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How To Work Off A Debt

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Debt is a very bad thing for a luboring man, but it s nat the worst evil tbat could befall him. If it is mside a stimulus to extra exertiOM, and if it iucites to a clcsa, rigid eeonomy iu savitjg money, it may he',p a nr.n to form excellent buincns habita. It is a perversity of human uature thut we scldom do more thau wo ure obligad to. An honest yoong mnn will foei that ho bas not any rijjlit to luxuries thaean just as well be dispfiised wilh, !nien hig creditori are waitiog fur their raoney. It Lis wife is a suiiable helpmcet, kIio vrill eschew fineiy uud expousive house furoishinga uutil sho eau buy them with honost nioney. If both will set out with a fixed dctermioattou to mako all tLey can and ► ave nll they cun tmvards paying off the dnbt, Ihey nsod Dot fo.-r, nader ordinary oircamstunoet, to go into business on a moderate amounf. of borrowrd capital Uut let every oua iu such a poaitiou, ieluembor to save even the pennios toYart8 the debt. Le' them not depiae, a too muc!i trouble, obiiging a nëighbor with evea a hulf-pint of milk every inorDÍng. Evon that trillo wonld pay the iuterest on orcr a hundred dollars for a vear. It is soms tronble to piek a ueiglibor the half dozen quarts of curran's or bonies jou do not wisli for yuuriL'lf, and you think it too litilo profit 1 1 make it worth while, but the dollur or even halt' d' you will gin will help towards t'uo debt. VVIien egs íorty ecuts a doz -n, t may bo a little selfdenial to dn without a niuc fait of theiu wiicn you have thcm in the houee, but a prucltni hnusekceper will uhncse rathcr to provide a leas expena he uieal end defer hor omelet until thcy re lower priced. Jy elow and steaily small paviugs, even very heavy debts are tlius workcd off, and raore than tlii;?, habí ;s are formed wliiuli lay the fun&datioa of future pi ineely fortunes. Manj a person nevur beg:iu to tlñnk pecuniurily unlil hs waij i:i debt. B'it to incur a debt above your probable means of lelr;:ying wilbio thti given lime, it iu not only nnwise but dishonest. Kcniembei' it will not depend 8)iiiieh upon whatyon earn, as up ín wbat you snve, whether y.m will be ab'e to puy it or iiot. -


Old News
Michigan Argus