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ÏS'rw York, Aug. 9 Tho recent victories and mecess of the Prontas army ha eatabllshed a belief in Wall Btrcet, piinciia!ly amoni; Gt'rmaji tankers, tliat the warwlll be of short iluration, and henee for the past two or thrce days they have been selling largely which ias had the eft'ec-t of bringinir gold down to a comj:i];iiivtly Iow !:",:.iv. This afternoon, iilso, there mu dlspatcb to a private banking house that Napoleon was dead, wbicb had a depreulng Inflaence. and carried rotes down to a Iow fiyure. Dtirhig the rumor golrt went to 11TX bnt rallled agoln and closcd flrm at llSi. Ootton is quiet at 14 ' í for nplond raiidlinge. The flour market i heavy and lowcrand tncs ictions are vcry limitcd. We quote snperfine weatern nd state at $5.4035.90; good to extra atute and weotern $6266.S0 ; good to cbolce extra state and wetern te.4O@G.8O; wliite wbeat weatern extra iü.M1".!" ; extra Ohio WJOi extra St.Soni' $r..T.'.io.T:,. Rye flour is quiet at f"i.r."i.'T 90. The wbsat market too hs not been anexception to the (cucral apathy. 11 1 dnll totiay and 1c lower tban yesteiday on an average, we N . B Cbtcago Spring at tl .17 ; No 2 do. ; 38; No. 2 Hilwankee H.801.85 winter red and amber w, stern 11.10 néw Vlrglnim white fj Cornil decltninR and Isweaksrthan usual , we qnnte new mixed western at T4@93c The Oat market is heavy and dull at ftí0!5e for western, for state, and 64@66o for Ohlo. Hay is taady at 85Mc for shipplng and tl.St for rctail lots. Oroccries are very flrm and sn;;nrs are fairly activo ,.n mnrket is quietand meatsare nnchanged. Buttet 11 iteady at 9 K9SSC for western. The dry goodfl mftiket is beconüng more active daily and delalnes, alpacas, shawle, etc., are yoiog off rapldly at the luto redneed DETROIT, AUg. 10. Tlif recent ncws from PrOHlt bal liad Imt littin effect on onr bnsincp population and eveiythfng Koeaonns usual, The flonr market i mili quiut, bul ilic demand for choice grades continúes good and formar ratea aro vll malntalned wtthoutany c!yin;;e whatevcr, thoiigh for w!:ite wbeat bvands $s.oo ts an onl ■ The wheat market bal bcen dolnj; somc lofty tumbling aimost tolally nn men. On Mouduy extra whito suddenly lost T or 8 cent and weut down to $1.48. r:ido8 snitained a corn'spODding lose, and to daylli" níet nt a little Icsk than ílon" any'8 ratos. W 'rfwv'.utc at 1.4T : No. 1 :6 amber 1.28l.S0. Thcre i nana for any of tlirsc grades .it the above flgnre, and no traniacttone ro notad crcept a email rcqucRt from minors witli now and then a fmall parchase from ome mysterlous epeculalor Oats are vcry uneettled wíih no reliable quotations X'w have nppoftröiï and hoklera aro aFkiu;; S4c with oot boyera, lïarloy is dal! with acarcelyany de imiml. Appícii liftvíi been cleaned out slnce onrlas report nnd are now flrra with food denifinil at bij;h mtes. Theru i no chango Ín butter Choico ís al wíivp flrm at g'oci figures, which ouht to be an Inducemont tn SinnOTl to mnke none bat of a nlce qnallt; fbr sale in the gsor1 markets, it always paya the eeller to h:ive the bost. Efigrf are yet low nnd wc.ik. Forelgn frnits arfl firin and ttgh. Tho drug markot la uot so activo as It has been, the chance of wenílier haring mltlgfttod cickneís and oj coiiraelessenertthe demand. PoUtoes are iu good demand and higher. DETROIT PRODUOp MARKET - Tlie followlns merepreuntthe onrrent not prlcexreallieo l'v consntDion (calor .aud are cnntlully revlaedevery ft'wk.inrihf Anuís, hv our Detroitcurrespondeut. lonáfrom theee prlces for eammUsunia and charges . wlll 8hw the nftt ratee t öm hHinlH : Applet,- Drled, 9S9}jc; Qretn, Wt.ooper bbl. li.,i;.v -porcwt.. fl.8@l.lH) forNo 1 Ha ewgi- perlb. Sl@82. Besiis- wlifte. $ .75601.8-1. Botter- Rol I and crock SS0H. Flrkin, 501921. Chec6(- MichlgaüPactory, ljfu. i)ary, tlí. perba.i '.mic. BggB - prr-ior.., 1-: Fíonr- white inperlor, 7.00i7.75. medlom '':-■■" 6.75, '■ amberi " low gradea, 4,íOS.6O. " rye.5.uon:5 50. IIidi -dry, perlb. . 1 "'i 1 "c ■ : pcocn , 6 He. t alfSklni- Orean, IB I líes dry, 22S.'. BheepSklns- 0l.tO: lmnb skns4ü50. ÍIops - New.pnrlb.. B Lard- perib.. 17c. J'.vo- Wfel 00. Oats - per bu. oíd 50c ,new30c. Onions- per bbl. 8 00. Pot'Uoca- K0(Si!i0c per bu. Tallmv-S'yi.íc Turkeyg- cl ressort. pcrlli.,19l?20c. Wli-ït- eiira white, 1.4T: No, 1. $1.88. km inw í'uoBicE ninHETs. Akotis Office, Aug. 11, l70. Wo qnotc thie ift.rnoon as l'ollows : Wil KAT- White. 1289146e Ked, HOe BU:K WIIEAT- T.'.c T5C. OATo- 30iï4nc. BEANS- $1.16. HA 7- 9 BOTTER- S0S1e. EOGS- 11c. LARI- líe. Al'PL!' POTATOBS- 41@80c. OHICKENS- 14cTUBKEY8- lc. WOOL- 10.í41c.


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Michigan Argus