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Arccus. It givcs more readlqg matter than ny other paper pnbllshed in the connty. The weather since our last report has yecn A 1, all that could be deftlred, and regetattoa grows apacc. The market is quently well siippUecl wilh scasona)lc fruits aiul vegetables, and all are living on the fat of the land. New wheat is coning In, and new flour has appeared iri mar eet, bnt we shonld Jndge gralp too moist is yet to hacdlc In largo quantitics. liaste may niake waste. The annual re-union of tlio Fourth Mlcli. Cavalcj is to be held at the Ilibbard House, in tlie City of JacUson, on the 31st inst , at 9 o'clock a. m. All members of the regiment are requtsted tobe present. James O'Dosnei-l has purchaeed the interest of his partners, ancl is now solé proprletor of I he Jackson Citizen. That journal has also bcen converted into an evening paper. Loüis X. Goulet, of thia city, a capital printer, has Issued a prospectus íor a new paper to be publishcd at Plalnwell, Allegan County. Tbc Yonng Folks1 Rural is the tillo of a new rural and litcrary monthly, deslgned for young men and yonng women, whlch is tobo issucd by H.N. F. Lf.nvis, tbe publishcr of the Witten Bural, at Chicago. Prizcs are oflered for storics and contributions from youug $1.00 peryear. Now is the time to order your BillHeads, Letter-Heads, Carde, Circular, inents, etc., and tlie Akgcs ofilce is tlic place to get them. The President arrivjd in St. Louis or. Iho 9th, to look aitcr bid Dent land claim wc presume. A patriotic Germaiv tornan of Pittsfield, Mass., declares her ntctition to po strr.iyht to Germany, and figlit in bobalf of the Prnssinns, as soon as sho can fitid a pair of-pants that öt lier.


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Michigan Argus