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Grant And North Carolina

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{ the wolf bc tbo accurate typa of Governor Huiden and Ihe bloodüound of Colonel Kirk, DO fiercer beast thau the patiënt sneep will sywboliza Cliief Justice Peerfon. That jurist lir.s been Rffroiited by Kirk, and bas pocketed tbc the affront. Ho bas been stiubbed in a more civil and oiroumlocatorj way ly Holden, and has praiaed tlie snubber frcm thü bencli. And uow be iius rofused tn issue tlie altachtncnt whioh the law explii'itly enjoiDB him to U agaiust eitber of ;he persona who buvu diaregarájd iiiis decisión aiid tcrn up his writs. Of course, Pearsoo has not the forco to oompel obedienoe to bis mandstes as tgainat eitber Kirk er Hulden. But it ia none the k'ss hü dityto enter a protest aainsc the scandulons violatini s tbey have tl. of the Inw óf wbich be is the official expounder and clmmpion. 'i be moral arsistunoe wbich he mighí have given, all tht more effictively be was debarrtd from giviog more thao a muía assistanco, to the cas.) of oalraged justice, bc has refused to givo. As Holdou and Kirl; are re-enacting, on u stage and ith accessoriea whch nak tb.' in conti 01 pliblu s well as flagi'jons the lyranouB tragedies of the darkes' d:iys of ihe war, io Pearson is battering the nstruoiïon (bat was giieu him by the recreant judrcs of tho Northern States. But tlie bad precedent lie has chusen to follow give b oertain litness to the reoommcnd.itb n he has beíii pleaeed to make tu thoe who bave sppeuled o him for juslice to transfer their application " to ihe Gbief Juatioé of tbu United States" The real au'bora of the niisehief in North Ctroltna are, indeed,not the petty olKeiala immediately answerabl3 for tbetu, but ihe Federal authorities from wber thesa derivo t'.icir ïnppiration :md upou wliom they rely for iiuuiuuity f:om iLe oousKjuenceii of (heit misdeeds. N itbiug is léarw tiiau ihat the power wbich deprives a eommanit; of ts chartcred rih tö is answerablo fur all tho cooseqaeocea wbich m:iy vesult from that privation. Tha Fcdi-il goveromeút has takeo from Noith Cüiolioa its i i;Jit to regálate :s own affaire aud to choos; its oun ru'crs. It devolví! upon tlio Federal I asaiuned its illegal refpouelbility - tu take care that the men whom it foisted nto power sliall not abate that powVsr to tbc detriment of tbo i.eople over wbom they aro set. And the uxecutive hoiici of that goveniia'i:ï. bits smoking t:;s uifT .r in stoüd silence wbilo the men whüiuLe alone retaius d power 1 ;i!id plunder om iksted tiie men whom the Federal govertiment bas abaudoued to their


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