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Mose Skinner In Washington

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1 arrivcd bere yesterday, and went direutly to the White House to see Grant. My Umie Joshua used to takts all his gra idmother's skim-milk as regular as coa (I be - so I liavo alwaya takuu an inteicstin lii füinily; and míiicu he ciiine uto tbo Prcbuiuiicy, I havo regardoil bim as soit of au adopted relativo. Strenge as it may s-eetn, I fuund the grnat statesmau in, but he wus so busily eogaged dr.twing up a petition to Conire:8 to lüvu tho Capítol removed to Loi g Branch, that at tirst be flidu't see me , so I spokc to Lim. " Woll, Ulyfses, my talegted Relollicii C'rufcbcr. how dcensbe rui ?' eaid I ' M dcüin'," ho replied, " JJiddlin'! Wiio ure you?" "Why, you aio't forgotteo me?" I nquired. " Oh, fame ! what a Lollow ujoelu-.iy tbon art! And is it for tliis," 1 eoüt nued in u Fctcher voioe, is it for this that I origioaled und got uf a mam. utotb la-:e Jubilee, whith exoelled iu its r.iniiüoalioiiB overy o'.titr P. J. iu the world, üiid invited jou on pnrpose to drttw the crowd, for 1 koew you were god ior Ulysst-s, aud I touldu't beir to tco you wastt-d. Oh! it ;s too Hiucli, i darued sUht too niucb !" aiid I snak iuto u leo iiiitiuteB1 recces by tile wiodow, utturly proetrated. Ho KiotLed me li:e a etted cbiid Yi!-', with aoprksorew and wineglasa did nu Minué me, blü clou uo üuoü oi' my deep eirotioo was visible, esccpt au occusional liiceup. " üow tU me all about,:I8a:d he Is the Jubilee over yet? And iiovv is the C.jiisüaui : á gbe pretty weU uow Y" I told him the Colisuum was uu more. " Diá the die easy ï" La iuquired. '■ ïell me all about her last moments." ' Well," I replied, tho pas=cd away without ii;uch pain. First, she bad a scvcie attack of wiud colic, wliich, toiuewhat pros rat d her, but tbu doctors built her i; wuü hoiuö pieces of the Preeidentful chavas, tiil thev could craw Iota tú sce wbosliould put hor out oí' bur ; tlit.-u tluy had a postmortem osamibtion and fouud alargo bu ii) her fitooiaoh, nbioh I belieie was tbe ihing thai kept lier Ulive. ' " VViiat kir.d of a bu was it V he iuq ui red. " Humbug," b;ud I. V. o chatled awliile on iho state cf the country, uüc! t .011 1 haukd 01, t my rectmuiedatioriB for office, bigned by some L L.diuy: politioiane for wbou 1 have doue cii:siderable slop woik. " Wt.atkuid of au office do you want?" Ife iuquired. II Well,"Baid r, "I .in't proo.d. lf you'vo got au empty Collectorbhip, or n vacant Custun House that needs a a who v.ou!d 1„vh t as he would hia owii ilutii and blood, saob an ouo, ir, I thiiik I could get nway with. You &ec, Ulyweti," Haid I, " my Uncle 11a Udtd 10 take all your skim-milk jiist as ieg'1-.r as - " " Cb, botbor I" he replied ; " I cao't do anytbiug lor you. The iaet is, you must excuse tue dow, eir; but my time when Vox not at bouie, I tbou d be ] orfcctly uharmed to havo you oall. Do you stay u Waslii.igtou löug ? he usked. 1 toid liim that my loagevity was about tivc feet uioe and a half n my stockiogs, and that I iuuerited it frow dj partuts, frce from auy incumbía;, ce. ami t was tliu ouly thiug I did iunerit. " Í myself inherit shortgevily," said ie; "iiüd iiow, sir, goed day. You will 10 doubt Cuü Va.-liiugton society clull ast now, on account of Leut. Do yon seep Leut !" be asked. " No, I don't," I replied, " but I ;eep borrowing, and I alwavs thought I should like to burrow of a President, so aa to teil my grandchildieu of it. A suin as paltry as seventy-five cents would curry out my idea," suid I, if you bap)eii to havo it abnut you.1' " No," replied he, " rny moaey keeps .ent, too." From tlio Ybite House I strolled in;o the Treasury building, where tliey uru out tlioso pretty pieces of green v.sper with ñgurt'H on 'om. I told Mr. Spinner, who was busy writing bis ame on a big pile of one-dolhir grecu)auks, tliat 1 was a Boston drummer, ind that ii ho would givo me some -ampies of bis d fferent styles r,f Lilis, [ tbought I couli eell nouie for him. ' Tl, e folks our vvay like yuur goods ust rate," suid I, "bat tbero aiu't iio reg'lar place wbere tliey can go and gt cm, so the demand exceuds the supply. And if I malse a success of it," I conioued, " wby not e'.art a brancb iu Bcb011 ? I'vo been practising on your mine lor Bome time, and I ca:i write ii ip ti:p, though lor lbo present, I am "ree to oonfess, that ibat last curly tail enncks me. Cornc, wiist do you say, Spinner? Is il o go ï IK' didn't take auy notico of mo at all, so I ïi-nt down to tho Señalo chiim)er. They weie ba ving n very storiny lisouseion there abont pansiDg a bilí, but [ oouldc't uiakn head or tail out of it [ upposo, thougb, gome Senator had lei'ii nncsiug it counterfcit bil), and tliey were blowiog hitn up about it. Tliis was too personal to suit me, so I left. -


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Michigan Argus