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The Rothschilds, King William And Napoleon Iil

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"There wil! be no war,'' said latdy the aged uidow of Mayer An8elm Rotlis cLild to au aoquaiutatici'; for in y Bon will uot give theui tlie [Doney. Thia ws doubiless, also the idea of her grn AlfonBO llothsuliilJ, wheu ha carne to Etus to induce the King of Pruesia to give up Lts obstinate purposo and to rant soujo sir.all oonceasion to the longnir di'sire of the Frenoh uiouarch. Perlaps ho wished to Saj to tha KÍU2 that the Kothschilds would furnUh liiiu 119 money ; aud thal if he did not take piiy on the emeburragsmentof the Freach Emperor tuey would empliiy their fiuaüciul puwcr to the iujuiy oL Pmesia and Crerniany. However, King Willium carea uothing for all the Roihnchildi in the world. Ile baa a veil tl!ed treasury, with more thun thirty milli ih of harJ dollars, the oxact cpposite of the Frenoh treasury 1 accouots tihow uo'.hiug oscept on üebtor ei'ie. Beidee, tia Coaaoil o the North Geman üuufederatibn, in on the future upprobatiou of th Diet, has granted bim au uuümitec credit. Tho Kiwg. aocordiiigly, was uu wiüing to rovivt the finaacial neotia tor; aud while he himsolf packed oif th inipcrüüent Count BtuetJelti wilh t rouud answer, h; sent word to the riel Baron Bothvebild Ly a survant thut h waa not at homeAt this Mr. Alfonso geis angry an( resigns bis office as lJr:i.-skin Gvuíisu1 General in Paris. It must be admittec that tiiis is a very proper act on hi part ; for he would by uo moans be a suituble peison to represent the com mercial intereflts of (íoruiauy iu th Freoch capitol at the present time. II oughl also to be pniisod lor so warml; espousing the iutereets of the Empero Napoleon. Graütude is a beautiful bu not a very frequent virtue. When tho Prinee's tatber, in 1848, made in Pari the personal aoquaintunee of Lrui Napoleon, he was worth about two hun dred uiillions. Out of these two huu dred diillions, in consequenoe of the con venient informa' ion reeeived frora the Cabinet of the President at tho time o the coup d'eat, and sitice thun from the Cabinet oí tho Emperor, lie has mado two thouaand ïnillions; but of t'.ioso two thousaad mil.ions, tho greater part U eugaged in all aorts of Kpecubuions and euterpres which would turn out disa-strnusly if anj'thiu; uncxpecled bhou'n happon to the Empcror.


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