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rpHE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMPANY OF DETROIT, MICÏÏ. (ESTABUSI1ED IN 1S67 jonx J. nACii.KV, Phwidi, JACOB 3' FAIÏRAXP, Vico 'resident. JNÜ. T. UGüKTf. Sec rotary. JAMKS C. WATSON, Actiiatr. D. O.FAKKAND,M.D., Medical Exminr. A SucceBsful Michlfan Lift Iniuranco Comjwny, oritanizsd for tlie purpoè or luraishing Usuraoce uponiives at THE LOWEST COST COMPATIBLE Wlïd Absolute Sëcurity, and for the further purpose of KEEP1N6 1Í 0 X E Y AT ROME, wlwch heretofcrehae been Bent East, RATES AS LOW AS SAFETY PERMITS. EiNTJUJK MUTAL1TY AND STRICT EQUITY Marktbe syntem and prevalí in tbe cUfttribution ol ANKUAL DI"VIDEKDS TO THE INSUBED 1 roviKion of the State Lar, ana by thtir owu term, ALL POLICIES ARE NON-rORFElTABLE. IKWRAHC FURXIPHEIi OPON ALL DESIRABLE PLANS. All the BEST ft ATURES of the OW Companies! their ERROKS AVOIDED. SLCÜRiTY, ECONOMY, EQUITY AKD THE WEST, ITS MOTTO. Jg3f Vor Ageacies app'y at ' HOME OFFICE, Bank Block, Griswold Street. JZ% L M. THAYEK.Gen'i zont. FRED.I..HAIIS', Agent. W&ll ■ATWÍDEÑfflANWT REAL ESTÁTE AGEE ANN AKBOR, MICa OFFEES FOB SALE : 53 acres of tund.withln one half rm'efrom thecitj, tobe solcl in w]ioli',or pareéis, folltpr 24 acres on sectinn 1, in tlio tonn of Ann Arbor' bn!crii ir i 11 '1 e MM on tlie toad Itldlng lo ... ,. ; i s ' paper milis, a-nd iaa the son b on 15 acies Itnatídoo tlie northwes eoroer oi the Gorhan road and the uid Cornwell Facinry rod. (Thi is oneof tlio haniísomest situatioos in ihe ueigliborhood of Ann Arbor .) 13í acres improved land joining the sbove 15K acres and fronting Gorliam Road. Forty acre of First Clam Farming Lamí, wUh good Orchard nn'l Barn. 2,'í miles frum the Court II.jum, on tiie upper Ditburo road. 1 ere of lan with a new tivo story frame house on riiompaon, gjtoor & Thompi-on'a atiditiou to the City of Ann Arbor. 7 lot k of JÍ acre eacli, on Tboropnon, Spoor &Thoropsoii'h Addillon. a acres of land, with a splendid grore, joining the Firemen' Park on the Weet. 1 House and 1 % l'its of land, with Barn, WnshKitclii-u, Carri(r House, and a number of modern iraprovi-inii'ts, nu the northwest corner ot Fourth and l'ackard Street. 1 Iloase aod Lot in the 2d Ward, on South I.ibcrty Street. 1 House and 3 Lot In the 2d Ward, noar2d Ward School Uouee, 1 House and 4 Lots.neartho M.C. R.B. Depot. ;)20 acres of land in the south of the Ptate of Missouri , near the Ilunnibal St.Joseph Kailroad. 2 City tota near 2d Warcl School House. A.. WIDENMANN, FOREIGN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANN ARBOR, KICH. SELIS A1ID BUYS DRAFTS, -A. KT ID ISSUES LETTERS OF CREDIT ON ALL PRINCIPAL PLACES InGREATBRITA!N,r.EKMAY,FHANrE,5TCITZEKI.AN 11, fttc. M y direct counectioD with Kurope ennble me to olTer ai Talr rate aanny Nfw Yor Houm RenwinbeT, I fa Bot au atrenuf any l: if in tb i countr , bnt I uln ha ving '1 i reet coniin unica - tiun vrilh the bent house u Europe. COLLECTIONS IN EUEOPE BY POWER OK ATTOKXKY OP. OTHKRWISE, W1LI. BE PROMPTLY ATTENLI.D ÏO . PASSAGE TICKETS per Steamer to and frrnn Xcw Yoik to all principal porta of Europe lwill nell as follows: F rom New York to Soutbampton, Havre, London, Bremeo or Hamburg, lt ClftüB. 2(lClass. Stee'atrtí. $i:o. $72. $25 in Gold. Keturn tickets, 2ft. 135 Cl " " Fromabove placen to Kcw York, Int Clnss. 2d Cla&s. 3(1 Cía. $l0 $72. $40 U Gold. From New Yorkto Liverpool, Cftbin, $80 to $100 Currency. Steerage, $30 in Currency From Ltverpoolto New York, Cabin, $100. SictTage . $37 Lt. VTIDENMANÑ; FIEE INSÏÏRANCE AGENT For the lïoward InBDrancc Co. .in New York , one of the oldeeiand bcttComp&nie&in the country. The Teutonln. Insurance Company in CIcvclaDd. Tbe honorable and safe mnnagenier-t oi this instt ♦ ution ha madeltonc of the moBt reliable ïir Imursnc Compani'fin the West. Iï57jl


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Michigan Argus