at the Irobate Office, in the City of Ann Art Nnd show cauae ifany there he why tlie praTer Ihe petitioner Bhonld not be gianted : And itiifr tnei brderi d, thal sn i! petltionei give notice to (" pertfons in ■ ■ id estáte, of the i'endency sald petltion, and the hearing ihereof, by cami't' copy of thia order to be pobllshed in the Jitiij . a newapaper printed and circnlating fti Connty, three socceaaive weeke preriona to said oi; of heanns (A Inie copy.) BIBAM -T. BEAKS8, ISTS Jiidse ol Probt_ Estáte nf William Kclev. OTATE OF MICHIGAN . founty of WashteBSW C At a aeeelon of tlu l'robatc Conrt for tl of VTasbtenaw, holden it the Probate Office ■ u'" City of Aun Arbor. on Saturday, the BecoMS :■,-. in ilie year one thoosand ei.?lit humW and Beventy. im J. Beakes, Judge ol Pi In the matter of th H tlllain Kolsey. ul llünï i'.ie petltion. dnly venflm Pnebe Admtnlatratrlx. prayiig "".'S may be lleeuaed to mll certarn rea) state ol w ■ eaecd dlcd - .v i Thercn !, tbat Monday. tnei teenth day ít, al ti n o'clock In noon. ror the hearing of aaid pwj! and that the helr at law of said di-muwi. s'" othei persons lnterested in Baid estata, are reqmm t, ai pear 1 m session of Baid eonrt, tlu-n tol' 'róbate Office, in the City of AnaAiw andahow cause, II any there be, why the P'WÏT the petitioner -bonld notbe m-imtecl .- Anilitl thT ordered, that said petitioner give notice l Interestcd In íatd estáte, of iheneniWW sald petltion , and the hearinp thereof . by 'rL copy of tbis order to be publiibed in the "j ■ we ■ r, priuted itnd otrrnlitlni! '.yj ■alw weka p cvious to M " _. (A trae cony,) HIRAM.J. rEg, 1-.-7S J i:d;e o f rrw Ksiate of C!iritopherMalion. CJTATEOP MICHIGAN, Countj ofWaibteï" At a sfSM.iii of the Probate Court for j?5 f Wi Idenatthe Probate Offlce "j, or, on Mopday, the' ( it Jnly, In year mie thousa&d eignt uuwi' mil . enty. . „ ■ r. :. ,Ji lOfProMM. I„ i ■ ■ -. al Chrlatopher ■ leceaeed, , ;fl(j pi . aiingthepetitlon, dn.yvena niharlee prayinc that a certain iüstriii n file in this Court, i pd testara !"' " ■L & te, and thtt Ilenry Vildman )' " olnled I .,.„ „lífctí Th. reupon II i thatMonday, ",('„,„oi l at ten o'clock in the 10yWi for (hu hearing of eajd petltl " """r aud heire at lw0yTjun ill other persons Interosted ui '"„ . salon ' t.' „in ,i,'.rfl"' l Ann Arbor, and show cause II any t n M "er Bhoni MJSJy ■,! : And il U further ord "'m m' rlve notice to tho persona inti-iysteo u lM ld ]iii;' ■' n ■ a copy ol ""■" ' „r, " :' "',iiet' mul otreoUlIn In sald .' ';"■ weeka previoua to aidday ol "Sfe Pinosi Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by _ fl.ÍÜ.FIIÍ45&6O-=gg


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