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Modest Indeed

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The New York 'Times reeounts the bumiliating d ■ f 't .s t of its party in Nortb Carolina, .showing that the Democrats !i:ive il m:joi;ty i; the Legislüturo, aod ■■ gain 11 Uoited Stiltes Senator in place of belügerent Abbott - that the Grimt majcrity of thirteea thousand has i hange to a Detiocratio ;irijority of ten tboisand in the popular vute of the Sintc, and then inys : " It is not difficult to account for go marker] n chapee of prl'tieal pcntiment na, when wc eonsider the S which have been purEUid by those vvho have been ii lintrol as ihe representitives of the Repub'ienn p irty. The policy adoptdl by Oov; )!olden was, in our opinión, ill ndvised, and precisely gnc!) as was calculnted to extispcrate tho peopla and aliénate Ihcm from us. He undertook to condiict the campaign upon the extreme proscriptive plan which had been pursued in previous vcars, and the result has prored that be went thp right way ti work to render uiocrats victorioua " Then the murdorous and nfamus conduct of Governor Holden was only " ïll-ndvised ?" It wonld have bepii jiistiüsible, we are left to infer, had it been calcula!ed to be n:ocepsful. This is the standard of Radical moralitv. Aoythiog is juBtifiable that will Uring uecess to the party. But success wou'.d i:ivfl i:;creasc(l r.illier thsn diniiniiibed lie criminal charaster of Holden's conuct. Succesa wooltl have müde it a monster cripje, wheroa1? the nttempt is ow a huge failure. - I'ree Press. The finurse Gazete of St. Petersburg tates that a r?port inüde to the Czir by ie Minister of War, shows that llussia )ossc6ses at prefont 500,232 ueedle;uns, and tbat the fabrieation of noetal13 cartridgea lias reacted 800,000 a ay, giviug a total ia Land of 15,000,00. Ttim-p wns sola at Carrolltoo, 111., a alf neven months old that IihJ been ivintr milk for Uvo montlis, from wbicli xcelient butter had bean made. Thero wcre life insurance companies n China 3,000 years ago.


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